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Everything posted by pattayapip

  1. Yes I get that transam and also appreciate the freeing up cash my comment really was when I did exactly the same thing (though during Covid so I could get back in) it was just super painful and tedious compared to retirement, so I went back to retirement the following year
  2. Is the reason purely financial ? Ie 400k instead of 800k ? because the marriage extension painful compared to retirement, under consideration, Photos, House Visit, Village Head Sign off etc etc
  3. 2024 Facelift BMW X5, Absolutely loads of excellent reviews everywhere, Only 5.2M 😇😁
  4. Thankyou for this Sheryl, and of course the link too for colonoscopy, I have had one maybe 6/7 years ago, But my Father Passed from Colon Cancer that was never detected until it had spread (Zero Symptoms before it was too late sadly) So i will do this also, Thanks again
  5. No ???? Just thought it ticked all if not most of the boxes, then had another thought maybe i could charge it to work ????
  6. Not the cheapest by any means, but hoping this covers all that i should cover
  7. I really do appreciate the replies, have been online searching all morning and decided on this one: https://bangkokpattayahospital.com/product/checkup-program-healthy-ladyyou-2023/ Ultimate Male, appears to do everything The list is as follows. 1 Physical Examination 2 Body Composition 3 Complete Blood Count (CBC) 4 Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) 5 HbA1c Lipid Profile 6 Cholesterol 7 Triglyceride 8 HDL -Cholesterol 9 LDL – Cholesterol Kidney function test 10 BUN 11 Creatinine Liver function test 12 SGOT 13 SGPT 14 Alkaline Phosphatase 15 Total protein 16 Bilirubin 17 Gamma GT (GGT) 18 Uric acid 19 Calcium 20 Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Total) (NHS) 21 Digestive tract cancer screening (CA19-9) 22 Liver Cancer Screening (AFP) 23 Colon Cancer Screening (CEA) 24 Prostate Cancer Screening (Total and Free PSA) 25 Testosterone 26 Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV IgG) 27 Hepatitis B Virus (HBs Ag) 28 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti-HBs) 29 Anti-hepatitis B core (Anti-HBc) 30 Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV) Thyroid hormone 31 Thyroid stimulating Hormone (TSH) 32 Free Triiodothyronine (FT3) 33 Free Thyroxine (FT4) 34 C-Reactive Protein(CRP) High Sens. 35 Fecal Occult Blood & Inflammation Screening 36 Stool Examination 37 Urine Examination 38 Chest X-Ray 39 Electrocardiogram (EKG) 40 Ultrasound Whole Abdomen 41 Fibrosis and fatty liver screening (Fibroscan) 42 Exercise Stress Test (EST) 43 Vascular Screening Test (ABI) 44 Echocardiogram 45 Smile 3 Package You can choose only one CT Calcium Scoring **Not recommended if you have already had a coronary artery stent or coronary artery bypass surgery. 46 Ultrasound Doppler Carotid arteries 47 Royal Grand Ward 16th floor E Building (Lounge)
  8. Am Male 63, Not fit, don’t think unfit, slightly overweight (who isn’t haha) Last time I had a decent medical checkup was maybe over 7 years ago now . . Ok Live Pattaya so a few Good Hospitals My Blood sugar levels have recently spiked, am really unsure of the reason, but that would be a must for comprehensive checking, but also while I do this am thinking to have a full and complete as possible full checkup to test Heart, arteries, Cancers and as much as possible, as any early pickup of anything is better than late . . Nearly all the hospitals appear to have comprehensive checkups for males 50+ but at greatly varying prices ? Does anyone have recent experience and could recommend a good service in Pattaya Please ? I am not bound by price, and that is not a sticking point, but then again I don’t want to just pay so much more is possibly needed ? Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  9. RIP Joe, you are already sadly missed here, you helped me many many times
  10. Yes Toyota every 6 Months or 10,000 Kms, but works both ways too, mine does so little kms, 18 Months old now and only done 6,000 Kms but on the 30,000 Km service Schedule . . . . Nothing i can do about it if i want to retain the warranty though . . .
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