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Posts posted by bankei

  1. Posted 2012-04-03 14:24:37

    are the teachings of buddha the absolute be all and end all needed to attain enlightenment? has there been any additions in the following 2500 years or so. Is it like islam for example in which the prophecies of mohammad were the last and final word.

    from someone interested to learn about buddhism

    There have been additions since before the Buddha died. Plenty of additions and deletions since too.

    One problem with claiming a 'final word' is which scripture to use. The Pali canon of the Theravada is neither the oldest nor the most accurate, but is often though of as such. There are older versions in other languages but these canons may not be complete.


  2. I did that a few trips back. Would never do it again and warn you against doing so.

    You will probably have to wait ages for the train and then be cramed in with backpacker types with heaps of luggage and little room. YOu will need to change trains to the BTS somewhere and lug your luggage up flights of stairs, queue up and buy another ticket. Then get into another ice cold airconned train full of people coming home from work. Then when you get to nana you have to take your luggage down the stairs and along the uneven footpaths.

    Best to get a taxi for 250B and get it over and done with.

  3. The vinaya rules relate to handling gold and silver. Some monks consider paper money to not count. Others think they are allowed to possess money, but not physically touch it. Others don't possess it but have others possess it and then use it to make frequent purchases or international air travel.

    I like Phra FabianFred's idea. It doesn't really matter if you touch it but you would be breaking the spirit of the teachings if you amassed wealth and got into a more business like arrangement of providing services for fees.

    Incidently it would be very hard to find a monk willing to ordain you if you did not make the usual donation of about 2000B.


  4. I will refrain from commenting on the quality of your research...

    If I got the law wrong please tell me where - other than your qualifications.

  5. MissChris

    Some good points but some also inaccurate. You are obviously not a lawyer if you are doing the law society wills course - which is for legal office staff.

    In NSW a will needs to be in writing, witnessed by 2 witnesses who are not beneficiaries. S 6 Succession Act


    Informal wills and not properly executed wills can be admitted in certain circumstances however.s8


    A lawyer can act as executor and charge if there is a charging clause in the will rule 11.1. See Professional Conduct and Practice Rules

    Legal Profession Act 1987


    Actually, not only do I have a LLB & LLM (Litigation & Dispute Resolution), but I have a practising certificate.

    I will refrain from commenting on the quality of your research...

    Including the fact that there were two courses run by the Law Society - one for solicitors, one for 'the legal office staff'.

    Then how come you got it wrong?

  6. MissChris

    Some good points but some also inaccurate. You are obviously not a lawyer if you are doing the law society wills course - which is for legal office staff.

    In NSW a will needs to be in writing, witnessed by 2 witnesses who are not beneficiaries. S 6 Succession Act


    Informal wills and not properly executed wills can be admitted in certain circumstances however.s8


    A lawyer can act as executor and charge if there is a charging clause in the will rule 11.1. See Professional Conduct and Practice Rules

    Legal Profession Act 1987


  7. The Prahm would probably be a brahminicle priest like person.

    Thailand is steeped in Brahminism with a smattering of Buddhism. What you seen all of those shrines in Bangkok to Brahma and Ganesh?


  8. This is no joke guys. Since I last wrote I've been diagnosed with cancer of a very rare kind. Doctors are pretty much clueless and now I feel totally alone in my fight to beat my multiplying medical problems. Despite having seen the so called best in Thailand, the cancer was only found because I insisted that they remove tissue and do biopsy on it.

    I am sorry to hear about your illness - but there is no logical basis that the cause of this is the so called curse.

  9. Stop beleiving in it and the effects will stop.

    If one believes in Buddhist realms as being actual states or dimensions of existence rather than mind states within one lifetime, then why can't a curse (invoking the power of those who inhabit hell or hunger realms) be real?

    For the same reason santa claus cannot be real - common sense!

  10. I was required to memorise the lot. You would not be allowed to take in notes either.

    Most of the thai men coming to ordain in my monastery take around 2 weeks to memorise. I, like you, had 5 days. I was told that I should give it a go and if I couldn't remember to just go through the novice ordinations (both ordinations were in the Bot right after each other). I struggled with it and then after about 3 days it started to click. Parts of it you may already know such as the Buddham saranam.... bits. Other parts are repetitive, so if you can remember the main bits such as the ends of the precepts ... veramani sikhapadam... etc then there is not so much to remember. I found the novice part to be hard to remember.

    For the questioning part, are you a human etc, I ignored thinking about the pali and just remembered the yes, yes, no bits - counting on my fingers.

    And, if you do get stuck one of the monks may prompt you, but they are not going to sit there and whipser the whole thing, mayb just the first few lines.


  11. I'd imagine that the Monk dances is also an issue.

    The 227 precepts also includes such things as:

    When in public will

    2)I will properly restrain the movements of hands and feet

    3) I will keep my eyes looking down.

    7) I will not sway my body about.

    8) I will not swing my arms about.

    9) I will not shake my head about.

    10) I will not put my arms akimbo.

    All of which may constitute dancing.

    Yes dancing is the issue. Monks just don't dance! Its unheard of (and maybe gay too).

    Also one of the 10 precepts.

  12. There are plenty of scandals involving Buddhist monks in the West too - many of them visiting monks though.

    In Sydney a western monk ordained Theravada monk was arrested on charges relating to drugs. He turned up in court in his robes.

    Also later on it had been found that he had lied about qualifications - such as being a medical doctor (from memory).


    There was a Sri lankan born monk arrested in Perth Australia a while back involving sexual penetration of a female devotee. There is an article about this in one of the online journals.

    In USA there are heaps of scandals. Monks sleeping with disciples - Tibetan and Zen traditions mainly. One had aids and infected many. Recently at least 2 eldlery Japanese priests were exposed as well. Also a number of Theravada Thai monks in USA have been accused of raping young girls - with a few even getting pregnant. On, and there is one old Sri lankan in Australia who allegedly fathered a child but refused to disrobe in the 1970s. He is still a monk as far as I know - see the book by Croucher History of Buddhism in Australia.


  13. Hi

    Thanks Phra Fabian for the commentary.

    Thanks Camerata - I had this post pulled from another so called Buddhism forum because it supposedly was disrespectful to the sangha. It is interesting how western Buddhists want to cover this sort of thing up but not the Thais.


  14. There is a recent news article on the Buddhist TV channel concerning a ‘coyote’ dancing monk. The monk was video taped dancing around in his temple in Bangkok (I did a search but was unable to find the video – please don’t search ‘coyote dancing’ on youtube as you will be pleasantly sidetracked).

    What is interesting about the news article is

    1. The monk was a senior monk with the title “Maha”, and
    2. The article is mainly about ‘gay’ monks in the Sangha.

    Somehow the author has conflated a dancing monk with being ‘gay’.


    What do you think?


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