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Posts posted by Tanuki

  1. Your mistakes were

    1) Handing over your license

    2) Handing over 1,000bht

    Next time, give them a photocopy of your license, then haggle them down to 200bht.

    And when handing over the 200bht, think of all the driving offenses you got away with.

    "Next time, give them a photocopy of your license", Where did you come up with that idea ?? Could you do it in the UK. or USA I do not think so. So why do you think you could do it in Thailand.??

    you're comparing this third world joke to the US and UK? it's not the UK or USA and that's why you can do it here.

  2. Maybe she can get that done in 3 months with the help of that dead deat Charlerm. coffee1.gif

    Last saturday i sat on the beach in Pattya and watched the youtube jetski scams unfold all day long,even the same faces, if i had been a dedicated police officer i cauld have had about ten of them arrested and convicted with video and sound, so it cauld be improved easily, but it wont! This new policy is jus another budget to line somones pocket. Last christmass and newyear i had no internet for two weeks, when i phoned T.O.T. they said its o.k. noone has internet.........acceptance.........This is a third world country because the Thai ppl accept the coruption,racism,sexism etc.

    they don't however accept it when it comes to an Olympic boxing match...oh no that's an outrage. Our Thai boxer was cheated due to corruption by the Chinese and the boxing association so we are outraged but massive, out of control corruption that happens here at home um no problem.

    • Like 1
  3. Very amusing...

    1st Stop: "Officer this is my first minor violation, honest"

    2nd Stop: "Officer this is my first minor violation, honest"

    3rd Stop: "Officer this is my first minor violation, honest"

    Repeat as necessary....

    A really stupid policy... This is nothing more than media lip service... How about simply doing proper traffic policing.

    teach the policemen the regulations - Don't let Motorcyles drive on pavements, fine people for double parking on the main roads, charge people for anti-social driving (i.e. blocking at box junctions)...

    police do their jobs? leave the coffee shop and go out on the road to patrol? hehe yeah that's gonna happen here

    • Like 2
  4. people get tickets here? Serious question as I see, on a daily basis, people driving on the wrong side of the road doing 3 times the speed limit with no headlights while talking on their mobile phones right in front of the police here in Phuket and NOTHING happens!?rolleyes.gif I often wondered if there were public records available for how many moving violation tickets are issued per year. In Phuket I bet the records would show something like: no helmet - 500,000 fines issued (495,000 to farang), speeding - 0, running red light/stop sign - 0, following too close - 0...etc.

  5. And especially,... why are they publishing it two days later??? If someone of my family is deadly wounded, your emotions will come out naturally at once immediately, and the press would immediately take pictures in an instance and it would be a headline in the upcoming edition?

    Everything else said, it rather looks like the two people holding that b*****tch dude senator, look really bored and uninspired...

    In that photo it says wife but I thought he shot his cousin? The two people "holding him back" look uninspired because they can't believe there are people on the planet this stupid. Uzi on the dinner table....Thailand

  6. Win or lose, you never act like that after the results are announced

    Very poor loser

    Not sure what is worse for Thai image

    1- This boxer and his crying and actions on TV

    2- Or some lady saying she is going to buy a fake rolex

    nothing bad about this for thai image, the crowd were completely with him, they knew who really won as do most people and boxing analysts alike.

    nothing wrong with showing your upset that you were completely shafted for a gold medal in the olympics, no shame in it at all.

    the only shame falls on the judges.

    I sort of agree with you although I think it was also the fault of the Thai Olympics Team who didn't get their objection in on time that was the compounding felony on the judges' decision. It also happened in the earlier rounds of the competition when they failed, again, to get their objection in on time. Surely someone in the Thai Team should have read the rules meticulously BEFORE the Olympics even began? I hope they sleep easy in their beds after denying these Thai sportsmen their rewards.

    LOL be prepared for something? here? ahahhha

  7. Win or lose, you never act like that after the results are announced

    Very poor loser

    Not sure what is worse for Thai image

    1- This boxer and his crying and actions on TV

    2- Or some lady saying she is going to buy a fake rolex

    i wonder how you would feel if someone stole your gold rolex.

    Outraged eh. I thought they would be used to corruption and accept it as they do in their daily lives. I thought the Thai coach was going to stroke out after the fight haha what an ugly display of sportsmanship.

  8. None of this matters. There are laws that say you have to wear a helmet too but look around. Laws in Thailand are merely suggestions and can be side-stepped with the right amount of baht.

    I still laugh that they need to have a law such as this when 95% of Thai's are Buddhist (as a Buddhist, you're not supposed to drink...or so I have been told).

    and I'm sure gambling is also frowned upon yet...

    I wish they would make a law about having to stop and check for traffic before pulling out of a soi, that would certainly save lives and my breaks.

  9. I just assumed this type of law always existed. Makes sense to me. I've had the unpleasant situation of sharing a bus with obnoxiously drunk and annoying people before. People ride buses to get somewhere. They shouldn't have to deal with drunken idiots -- that's what bars are for.

