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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. I am in Tarn Dong,part of the Kad Farang complex it has a Clubhouse but I have not seen it open yet,I dont mind having a few beers with the locals.

    My gf and I turned off 108 and looked around Kad Farang the other day on our way to San Pa Tong. I was pleasantly surprised by the development. What can you tell me ( and TV members) about this place? Prices? All farang? My gf claims that Thai families also live there.

    i can't tell if you are actually being serious or are that naive to think kad falang is 'all falang'. "My gf claims that Thai families also live there." ah well this Thailand no?

  2. There is a shop called Only Natural, behind the market at Mee chok plaza. Not cheap but idealistic people, they make good sourdough bread and make kefir and so on.

    surely this place is out of business, no? i live nearby and have not seen it open at all. been meaning to drop in. just rode by earlier today and it looked all locked up with a metal door and no signs out front, only the one on top.

  3. Bamboo Bar - San Sai Noi. No pool table, but otherwise I think it would suit what you are asking. It's cheap too.

    The owner is a nice jovial host but the place is a bit of a kip .My wife refuses to use the toilets there and so can not be perswaded to go .Also he has a big screen showing football every night ,with people glued to it .For people uninterested in Socker its not much cop ..

    There is a new bar restaurant called Andrews which opened about 6 months ago .It is also run by an English man ,and is very clean and well presented .It deserves more customers than it presently gets .Its near to the small Tesco/Lotus on the outer ring road the 121 .Take the road at that traffic lights towards town direction and its down about 100 meters on the left ..

    Bamboo Bar is not the most comfortable place although the people are friendly. they desperately need more [comfortable] tables and chairs and a good cleaning wouldn't hurt!

    the other place mentioned is much more comfortable. the owner is an Aussie. nice chap.

  4. Could someone please briefly translate the Thia newspaper article into english please?? Thankyou...

    why so interested?

    suspect believed to be in Hat Yai. believed to be Pakistani. stole gold, diamonds, and several hundred thousand Baht from the victim before killing her. surveillance at the border crossings; Thailand and Malaysia. reward for the capture and arrest of the killer.

  5. I had mine done at Sripat 3 years back, at age 39, no kids, 8,000 B.

    I'm glad I got it done but I cant recommend the doctor, unfortunatly I cant remember his name.

    He turned up 2 hrs late, I'd been lying in an icy theater all that time.

    My balls had shriveled up like walnuts & he proceeded to rush the job as he had people waiting upstairs.

    Not much pain , but infection & inflamation later.

    However its all working just fine now.

    Get it done, way to many people in the world already.

    sounds like a great experience and then the other guy whose doc at Lanna hospital cut the wrong vein. no thanks. don't understand why anybody would do this.

  6. some strange responses from the men on here. why don't your girlfriend's or wives just take the pill? I don't understand the spending 8000 Baht to get your balls cut open. weird if you ask me.

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  7. I know of one group that on their website are claiming that it`s possible to retire in Thailand on $550 per month. Total rubbish.

    Hmmmm, I seem to have retired to Thailand on $300 a month, have a car, m/c, big house, family and babies. Maybe I'm one of those guys with dementia, living in the 'impossible' dream.

    And all the Thais families that live around me seem to do OK on less than $200 a month, they must be dreaming too.

    hahahahahahahaha lol sure. I have to laugh at this. there is always a joker in the deck.

  8. ^^^

    Well it's a narrow one, my friend: "the exception to this are those fortunate enough to have their income supplemented by their 'old fart' parents".

    So there are no younger people here who sold their 3-400k (sterling) pad, renting out houses in the West, playing the stocks, earning US$200 a day through Adsense/affiliates, big money on the rigs down south .. ?

    Have no issue with the oldies, it's the high percentage of po-faced gits that get on my wick... that and immigration becoming overloaded with them. whistling.gif

    Furthermore they said that the Chinese tourists NEVER try and haggle prices like Western tourists do. These people spend REAL money, In case you haven't noticed, they are already pouring into Chiang Mai as well.

    I think you are getting mixed up with Japs and Koreans. The Chinese have a western attitude and have mostly come from poor upbringing...WHICH MEANS....they haggle, they bargain to the point of being rude. They want discount on a promotion, they think a party of 2 warrants a big discount..."ork pai" no thankyou.

    The Thais (according to mrs E) regard the Chinese as the rudest, and mingiest (stingy mingy) and there is suspicion around them. They have few good manners and yes I agree now I have seen them in my business compared to all the other nations, they are not the friendliest nation; and they have little respect for others...but hey if we can hold our tongue and keep smiling for a couple of hours then i love them all.


    You are correct on one thing....the chinese are now the number One tourists into Thailand not just Chiang Mai

    I'm only saying what I saw and heard the Thais say when they were interviewed by BBC reporters that "the Chinese tourists never try and haggle prices like Western tourists do."

  9. ^^^

    Well it's a narrow one, my friend: "the exception to this are those fortunate enough to have their income supplemented by their 'old fart' parents".

    So there are no younger people here who sold their 3-400k (sterling) pad, renting out houses in the West, playing the stocks, earning US$200 a day through Adsense/affiliates, big money on the rigs down south .. ?

    Have no issue with the oldies, it's the high percentage of po-faced gits that get on my wick... that and immigration becoming overloaded with them. whistling.gif

    There are plenty of younger people here with a nice dosh that they made on their own. And I concur with jackr, the high percentage of older people here is too much.

    Member "lizardtongue" did you not see the "Amazing Thailand" series on BBC, CNN, etc. that has been running for the last 2-3 months? The Ministry of Tourism expects tourism in Thailand to be as much as 40% Chinese by the end of 2015. There are already 12 direct flights per day from mainland China to Phuket and soon to be 15. When interviewed, Thai business people said that Chinese tourists out-spend "white Western tourists by as much as 50%" and that they are delighted with the changing demographics. Furthermore they said that the Chinese tourists NEVER try and haggle prices like Western tourists do. These people spend REAL money, not a few cocktails at a bar and a tart 'to go' afterwards. In case you haven't noticed, they are already pouring into Chiang Mai as well. Most of the white Western people I see eating at 20 Baht road-side noodle stalls are elderly people. The young people with money are eating in the Nimman area.

  10. Oh gawd, not more oldies. rolleyes.gif


    Chiang Mai needs less old people and more people in their 20's, 30's, and 40's. It's becoming like a community you would find in Florida. What is the attraction? I don't get it. Some of these people look like fish out of water when you see them around town.

    Blame the recent internet news sites citing Chiang Mai as a great place to retire.

    Young people have a hard time making a living here whereas oldsters can actually live on their meager social security or other pensions. Not to mention an old man can find a youngish lady who "love him too much!"

    That's the attraction, IMHO.

    Well that will change once the Chinese invasion is complete and they drive the prices on everything up to the moon. The old farts won't even be able to afford a smile from one of these "youngish ladies".

  11. Oh gawd, not more oldies. rolleyes.gif


    Chiang Mai needs less old people and more people in their 20's, 30's, and 40's. It's becoming like a community you would find in Florida. What is the attraction? I don't get it. Some of these people look like fish out of water when you see them around town.

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