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Posts posted by Tanuki

  1. Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

    Just as well we have morals crusaders like yourself on TV - I dont know how I'd live my life without your guidance.......

    Most of us love Thailand for the fact that it is NOT a nanny state : once that changes, it would be almost impossible to change it back. Think long and hard before you ask the Thai to start bulldozing nightlife precincts.

    I thought long and hard about it and I agree with BKS22 - bull doze them down. How hard up do you have to be to go to some place like Soi Cowboy? losers

    Enjoying an adult entertainment doesn't make somebody hard up but imagine some men would find it much harder to hook-up with a much younger and beautiful women if such places didn't exist and in your mind they may be hard up but in my mind they are having consensual sex with another adult. I see absolutely nothing with this and it has absolutely no barring on my life what other adults choose to do behind closed doors or at such places I have a choice to frequent or not. I don't like horror movies. So, I don't watch them but I certainly don't condemn those who do. Hopefully I have answered you and you wouldn't mind answering why you feel so strongly about not allowing consenting adults to do what they want to do with each other when it has nothing to do with you? We are not talking about a child who has nobody to stand up for them but rather about an area that is designated for adult entertainment. I'm sure illegal things happen there as do in night clubs, bars, malls and outside 711s but places like Soi Cowboy and Nana are actually places that are watched fairly closely various agencies and generally not the places you go if you want sex with children though I am sure some underage girls produce fake ideas to work in such places.

    I never said I was against the people using these places or that I had a problem with what people do in privacy. Since I don't go to these places I would have no problem at all if they get rid of them, in fact i would be happier not having to see these eye sores around town. You only think it's consensual btw but in reality many of these girls are pressured into this line of work by greedy parents who care more about having a new pick up truck to gain some face in their village than they care about their own daughters. Consensual would be that the girls are thrilled with the lives and wouldn't choose to do something else if they could.

  2. Maybe unrelated to the OP....but IMO Soi Cowboy should be bulldozed anyway!

    Just as well we have morals crusaders like yourself on TV - I dont know how I'd live my life without your guidance.......

    Most of us love Thailand for the fact that it is NOT a nanny state : once that changes, it would be almost impossible to change it back. Think long and hard before you ask the Thai to start bulldozing nightlife precincts.

    I thought long and hard about it and I agree with BKS22 - bull doze them down. How hard up do you have to be to go to some place like Soi Cowboy? losers

    A lot of posters keep bringing up poverty as an excuse. What is actual poverty anyways? not having an iPhone 5 yet? It's a real joke here in Thailand when You have a rood over your head, mobile phones, a motorbike, clothes etc but people still call you poor. I saw real poverty in India. As far as what I have seen here over the past 10 years I would consider even the poorest of Thais in pretty good shape. Guarantee these two mamasans had iphones.

  3. Mostly Farangs here posting how a true tragedy this is, an honest government employee cowardly murdered due to his unfailing integrity. I wonder how many Thais would view this the same way as we do? I could be wrong but my guess is they would see this as justified since he caused friction apparently on both sides of the law.

    Sure. They would say that he was crazy and shouldn't have messed with the wrong people..etc etc It's just a different mind set to those of us who grew up with a sense of right and wrong.

  4. The yaba/ ice thing got bad when Thaksin cracked down on the drug trade with extra-judicial killing. The girls were doing ganja but with the crack down, ice was preferred because it was easily concealable and didn't have an odor. Another thing to thank dear Thaksin for. blink.png

    The bar girls also smoke it to lose weight. Very important when you work in a go-go. tongue.png

    lol "doing ganja"

  5. If the dam_n placed closed when it suppose to nobody would have died, no one. That's why it's important to say this.

    Sure, and if the tourists did not come to Thailand and that bar, they would not not have died. Easy answer, all stay at home! What a interesting way of looking at it you have.

    he is right.if it closed when it was supposed to no one would have died.this people died as a result of greed and people paying bribes to corrupt police .