    Not to hijack the thread but this reminds me that I've never heard an explanation for the restriction on booze sales from 2 pm to 5 pm everyday. I've assumed it's to stop people from getting drunk during their work or school day. If that's the case, isn't it a bit embarrassing to have to make a law like that? Sort of like saying that one's population doesn't have enough self-control or maturity to be responsible.

    Well.....do they. Pretty effective too as they can't plan ahead to buy their booze before 2.

  10. I just assumed this type of law always existed. Makes sense to me. I've had the unpleasant situation of sharing a bus with obnoxiously drunk and annoying people before. People ride buses to get somewhere. They shouldn't have to deal with drunken idiots -- that's what bars are for.

    Not to hijack the thread but this reminds me that I've never heard an explanation for the restriction on booze sales from 2 pm to 5 pm everyday. I've assumed it's to stop people from getting drunk during their work or school day. If that's the case, isn't it a bit embarrassing to have to make a law like that? Sort of like saying that one's population doesn't have enough self-control or maturity to be responsible.

    Well....do they?

  11. "The sources attributed the ease with which insurgents have been able to move explosives between locations to the "passive" approach taken by security officials, who continue to rely on checkpoints at the same old sites."

    Knowing the way things work in LOS, those aren't checkpoints. They are more like toll booths. Put some money in the hand sticking out of the window, and be on your merry way.

    Anyone here ever been flagged down by a moving police vehicle for a traffic violation? Obviously the forces actually have get off their ass and patrol around....

    But then that means actually moving.

    Never been pulled over, never seen ANYONE being pulled over and really would like to see the stats on how many traffic violations are issued per year and for what (besides no helmet fines). I see traffic police all the time in Phuket....at the cafe drinking coffee and reading newspapers.

  12. are there not enough pedos or yabba dealers that need arresting? seems like this kind of stuff should be way down the list of stuff worth busting...... why would you bother????? apart from tea money related issues of course.

    Waste of time. What's worse for society sex toys or massive corruption on every level? Maybe spending some time working cases against corrupt police and politicians would be a better use of the tax payers money? BTW why does everyone call it "tea money" as if any of these ....... know anything about or actually drink tea, better to call it whiskey money right I mean why insult those of us who appreciate and drink tea.

  13. That's awful, whether accidental or not.

    Could you have your maid help build some bridges between you and the workers ? (Their fault or not, this may be worthwhile.) Oh, but perhaps that's a stupid idea. I don't know.

    I am so sorry about your dog and hope she will be well. Do let us know here.

    Looking from the other side of the fence, I live on quite a nice housing area. However a few dog owners let their dogs roam all day long, others let them out early in the morning..result dog mess on the road and pavements. The Village Management have asked dog owners not to be so thoughtless but they ignore it...do you by any chance know what poison was used.

    That's not funny.

  14. ahhh who cares?

    it doesn't matter to people on here what golden boy abhisit has ever done.

    it makes no difference, he's still the shining example of honesty and integrity and all that's right with thai politics... amirite guys, who's with me?

    high five.

    Wow bfd a bad Sor Dor form..did he file it with the Or Bor Jor then have a beer at Kor Tor Mor? What a bore.

  15. Just departed thru the airport a few days ago and no problems leaving, thru immigration in about 15 min.., we where a bit late departing but the airplane arrived late. When I arrived from the Philippines earlier thru immigration in about 20 min no hassel. In the end all you can use to measure the airports preformance is your own experience.

    Why are we getting off the plane and on to a bus to get to the terminal? Compared to Changi, Hong Kong, Incheon...it's a joke.

  16. will it change anything ? NO of course .... As the corrupted police is a lot of involved in those scams nothing will stop . The only possible change would be when the amount of tourists bored to be seen as walking wallets will stop to come here.

    Well I agree with you that it will not change any thing. But it does let the Thai government know that they are being watched. While they may not be in fact aren't the smartest in the world they are not dumb enough (I think) to completely ignore it.

    As far as being seen as a walking wallet. That is common the world over in tourist destinations.

    No, they are dumb enough to continue as usual, failing to see the consequences. life goes on here same as before.

  17. it matters not one jot about the teaching materials, the timescales, the quality etc.etc. All that matters is that PTP have kept their promise, the details of the promise are unimportant, because the politicos can blame that on someone else.

    Having 3 kids at school and following this its nice to see at least one positive comment...

    Do we have to have kids in the Thai school system to know it's a failure? Can't we figure it out just by working day to day with the finished product? If the curriculum is so great why can't any of my colleagues read a map? why do they seem to struggle when it comes to critical thinking? From what those close to me have told me about their own experiences coming up in the public school system here it's not an atmosphere of free thinking or questioning why but rather repeat what is taught to you without question. Hopefully you are supplementing your children's education at home mr. or mrs. thair than thai.

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