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  1. Have a beer, do some bongs and relax. It's gonna be alright. https://foreignpolicy.com/2025/03/06/nato-5-percent-defense-spending-trump-russia-ukraine/ “To be honest, 2 percent is not nearly enough,” NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte said in January. “To stay safe in the years to come, allies will need to spend considerably more.” His suggestion—a new minimum threshold of up to 3.7 percent—also came with a warning: “If you don’t do it, get your Russian-language courses or go to New Zealand.” Trump's Five Percent Doctrine and NATO Defense Spending "President Donald J. Trump is right to push US allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to do more for collective defense: The wolf is at the door in Ukraine." "The US has been the world’s largest defense spender since the 1940s, tallying $880 billion in military spending in 2023[1] (3.36 percent of GDP), roughly double what China and Russia spent combined. NATO spent $1.28 trillion on defense in 2023, or about 54 percent of the global total (in constant dollars). Had all NATO members spent 5 percent of GDP on defense in 2023, their expenditures would have surpassed actual total global defense spending" https://www.piie.com/blogs/realtime-economics/2025/trumps-five-percent-doctrine-and-nato-defense-spending Had NATO and the EU made this a priority back in 2017, Russia MAY not have went after Ukraine. Peace through strength, what a concept.
  2. https://www.cnbc.com/2025/01/19/charting-the-biden-economy-deeply-unpopular-despite-growth-and-jobs.html To the untrained eye, Joe Biden leaves the presidency with what appears to be a sterling economic record: hiring proceeding at a solid clip, gross domestic product on the rise and consumers still spending at a strong pace. There’s just one problem, and it is one that will forever taint Biden’s legacy, the one that sank him and his party politically and for which he will always be remembered. “Inflation was two-and-a-half times higher under President Biden than it was under President Trump. That essentially was the key catalyst for the return to Trump’s policy, which was one of very good growth and low and stable inflation.”
  3. The French are planning ahead what with the newly unpurched stockpiles of wine and champagne and they know how much Russians love their caviar. You know, just in case.
  4. you mean like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/194568838677 I'm pretty proud of this one: I also have about 1/6 of these, some with "clusters". I earned them but they stay in the drawer. https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/US-Navy-Uniforms/Uniform-Regulations/Navy-Awards-Precedence/
  5. Yes, you do need a history lesson. Finland was invaded by the USSR or are you not old enough to remember them? On topic: When you "Rattle Your Sabers" sometimes the other guy just runs you through and moves on.
  6. This is no time for hurt feelings and wet panties. This also isn't the time for a meeting to set up a committee who will launch a study that will be sent to "An Expert Annalist" to review and write an opinion....
  7. Like the deportation of terrorists, gang members, illegals sucking on the taxpayer funded tit. Like ruling that our military MUST remain DEI instead of defending the country with prejudice. Like ordering the WH to restore waste, fraud and abuse by reopening USAID. (AND this is AFTER it was exposed) The "List Of Lost Causes" and just blatant defiance because the troughs are drying up. I'm sorry but I think ordering the US Government to continue the destruction of the country is wrong by any standards. These judges are causing more countries to be nervous than tariffs are. Waiting and watching to see where the power lies. In my opinion, No one but the SCOTUS should rule on anything coming from their counterparts. Curious that ALL of these so-called "Legal Challenges" are coming with an accompanying "audition" video of dem relevance and insult hurling practice.
  8. I agree and disagree. For the past few decades we've only had 2-3 strong presidents. I include 45/47 as 1 of the strong ones BUT, as 45, he came in as purely a businessman and was attacked by a government machine "The likes nobody has ever seen before". If you completely remove emotion from the equation and do an analysis of the systematic attacks on "An Outsider" in the inter sanctum. Surprise FBI visits, a smear campaign that extended across 9 yrs labeling him as everything evil, vile and imaginary, but is now driving citizens to him. NONE of this is very calming to the world. I completely agree with the reciprocal tariffs push. Pretty much every current trade deal doesn't favor the US and as a businessman that's unacceptable. From my own personal experiences living in the states that a full tank of fuel costs about 20-ish% less than in 2024. Egg prices (blamed on President Trump) cost $7.98 in Jan 2025 and in just 2 months have dropped to $4.69. As for your closer: "The rest of the world will probably get along without the USA though sadly IMHO the USA won't be able to get along without the rest of the world." This is what President Trump wants but NOT for the nefarious reasons being bantered about. He wants to make money for America yes (kind of part of the job) but he wants peace and prosperity for the good, controls in place for the bad and total annihilation of the ugly. If the EU and NATO were capable of backing a strong play without waiver, we could eliminate the ugly in a yr. JMHO
  9. He canceled it because it was being enforced worse that "Prohibition" was. Especially when Biden released them from sanctions. A couple of interesting reads if you care to. Makes one wonder how deep this stuff went for money. https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/blog/5-times-obama-admin-insisted-cash-way-pay-iran/ https://www.factcheck.org/2024/05/posts-misrepresent-unfreezing-of-16-billion-in-iranian-funds/ What a difference a few yrs has made to today. 🤔
  10. waiting til the story unfolds. Europe better hang on to their butts.
  11. I can't give you a break but I CAN try and educate you. China-linked network funding key anti-Israel protest groups in US - report https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-801204 The Pro-Hamas Movement’s Threat to America https://www.heritage.org/middle-east/commentary/the-pro-hamas-movements-threat-america Meet the Pro-CCP Marxist Revolutionary Group Behind the Mahmoud Khalil Protests https://tennesseestar.com/culture/meet-the-pro-ccp-marxist-revolutionary-group-behind-the-mahmoud-khalil-protests/jtnews/2025/03/21/ Chinese Communist Party-allied group behind Hamas-friendly protests in US https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/2577517/chinese-communist-party-allied-group-behind-hamas-friendly-protests-in-us/ Chinese Communist Party-linked network behind 'well-funded' anti-Israel campus protests, group says https://www.foxnews.com/us/chinese-communist-party-linked-anti-israel-campus-protests-well-funded-non-organic-group-says The Chinese Communist Party: Threatening Global Peace and Security https://2017-2021.state.gov/the-chinese-communist-party-threatening-global-peace-and-security/ That should get you started.
  12. So, the UK is bring electricity to people with nothing to plug in. Seems to be catching on. Good Job UK.
  13. H3LL YEA! Back to the good 'ol days. President Trump carries as does Putin. Guess Zelensky can come and pound his D!@k on the table or try and borrow 1 when he gets there. 🤠
  14. Hoping they roll in with firetrucks on 1 side and police on the other side next time there's a 'protest' aka terrorist uprising. Hose those F%#kers down and push them right over to their future deportation.
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