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Posts posted by CharlesDavid

  1. Both the Thai driving test and motorcycle test a very simple to pass. Both just consist of driving around a circuit behind the driving center with absolutely no other traffic involved.

    Go and take your motorcycle test this week you will pass easily and as other posters have pointed out without it your insurance is invalid and being in an accident will cause you big problems.

    As for learning to drive a car I've lived in Pattaya for years and have never heard of an official driving school. One solution would perhaps tp get a farang friend to hire a car and take you to one of the outlying estates where there is little traffic to teach you how to drive much jusr as many people in the UK learn off an older relative. The test is easy it won't take you long to learn enough to pass it.

  2. One of the go-go bars on my usual drinking route has for reasons best known to itself sterted to employ a couple of ladyboys top stand outside and entice customers inside.

    However I was dismayed on my lest visit to see the two aforementioned LB's dancing on stage along with the rest of the girls.

    What on earth makes the owners/management of such establishments think that guys going into lady go-gos want to see a couple of blokes in bikinis dancing on stage.

    I realise that there are people attracted to such things but why or why can they not just stick to the already established katoay bars.

    This mixing practice has ruined Nana Plaza in Bangkok over the last few years I sincerely hope that Pattaya a gogos are not going to go the same way.

    What's the name of this club ?

    Far East Rock, Soi Post Office

  3. One of the go-go bars on my usual drinking route has for reasons best known to itself sterted to employ a couple of ladyboys top stand outside and entice customers inside.

    However I was dismayed on my lest visit to see the two aforementioned LB's dancing on stage along with the rest of the girls.

    What on earth makes the owners/management of such establishments think that guys going into lady go-gos want to see a couple of blokes in bikinis dancing on stage.

    I realise that there are people attracted to such things but why or why can they not just stick to the already established katoay bars.

    This mixing practice has ruined Nana Plaza in Bangkok over the last few years I sincerely hope that Pattaya a gogos are not going to go the same way.

  4. Following on from Big Tony's thread I would be interested to find out the general consensus on Britmaverics posts.

    Is he relegating too many threads to the second page too soon with his multiple news posts each day or is he providing a useful service for us all?

  5. I originally posted this on the Pattaya forum but am reposting it here in the hope of getting more responses.

    What is best current deal availible on generic viagra (penagra, kamagra).

    I have been paying 400 baht for a pack of four or 1000 baht for three packs.

    However I was recently offered two packs for 500 baht at the same chemist but from a different assistant which leads me to beleive I have been overpaying for these last few months.

    What are the best current prices and where from?

  6. I've been buying this stuff(Penagra or Kamagra) for 400 baht a pack of four or three packs for 1000 baht in Pattaya.

    I recently went into my normal pharmacy and asked for one pack, the sales assistant (new to that particular pharmacy) said " I will give you two packs for 500 baht". I quite happily took her up on the deal but this incident leaves me to believe I have been overpaying for the past few months.

    What do others pay for these tablets? Can anyone recommend any pharmacies in Pattaya that offer better deals than what I have been paying?

  7. 1. A certain d1ckhead running a particular bar in Pattaya.

    Someone has to ask....who?

    I don't think it would be right to post the name on here.

    Suffice to say this is a guy who I have had trouble with in the past, someone who I have seen make a completely unprovoked attack on one of his customers and I have heard that this is quite a regular occurence in his bar.

    If you've come across him you will know who I mean. If you haven't you are better off not knowing him at all.

  8. Which is a bit rich considering your anti sex tourist rantings in other threads on this board.

    I was there for pure research purposes and I never once looked at the poor girls, I was observing the sad audience.

    Was you there? :o

    I live in Pattaya and go to Go Go bars quite often so I may have been. I don't have a problem with them nor do I consider most of the audience particularly sad.

    You have a different viewpoint which your entitled to.

    Why do you need to research the subject? - are you considering or organising a campaign to have them abolished?

  9. I have yet to be in a gogo bar in Thailand


    Well cdnvic, you're not missing much. Unless you flourish in the company of a clientele who act like the last set of tits they saw was 61 years previously when their Mother stopped breast feeding them. :o

    Can we take from this that you have actually been in go-go bars before to at least witness such behaviour.

    Which is a bit rich considering your anti sex tourist rantings in other threads on this board.


  10. No, it's not another 'I just thought this topic up' posting, but some serious (and interesting) information for those who are engaged in long-distance relationships with BGs.

    By long-distance, I mean the guy who has come to LoS, met the BG of his dreams, and returned to his home-country after promising to marry the girl (or whatever) on his next trip.

    They exchange romantic emails and he sends her money every month....

    Now we all know that many of these situations are the classic BG scamming the guy out of his money etc, but just how many BGs are involved in such a scam?

    My wife is an ex-BG, and she has many, many GFs who still work the bars, (or have worked previously).  I know dozens of them (not in the biblical sense!), and they generally seem very nice girls.

    Over the past few weeks, I've chatted to them about long-distance BFs, and it transpires that every single girl is currently engaged in such a relationship!  Thats 100% of the 'sample' (which is about 30 girls).

    The level of this relationship varies from the occasional email to each other, to daily 'I love u' emails.  And in all cases, the farang guy back in the US or Europe is sending money to the girl.  Amounts vary from a few thousand baht per month to 100,000 baht per month (lucky girl!).

    Some of the girls are still working the bars, but most of them have given up these jobs, and are relying on their BF's money as a source of income.

    How many of these girls are 'loyal' to their BF? (By loyal, I mean that they are not having a relationship or sex with another guy!).

    The answer from these girls is a resounding ZERO %!

    Every single girl that I spoke with told me that they were still having sex with other guys!  This was either their Thai BF or husband, or other farang guys living or visiting LoS.

    Most of the girls were married to Thai men, or had long-term Thai BFs, but had omitted to give this important information to their farang BF!

    Some of the girls were involved in several relationships with farang men, because they claimed that their long-distant BF did not send them enough money, so they needed several such relationships to improve their income!

    Some of the girls said that, whilst their long-distant BF seemed to think their relationship was 'serious', the girl herself considered it acceptable to continue to 'play the field'. (Many of these girls were VERY cynical about the sincerity of their long-distant BF).

    OK, I'm sure many of these long-distant BFs were just as unsincere as these girls, but for the 'genuine' guy who comes to LoS and falls in love with a BG, the attitude of these girls to such relationships seems very depressing :o

    I'm sure that I will get responses to this topic from people who have very successful relationships with ex BGs! (And good luck too! My own relationship has had its' ups and downs, but living in LoS with the girl certainly seems to boost the chances of a successful relationship!).

    All in all, rather depressing news for those involved in long-distance relationships  :D


    PS - The list of these unfaithful girls is available from me for $50  :D

    Your post reminds me of that a line in Fawlty Towers.

    "Can't we get you on mastermind Sybil. Specialised subject - the bleedin obvious.

  11. My new girlfriend who I have been going steady with for the whole of my two week holiday has told me she has to go back to the gogo bar where we met when I return home.

    She has however promised never to go with another farang so long as I send her b10,000 a month to pay for her mother's eye operation.

    Can I really trust her to remain totally faithful until i return on holiday next year?

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