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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. Can't come up with the name but I it is a huge flower show with gardens from many nations in ted world it is close to the Night Safari. It has a bus traveling around it you can get off and enjoy the area around you and catch another one to another spot. Beautiful and peaceful. I believe every four years there is a big celebration there some thing to do with the Queen.

    I hope some one here can come up with the name and a little more info on how to get to it.

    This whole thread is full of helpful suggestions.


    take memo to self to use spellchecker before sending

    the International gardens are once every 5 years. nowhere to picnic there. nice try.

  2. Had lunch today at Green table restaurant in kantary terrace and it was excellenf, The portions are absolutely sufficient, very good quality and every dish we had were well cooked. They serve some free bread with garlic butter. I had a entree with Italian salami and carpaccio with some cheese and grilled vegetables and salade, 159 baht, A Salmon Fettucini, a sufficient amount of tender salmon, the pasta was exactly all dente how it supposed to be and a delicious sauce, 159 baht. The dishes from my wife and daughter were also excellent. They serve also some different hamburgers with salade and French fries, 225 - 250 baht. I noticed many wealthy Thai families and of course the inevitable farang like me. I recommend this restaurant as a critical consumer, you will not be dissapointed.

    because they serve 159 Baht meals the Thais you observed there are "wealthy Thai families"? I have run into the lady who sells fruit juice near my house and her husband in a much more expensive restaurant than that.

  3. Dating women in Chiang Mai might be easy, but it's not easy for a farang woman to find the right guy. There's too much competition.

    How can a Western woman compete within a culture where the women treat their men like Kings in exchange for security for extended family? A 60 year old man being waited upon hand and foot by a 25 year old woman with little or no demands other than supporting the extended family? It's a 'contract,' with roles that need to be fulfilled by both sides to maintain that contract. (Obviously this is not something that covers EVERY relationship between Thai women and Farang men! Please don't assume I meant it to be so. It's just a generalization.)

    Western cultural values and expectations are very different. Western women expect more from their men than just security. And Western culture values those 'other' expectations more than Thai culture. They spawned the concept of 'Jewish American Princess' as well as 'Prince Charming.' Interesting stereotypes, but the reality is that if Prince Charming really loved Cinderella, he wouldn't have had to check every other woman's foot to know who she was...

    women treat their men like kings here? where did you read that? lol, maybe 25 years ago.

  4. Dating women in Chiang Mai might be easy, but it's not easy for a farang woman to find the right guy. There's too much competition.

    Rene, as farang women we are in a different category, so there isnt much competition. The problem lies instead with not as much decent material for US to chose from...

    dont take the bait. rene123 is an old bald-headed man masquerading as a woman.

  5. these are small time scams, 10K Bahts here and there. there are professional cons who target Thai women through on-line relationships, etc. i used to see a lady in C.M. about 8 or 9 years ago. she came from a fabulously wealthy family in Hang Dong. her family was wealthy on both sides and she had considerable assets. after we parted ways she struck up an on-line relationship with an Australian. he came to C.M. to see her. upon arrival he presented her with a diamond ring, professed his love for her and asked her to marry him. he invited her (and her child) to come to Australia to see his beach house. they went and were impressed. upon returning to C.M. he came 3 or 4 more times to visit, meet her family, etc. this girl was terribly naive, sheltered by her father, etc. apparently the Australian convinced her to give him all of her passwords for all her email accounts, on-line banking, credit cards, etc. he also had her drive him around and show him all of the lots she owned in C.M., her P/L statements from her businesses and so forth. he was monitoring all of her activities and convinced her to move her business to Australia where they would run it 'together'. he told her father that he had not been in Thailand before and these were his first visits. something struck the father as odd and he contacted a police friend to do a little digging. turned out the guy had been married for less than 6 months to an older Thai woman (about 45-50 y/o, divorced or widowed). they met on-line and after numerous trips to BKK at her expense he convinced her to buy him a condo in Sukhumvit. he dumped her shortly thereafter, divorced, etc. he had met another divorced or widowed woman in BKK on-line. she was giving him a monthly allowance of about 50K THB plus endless plane tickets to come see her. he had convinced her to let him manage the real estate portfolio that she had inherited and had already liquidated one of her properties at the time. the father found all this out and confronted the daughter and overnight had her and her child 'disappear' from C.M. for years.

  6. Why do you care where they are?

    What do you own a mini mart with too much cheap beer on hand, and no lazy Russians to buy it. Well for me I'm glad they are gone maybe he locals can make some money now. I'm sure the Cyprus banking scam is taking all there hardly earned money.

    Thailand is much better off w/o Russian tourist's. Come back our Northern European friends. Hello old friend, long time no see.

    Sent from my A200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    rather amusing... but yes what happened to all the northern Europeans? when I first came to Thailand many years ago every other falang I met was from Sweden or Denmark or Finland. now...well... i'll be cheeky here and say that I don't care too much for the Russians being in Thailand either. seeing them in Phuket one would think they never bothered to study a little about the customs here before coming. yes, i too miss meeting all those nice northern Europeans. i always had nice friendships with them. things have really changed.

    The Swedes,Finns, Danish etc are all in Hua Hin Easy to spot, all wearing socks with their sandals smile.png Check the price of condos down there and guess who the majority of buyers are

    oh that's where they are hiding. i just got back from Hua Hin 2 days ago but didn't see any Scandinavians while i was there. must have been in all the wrong places. biggrin.png what i did see was many very wealthy Thais, quite a few Brits (easy to spot by the bad teeth), and dare i say a number of Russians too. but they were the well-heeled variety, polite and well mannered. i did notice some condos being built on PetKasem near the mall for 1.9 million THB but when reading the small print, they are only 30 square meters, about the size of one of my bathrooms in C.M.

