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Posts posted by Oscar2

  1. Never used it, but maybe you need to check out the deductible and other terms to see what you're actually paying for. Some accident insurance excludes motorcycle accidents, for example. And, for any sort of serious accident, Baht 30,000 isn't going to pay for much.

    You should at least check with BUPA or some other health insurers to see what you can get and how they payout for different types of accidents. Depending on your age, I would think there are policies that have higher potential payouts. At Baht 2500, you're paying over 8% of the maximum you may expect to receive.

    It includes death insurance of 600k, and loss of earning insurance if you are working.

    M/c accidental cover is specified, it's a comprehensive accident insurance, no deductibles.

    30k medical covers a lot of work in a Thai government/private hospital.

    most of those policies exclude moto accidents. check the fine print. and as far as your assertion that "30k medical covers a lot of work in a Thai government/private hospital.", maybe 10 years ago! i was in a moto accident this year, was taken to a cheapo hospital nearby - 38,000 Baht the first day, 25,000 Baht each day thereafter. check around at the cost of surgeries, CT scans, setting bones, drugs, therapists, and i think you will see that 30k Bahts is nothing here now when it comes to hospital care.

    • Like 2
  2. Donors' Qualifications:

    1. 17-70 years of age

    2. Excellent health, with the weight over 45 kg

    3. No history of hepatitis or jaundice

    4. No history of malarial fever for the past 3 years and no sexually transmitted diseases, infectious diseases, persistent cough, coughing up blood, hemophilia, blood-related diseases, asthma, allergy, epilepsy, long-term skin diseases, kidney diseases, heart problems, diabetes, thyroid.

    5. No considerable weight loss

    6. No behaviors of sexual promiscuity. No record of drug use.

    7. Blood donation is not recommended during the 6 months after a medical operation, child delivery, or abortion. In case of receiving donated blood, allow 1 year before giving blood.

    8. Female donors are not menstruating or pregnant.


    Seems a bit different from when I last went there. No. 6 would probably disqualify a few expats...

    You forgot homosexuals -- NOT ALLOWED TO DONATE

    We are a danger for the world.

    it's for obvious reasons it not? much higher chance of HIV for homosexuals and IV drug users.

  3. I started off with bikes which were great fun UNTIL I had an accident and broke my collar bone.....I suspect if you ride a bike long enough that sooner or later you will have some kind of accident and IF you are a bit older you'll find it takes forever if ever to heal...

    I loved the freedom of a bike BUT.....as many say re bikes it's not if you will have an accident it is when. I always worried I would get hit by a car or another bike...but when my accident occurred there wasn't another person in sight..just an ugly hole and a quick flip over the handlebars onto the dirt...lucky I had on a helmet or I would not be typing this now.

    yup, after my accident I would never want to touch a m/c again. We have a car and would never go the m/c route again. You could be killed in a heartbeat. I know, I came very close to dying. if you want to live get a car.

    • Like 1
  4. i'm continuously baffled when I see people (adults) looking for "rooms" for rent. i've lived in the USA and even kids going to college look for apartments or houses to rent. In fact, I've never heard of anyone "renting a room"; especially an adult. i've lived for long periods of time in several European countries where people look to rent "flats". but I always find it so strange when adults on this forum continuously look for a single room with a toilet to live in. that would be like spending your time in a hotel room. what do these people do when family or friends come to visit? do they invite them into their "room". where do they sleep? eat?

    I'm 22 and a room or studio apartment suits me perfectly, I don't really have people visit, but thanks for your concern.

    wasn't picking on you. i really meant single men/women in their late 50's-80's. 22 is still a kid to me.wink.png

  5. i'm continuously baffled when I see people (adults) looking for "rooms" for rent. i've lived in the USA and even kids going to college look for apartments or houses to rent. In fact, I've never heard of anyone "renting a room"; especially an adult. i've lived for long periods of time in several European countries where people look to rent "flats". but I always find it so strange when adults on this forum continuously look for a single room with a toilet to live in. that would be like spending your time in a hotel room. what do these people do when family or friends come to visit? do they invite them into their "room". where do they sleep? eat?

  6. didn't want to start a new thread so thought i would ask on this one as it seemed relevant...

    i wasn't able to attend the European Film Festival this year because I was in a road accident the day it began.

    could anyone share the titles of which films they enjoyed the most at the festival? I like European films and missed them all this year so I thought I would see if I could take a look and find on the Internet some of the films. it may be difficult as some of them, i believe, were specially dubbed or sub-titled in English for the purpose of the festival.

    thanks for your input.

