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Posts posted by glenfaux

  1. Id rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.

    Pepper spray it the best option for a female as it gives time to escape. the blade is optional.

    In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.

    defence by pepperspray, your joking right?

    and judged by 12? a Phuket courtcase has one Judge, no jury, and a criminal case comes up in 2 years. Possibel bail while waiting

    I believe in self defence, thats why I have recieved training and have a TH licenced firearm, but you are giving OP bad advice. She needs help, not spray cans

    A cowardly Thai man threatening the mother of his child.

    I doubt he could fight his way out of a wet paper bag against a man.

    all women abusers are weak and should be dealt with accordingly. running away only empowers the cowardly women beater.

    Offence is always the best defence, especially if my child was involved.

    Take me advice or not but the Thai will always win in the family court, especially if its the daughter. Good luck if it heads to court for custody.

  2. Carry some pepper spray and a switch blade.

    Self defence is easy if you have the correct tools.

    This advice to anyone, especially a female is totally absurd and potentially life threatening......Good grief.!! :realangry:

    Id rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.

    Pepper spray it the best option for a female as it gives time to escape. the blade is optional.

    In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.

  3. The assistant tourist police black fotuner doing 120+ swerving down whicit rd is dangerous.

    either thinks he above the law now with the badge or he was rushing to the scene of a major case and he needs to preserve the scene, csi style.

    Slow down as#@*%e

  4. After reading this forum for a few months i can only say how glad i am that i chose to live in the north of Thailand...The news reports of the joys of phuket alone convinced me that i would not want to live phuket, but after observing the frequent few posters rantings i also would not want to live anywhere near such people..Thanks for confirming the underbelly of your imaginary paradise.:D

    so news reports and a few quarreling members dictate your lifestyle choices not to come here?

    Sad sheltered life you must lead.

    Phuket is much bigger than this forum and the few negatives don't outweigh the positives here.

    Phuket is a major international destination unlike the backwaters of northern Thailand so its hardly a even comparison.

    I just had a read through the chaing mai and chaing rai forums and what a bore.

    No need to post your negative post here about phuket when you are purely judging it on news and some wacky interest opinions.

    I wouldn't swap phuket for anywhere else in Thailand.

  5. No moaning here.

    i speak Thai and been here close to a decade without incident or ridicule regarding phuket and the indigenous folks.

    Its a majority of the westerners who settle here that i can't stand but im not here for them nor do i ever support a company run by one.

    Kenny sits on his moral high horse claiming to be a saint without sin or incident.

    I dont care who you are or how long you been here, everyone gets ripped off from time to time whether you're aware or not.

    Take the local moderator for example,a long time resident but still fell victim to a very obvious atm scam.

    Nobody is immune.

  6. Anyway I love Thailand and love Phuket, I am patient and very considerate of others at all times, as far as I am aware I have never been ripped off, 2 1/2 yrs driving here and never had a problem with anyone, maybe I am just very lucky!!

    you keep reiterating that your courteous and never had a problem here. we understand since the first time you posted this in other threads. were you reincarnated as a parrot?

    You have been ripped off many times. just reading back on your old post and.noticed your Mazda 2 thread.

    Talk about betting ripped off at some of the prices you paid for part.

    Ignorance is bliss.

  7. Only time i have felt ripped off or overcharged is when dealing with a foreign owned/run company here.

    I feel comfortable only dealing with Thai.

    Boycott the ones who can't cut in business back home. easier to operate here where there are no consumers protection laws.

    That is so true! These 'businessmen' cant cut it in their own country so they come to Thailand with their time share <deleted>. Or do something amazingly original and open a bar with their hooker wife. And then go on to stitch up their mates.

    Thai owned bars are cheaper than farang owned...just look at Tamarind in Chalong....it was 60 baht a beer last time I went there and Porn (Neice of the owner) would always buy a beer for the punters. And please dont anyone in this forum embarrass themselves and try and tell the forum that falang owned joints are cheaper...DOESNT HAPPEN!!!

    Plus the food is better in Thai owned places...not <deleted> sandwiches with 7-11 bread and plastic cheese like the falang 'businesses' . Dont get me started on the yacht charters.....some drunk old South African who escaped the country after their country turned to crap, so they buy a yacht and try to 'entertain' their guests by putting around Chalong bay, drunk as 10 men letting their guests know all about their worldy travels to Langkawai......gimme a break!!!

    I laugh at a lot expats here who proclaim to be businessmen...try calling yourself that in your home country. Imposter comes to mind

    You seem to have many many problems here maybe it is time to leave, today I was drinking small bottles of Leo in a Thai place for 40 bht I fail to see why you have so many issues here!!

    Thats the point he was making.

    Try getting a 40 baht beer in a farang owned bar.

    More chance of seeing Santa Claus and his flying reindeer.

    Recently got a kitchen quote from 3 companies,all using hafale fittings and smeg appliances. farang owned company quoted 110k higher than with the 2 Thai companies.

    People have a false sense of security with western run companies thinking the quality is better but all they are doing is playing middleman and overcharging.

  8. Can't stand the drivers who pull up to the lights in the right hand lane and once the light igoes green they decide its time to use the indicator to turn right leaving the cars behind thinking it was going straight. this causes more bottlenecks than anything else in the island.

    sounds to me your the kind of guy who keeps getting caught at the central festival junction when you try to be cool and cut traffic by the right lane.

    I never put my indicator on that road exactly because of this. People who cut lines at lights by the right or left and dont intend to turn deserve to be pushed right back to the end of the queue or to get into an accident by cutting back into the moving cars

    that lane is for going straight and turning right.

    If the car in front indicates his intentions i wouldn't be in that lane in the first place.

    It has nothing to do with cutting in or being cool, its about the flow of traffic and selfish drivers who deliberately don't indicate just shows the mentality of the drivers here.

    At least you admit to being one of the selfish few.

    It must make your day to create traffic bottlenecks.

  9. "If the accident happened during evening hours, why was the "railway official" waving a red flag and not a red lamp? "

    Probably a signal was broken, and that is the real problem. Do not think that national train system runs on flags in the dark. It doesn't.

    "Why were cars 'parked' (stopped) on railway tracks when the warning lights were flashing? "

    Because it is the way it works in the city. Cars stop on tracks, and it is very hard to avoid.

    People also get stuck in any other intersection.

    You go towards an intersection in heavy traffic. It is green for you. You can see that there are cars inside the intersection. so that everybody MAY not be able to get out of the intersection before it is green in other directions.

    Do you stop for green, even if you are not absolutely certain?

    Well, the norm here is, that you go in, and others, who have green waits until there is free passage.

    Personally I think it is a better system than people stopping for green light in their direction, based on an evaluation that will be wrong much of the time.

    - - -

    Dozens of things can happen on a track. A bus could get a motorstop. Two cars could have had an accident. Or, as it happen 100 times in the city every day: cars are stuck in a queue.

    The intersection guards are there to ensure safe passage. Something failed.

    This accident is 100% the error of the train company. There should be back-up solutions.

    It is as simple as having a backup lantern. Not a flag in the dark.

    What a load of fluff.

    Its the motorists at blame here due to the selfish road etiquette that Thailand possesses.

    I don't cross the rail tracks unless there is at least 2 car lengths of space for me after the tracks and wait for the next light.

    Don't know why people try to rush home after work when they have been twiddling their thumbs and being unproductive at work all day.

    Maybe they should take their driving home effort and use it in the workplace.

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