  7. Why do you care where they are?

    What do you own a mini mart with too much cheap beer on hand, and no lazy Russians to buy it. Well for me I'm glad they are gone maybe he locals can make some money now. I'm sure the Cyprus banking scam is taking all there hardly earned money.

    Thailand is much better off w/o Russian tourist's. Come back our Northern European friends. Hello old friend, long time no see.

    Sent from my A200 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    rather amusing... but yes what happened to all the northern Europeans? when I first came to Thailand many years ago every other falang I met was from Sweden or Denmark or Finland. now...well... i'll be cheeky here and say that I don't care too much for the Russians being in Thailand either. seeing them in Phuket one would think they never bothered to study a little about the customs here before coming. yes, i too miss meeting all those nice northern Europeans. i always had nice friendships with them. things have really changed.

  8. Yep I learned a lot I learned that I don't like the attitude of western women and I much prefer the asian mentality of taking care of the breadwinner and the close family ties within.

    Would never ever marry a westerner again because I am happily Married for 7 years with a FANTASTIC thai family that takes care of me and me of them.



    PS Im a self admitted Chauvenist Pig and I like it that way a women's place is in the kitchen

    the "Asian mentality of taking care of the breadwinner" is a thing of the past. it no longer exists. Asian women are driven, want careers, independence and so forth. maybe 10-15 years ago... i've never known a Thai or any other Asian woman who pampers men. every male i know here in Thailand; both Thai and farang, concurs.

  9. I don't think I need to worry too much about opinions written on the Mayo Clinic's site and it never hurts to double check. I check that against WebMD. Hey, they are just opinions, but a couple of times I have learned important things from them.

    Do I think doctors are human and can make mistakes? Of course. I even made a mistake once myself. (I thought I was wrong but I wasn't hahaha.)

    everyone should double-check any medical advice given to them. everyone should double-check and check for drug interactions with other medicines you are taking. when is the last time, if any, a pharmacist in Thailand has asked you what other medicines you are taking??? Mayo Clinic's site is a good reference. everyone should research what they are taking before taking a medicine prescribed to you. Dr.'s make mistakes all the time.

  10. Manufacturer Boehringer Ingelheim Distributor <a href="http://www.mims.com/Thailand/Company/Info/Zuellig">Zuellig Contents Dipyridamole

    you should be able to find it, no problem. Zuellig Pharma Thailand is a large distributor in Thailand. it appears Aggrenox is the name of the product here (Dipyridamole). the pharmacy close to Black Canyon at Thapae - Preecha I believe is the name of the pharmacy should have it for you.

    • Like 1
  11. ...- their past could be an issue, but usually only if you let it. Damage and mental scaring is no more inherent to prostitution (in this country at least) than other historical events that could happen to impressionable youngersters - ideed, ex- prostitutes may well be better positioned (through survival of the fittest and experience) to weather such issues, where "daddy's little girl" might not be.

    lol a psychiatrist would have a field day with your line of thinking. many of these sex-workers have been beaten senseless, addicted to methamphetamine for many years, raped, robbed, spent time in prison... but hey they are not 'damaged' nor have any mental scaring according to your estimation? ever read any psychology books, taken group therapy, or known any dysfunctional people that came from dysfunctional families?

  12. So, Finy, here's a view of my Bt.7000 per month studio at Nakornping... smile.png

    Don't mean to be rude, but that would be fine for a couple of days as a hotel room. How could anyone stay in a small space like that for more than a couple of days? I would get so claustrophobic I would snap. Certainly some of the people on this site don't live like that in their home countries. Why do it here?


    In London all I could afford was a room a lot smaller than that with shared bathroom and kitchen, and without a balcony.The alternative was a larger room with 3 hours daily travelling time to work. Hundreds of thousands of people live like that.

    I agree. no one I've ever known in Europe, North America (O.K. maybe someone I met in Mexico), South America, Asia...would live like that, unless of course they were a student.

  13. Downloaded a screener of this film last night for wifey (in Mandarin with English subtitles...wifey speaks Mandarin).

    Gotta say the film aint half bad, funny, good acting, great characters, does'nt portray Thailand in any real negative light at all. Nice scenery and you can recognise some of the places in CM, not really cliched at all. Good story and poster on film not really reflective of film itself. Some really funny moments but not trying all out to be a comedy.

    All in all quite a good movie.

    As a side wifey has been asked to gather 7 other Mandarin speakers for tour guides for plane loads of Malaysian Chinese coming here for Chinese New Year.....apparently for two weeks. Usually wifey will only work with 2 or 3 others so the numbers are on the up (movie plus direct Airasia flights plus Chinese New Year). Funnily enough most of the other Mandarin speakers will probably be Burmese .....

    Wifey? sad.png

    i see that often on this forum. is that Australian slang? i don't believe it is used in Europe or America, that i am aware of at least. it's an odd reference.

  14. umm ... call me a pedant but Chiang Mai is 700+ km north of BKK ... if they can't get that right, hard to trust anything else they say. Unless there is another Chiang Mai 100km south of here...

    Take everything you read in a Thai news article with a large pinch of salt.

    At least they didn't print his name and passport page all over the place. No one should be linked to such offenses until proven guilty.

    Name is on Thai network TV, it seems...

    They showed his open passport close up on channel 3 news.

  15. just saw it on the Thai news. Michael Klaus been living in Amphur Chang Phuek Chiang Mai for more than 20 years. he was arrested with a Thai man as well who looked to be in his 30's. German guy looked scared as hell. computers were seized as well as bags of condoms and pills.

    Was having sex with 12-15 y/o boys and (as I understood it), pimping them out to other child molesters.

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