  7. good luck on that one.

    you are not looking for a housekeeper. you are looking for an English speaking home health-care taker. you will need to contact a home health care agency. my rough guess is they will charge you 30K THB per month for a trained employee to come 7 days per week. we once needed a trained nurse to come for about 8 hours a day and it was 500 Baht per day/shift and that was only Thais doing the talking/paying with no farang involvement. for someone to take care of your personal needs plus doing the cooking, shopping, etc., expect to pay double that.

    to help you out of bed, in the shower, etc. they may well send a male nurse as some female nurses may not feel comfortable like nurses in the West.

  8. yes indeed. i was recently in a very serious motorcycle accident. was one of the scariest moments of my life. lucky to be here to write this. it was the fault of the careless driver of the car. i suffered multiple severe injuries.

    be careful everyone. very dangerous out there.

    very sorry to hear about the OP's friend.

  9. thinking of going to Mae Hongson. in all the years i've never been there. the wife was watching a travel show a few weeks ago and it looked very nice. she's interested as well. rainy season will be here but the hot season was just too hot to travel and we couldn't handle it then. we'd like to go for 3 days or so. what is the best way to get there? what is there to do other than look at temples and markets? is there a particular place to stay that is recommended? looked on agoda.com but there seems to be little interest and most of the places advertised had few reviews. anyone been? do you recommend it? thank you.

  10. the wife studied there. but her course was 6 months for spa treatment training. the government also paid her 50 Baht per day to attend. i don't think you can sign up there. you have to go the main office in Mae Rim and take an 8 hour written test in anatomy, English and so forth. They let you know by post if you pass and when you can begin training in SK. maybe the massage course is lest strict. when she graduated #1 in the class, she got a certificate guaranteeing her 790 Baht per day when and if she were to be employed. CMai doesn't pay that much but Phuket, Pattaya, etc. does. she never did anything with it.

    She never did anything with it because you don't want your wife giving handy J's to other men all day? Good choice.

    what? there are some weird things people post on this website. don't see what facial treatment has to do with that.

  11. the wife studied there. but her course was 6 months for spa treatment training. the government also paid her 50 Baht per day to attend. i don't think you can sign up there. you have to go the main office in Mae Rim and take an 8 hour written test in anatomy, English and so forth. They let you know by post if you pass and when you can begin training in SK. maybe the massage course is lest strict. when she graduated #1 in the class, she got a certificate guaranteeing her 790 Baht per day when and if she were to be employed. CMai doesn't pay that much but Phuket, Pattaya, etc. does. she never did anything with it.

    the school is obviously a left-over relic of the Thaksin days with ridiculous over-spending. the spa part of the school has like 60 rooms when there is never more than 15 students per class, huge landscaped gardens (mostly dead now), over-built to the max, rusty old things and cobwebs everywhere. i went a couple of times as a Guinea pig for facial treatments. facial not my thing but interesting building.

  12. There are 3 free shuttle buses (looks like rod dang) in front of the mall.

    No.1 Promenada->Chiang Mai University->Nimmanaemin-> Promenada

    No.2 Promenada->Airport Intersection->Chiang Mai Gate-> 3 Kings Monument->Kad Luang(Varorot Market)->Train Station->Promenada

    No.3 Promenada->Payup University Food center> Kairos Square Payup University-> Promenada

    Thank you

    now this old cheapskate farang can get his FREE ride.

  13. As someone living out in the countryside, I too am not happy about the outward growth of CM. But aren't there enough shopping opportunities within the city? KSK, Airport Plaza, & soon to arrive Maya? I thought the idea of out of town shopping was to prevent the congestion caused by the out of towners trying to get into town to shop. With ample shopping in the city, why would city dwellers want to head out of town to shop?

    Well we all know talk is cheap and for sire if you have been following this for the last two years you know what I mean. Upscale shops same as air port shops and on it goes. For myself I want to see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies. Check out the new Rimping it is supposed to be the best of the lot and in General see what it has to offer. Will English be more available?

    I to would like to know if they are going to have free transport from various locations in the city like the two routes for the Air Port Mall. I am also interested in knowing if I buy a lot of groceries if there will be tuck tucks and Songhtows or Cabs there as there is at KSK and the Airport Mall.