    I'm sure they died in a fire. Yes out of "usual" opening times, but would the outcome have been different if it happened at 1am?

    had they closed on time nobody would be dead right?

  6. We Americans are killing off the rest of the world with our fast food..

    If we can't kill everyone with bullets and bombs, we will give you sugar diabetes, clogged arteries, and all sorts of diseases who

    words have far too many letters to even try to make an attempt to pronounce.

    If we can't kiill off the chinese with hi tech war fare we will poison all of them with fast food.

    I doubt the majority of Thai fatties eat much American food. This country is obsessed with sugar. A lot of Thai food is laden in sugar, fried and high in cholesterol.

    True. SUGAR everywhere all the time, rice, noodles, breading, salt. Modern Thai cuisine easily accounts for it. Not cholesterol; been debunked, that one. Nor lack of exercise, not very important for weight loss or weight maintenance.

    What's with the knee-jerk anti-Americanism? Projection of self-loathing I assume.

    Thai food uses a lot of coconut milk which has high levels of LDL cholesterol. Combine that with mounds of refined sugar and deep fried chicken, pork, fish etc and a lack of exercise and you have the results you see today.

    thai food uses a lot of coconut milk??? som tam, phad thai, phad kaprow, kai jeaw, tom yum, gai phad med mamuang, keang jued, keang som, phad phak ruam, phad phak boong, larb.......I can think of more dishes without coconut milk than with it mate.

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  7. For a culture whose entire spiritual belief system is based on cause and effect, the Thais do not seem to grasp the same concept in their everyday lives. If you overeat and become obese, you will be prone to be unhealthy and die early. If you get drunk, you will be more likely to get into an auto crash. Smoking tobacco will increase the probability that you will die at an earlier age, etc., etc.

    How difficult is it to understand: If you do "A" then "B" will happen...and You are doing "A", therefore...?

    your last line sums it up perfectly. they never get to therefore....

    If I pull into this busy main road from this small soi without stopping and looking for traffic first...

  8. No excuses to the cold blooded murderer, now, I wonder if the Frenchie will get involved and conned by the b&*%%ch and cough up compensation to the victims family for their loss.

    Why would he do that? They weren't married.

    and she was a hooker.

    Shame on you, now you're being prejudiced rolleyes.gif

    nope not saying she was worthless or deserved it because she was a hooker just saying that the reason people would go to a hooker is so they don't have the attachment and certainly, in no way would be financially responsible to her family. A rental not ownership.

  9. Happens all the time in the oylmpics,people getting robbed of medals,unfortunatly it also happens in pro boxing,just look ak Manny Pacious last fight. what a disgraceful decision!!

    Yes, exactly. This Chinese fighter is on the same level of Mayweather. He will do anything for a "victory". Where is the honor in that? A cheap win. This Chinese fighter was cheating the entire fight. The Thai gentleman was a picture of honor. He fought with his heart and soul, and never stepped over the line. Instead, his opponent stooped into the mud, and demonstrated his alligator heart, his crocodile soul, and his churlish spirit. Shame on him. Shame on China. China is the one government of the world, which embodies most the Mafia spirit.

    He was a "picture of honor" until the decision came then what happened? not very honorable if you ask me.

  10. you do show yourself up dear Nisa - ever heard of Olympic spirit? not crying when you lose?

    I didn't see him cry or wipe tears from his eyes and neither did you. So, not sure what you are talking about.

    But even if he had ... I see a number other passionate individuals display tears at the games .. http://edition.cnn.c...ames/index.html

    While I have nothing but HUGE respect for this person, people are welcome to criticize him all they want for his displaying some emotion and passion even if these people are not worthy or qualified enough to hold his jock strap at the Olympics and are so unhappy with themselves and/or intimidated by Thais that they slam a guy who has made his nation proud and who they will never come close to achieving such a victory for themselves or their country.

    'intimidated by Thais" hehehe

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