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  1. A famous mma fighter once commented that when faced with an assailant armed with a knife, the best solution is to run away fast because it does not work like in the movies. An armed assailant is unpredictable and your arms or legs is no match for a knife attack.
  2. MMA skills do not work against a gun and in Thailand, you can get shot over lesser altercations.
  3. This is Thailand. No need to escalate the altercation. The Indians knew where he lived and can at any time give him a payback. Given that life is cheap and any loss of face can have fatal repercussion, just live and let live.
  4. Perhaps one of those ultrasonic device that trains dogs to be silent can work ?
  5. Thailand is still a medieval country in social development. Law of the jungle reign first .Unless you have the backup of some military or police general , a show of force will immediately resolve the ‘lowly’ Thais. A word from authority will do just that. Otherwise, even the lowly Thais can bully the farang on any altercation regardless.
  6. Thais do steal branded shoes from temples when the owners enter the prayer hall. That is why I always wear sandals ( copies) worth tb200-300 when visiting prayer halls and thieves are welcome to them . I also always keep an extra pair of sandals in the car for backup.
  7. Let’s not deviate from the issue: whether Thais or tourists, if this trend more, restaurants will only implement the ‘Pay upon order confirmation ‘ system as in Singapore or Malaysia . Giving the option of paying after a meal is giving the customers the respect they command . If this service is abused, you can’t blame the owners of implementing a more equitable system. thus when tourists abuse the system, it is us ,the expats , who reap the aftermath.
  8. Thailand may be a bit ‘loose’ in enforcing laws and money can make your problems go away. However regardless , we are guests of the country whether long stay or tourists and respect each country’s laws is universal . Denigrating the host country shows just the type of person you are.
  9. Ya. Money solves everything here. So fine those Italians hugely and let their money resolve the issue.
  10. Simply because the area was designated a ‘no go area’ for corals to recuperate. Both boats and snookers / divers are not allowed into the area. Law is law.
  11. Thailand roads are dangerous to drive at night especially on the poorly lit roads and mountainous regions. Double carriage trucks are a menace to other drivers on twisting mountain roads ( chiangmai to lampang) because the rear carriage would swerve to the centre of the road when taking the corners.
  12. In asean countries, trucks and buses would stop at certain designated place in mountainous region for the brakes to cool down sufficiently . Sometimes they install water jets near the wheels to spray water directly onto the brake disc as they descend downhill.
  13. There is no structural engineering beams between the roof and bottom of bus. Only the thin body panels and glass panes holding the structure. Fabrications done locally so surface looking good is better than inherent safety . Life is cheap in Thailand and it reflects upon the buses too.
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