    They are putting a lot of money into this mall and they openly admitted that they are reaching out to areas outside Chiang Mai as they feal there is not enough here to warrant them with out customers from other areas. In a way we will be going out there to protect the locals from having a great big deserted shopping Mall.

    No thanks needed.

    Just tell us if there is free transport and where and when to catch it.

    Also how to find there movie listings in English or is it a little early for that?

    why should anyone do something for you for free? who are you? if you are so interested in "see what they have done with the outsider grounds check the theaters out as I do enjoy movies" then why not flag a tuk tuk and pay the money to get there just like a Thai would have to unless perhaps a relative is going and can take them there?

    when the mother in law wants to shop at Big C Don Chan, she calls a tuk tuk, the guy comes for her, drops her off, and then waits in the parking lot for her call when she is done shopping. then he goes to the door, loads her bags into the tuk tuk and takes her home and unloads the bags for her. for this she pays 250 Baht. she would never dream that someone should do this for free for her and she is Thai. as for your demands to have everything printed in English just for you...everyday when i am out i hear countless old farangs speaking in Thai to shopkeepers, waitresses, taxi drivers, government people, etc. just because you are too lazy to buy a dictionary or translation software or learn like the others do, maybe they should build a English website just for you?

    • Like 2
  14. I had a take away mushroom and ham pizza last night from Mama Mia and it was with mozzarella cheese and excellent quality as before. If you have any problems discuss it with Joseph as he is a nice guy

    It was last night that we went, my wife and I talked to the mother, a nice lady, but she told us they had changed the recipe for this 'healthy' but pretty awful recipe. Something doesn't quite gel, maybe the poster who said they had temporarily run out of mozzarella is correct, but then telling us would have been a better option because I don't give custom to cheese-less pizzas. I have only seen Joseph there once in the many times that we've been, but we go early because of the kids.

    Just like telling us that they were out of sausage pizza "sausage pizza mot laaao" would have been the better option as we would have ordered something else and would have most likely returned even though the tomatoe sauce was too sweet and aimed at what Thais might like. But by serving a "hot dog pizza" in order not to lose the sale it was a real disappointment and we never returned.
    I had one of those hot dog pizzas too. What puzzled me the most about that was that I went to Mamma Mia on the advice of an expert chef on ThaiVisa who, in concurrent threads, was promoting this place and criticizing La Fontana for for not using authentic recipes. Still can't figure out why La Fontana got slammed in this forum an Mamma Mia praised, unless of course there are occasionally conflicts on interest on ThaiVisas food threads.

    we ordered take away a few times, pasta not bad, but we also received the hot dogs instead of sausage pizza. seemed odd to me and i didn't care for it but but the wife liked it! (but then she orders hot dog and shrimp pizza with sweet mayonnaise sauce from the Thai delivery company). i think its a Thai thing.

  15. sadly this all too common around here. motorcycle rider not wearing a helmet, cheap slippers, etc. a few years ago i was driving back from Phrao and close to Mae Jo there had just been an accident; 2 kids on a motorcycle. one had been wearing a cheap helmet but was useless as pieces of the plastic helmet were scattered all over both sides of the Mae Jo road along with thousands of pieces of plastic from parts of the motorcycle as well as slippers, mobile telephones, toes, parts of arm and so forth. we stopped and the wife thought they had been carrying something from the butcher or something. looked closer and it was the brains of one of the kids. many rubberneck Thais looking and snapping photos but no one bothered to cover the bodies. same thing, one guy wearing slippers trying to direct traffic and get people to keep going and stop taking photos shouting 'pai loy'.

  16. It helps when you smile say hello in Thai have your paper's in order and thank them in Thai.

    No it doesn't, apart from having your papers in order bit. The line will go as fast or slow as they want it to whether everyone is grinning like a prune or as miserable as sin. The reason you think it does is because you were lucky enough to be in & out. rolleyes.gif

    I doubt if he actually knows how to say Hello in Thai!

  17. I use the disabled parking at tesco and the family park all the time.

    Everybody else does and the 2 wrongs don't make a wight here is just water off a ducks back I'm afraid.

    But you guys go ahead and make your 'statements'.

    So whats your disability a itchybum,?

    regards worgeordie

    I wouldn't consider a case of hemorrhoids to be a disability. sounds like you are proud of being so inconsiderate. maybe someone will dump a can of paint over your car one of these days as you park your able-bodied bum in a handicapped parking space.

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