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Posts posted by glenfaux

  1. It would be interesting to know how many people who moan about Phuket, Thai people, Scams etc actively try and learn Thai so they can integrate with Thai society better.

    Spot on. The fact that people who hate Phuket and Thai people find themselves on the Phuket section of a Thailand forum in the first place, is itself extremely demented and illogical. But the fact that the vast majority of them can't say more than a few words in Thai makes it that much worse.

    How can you possible claim to understand a race of people and believe your opinion about their character is the correct one, whe you've never been able to say more than two words to them?

    The thai haters that really make me laugh are the ones that say how rude all Thai people are and how they are always talking about you behind your back. The fact that they don't speak the languge and therefor can't understand a word they're saying seems to have escaped them.

    that's a pretty broad assessment without fact.

    Never have i read a post about westerners hating Thai people. ever. Some dislike phuket but they are quickly told to go home by the ones that don't.

    not sure how you assitain that members can't speak,read or write Thai, have you done a survey on this forum? or are you assuming?

    its human nature to complain and been going on for centuries.people have a bad day and need to vent,its a public forum so Let the forum judge if the complaint is valid and the thread will take its course.

    i suggest you take your own advice and not click,post on a thread if you have nothing of value to add other than a misconstrued assessment of phuket expats that's way of the mark.

  2. Can't stand the drivers who pull up to the lights in the right hand lane and once the light goes green they decide its time to use the indicator to turn right leaving the cars behind thinking it was going straight. this causes more bottlenecks than anything else in the island.

    Right hand lane in a light junction in TH is usually, almost always, dedicated turning right, often 2 right hand lanes, as marked with arrows painted on road surface.

    if right lane(s) is not dedicated turning right or u-turn, they will usually have a "NO RIGHT TURN" or "NO U-TURN" sign, sometimes symbols sometimes writen in Thai

    Going straight ahead, you are in the wrong lane(s), illegally.

    info available at DLT for those who want to learn TH traffic rules

    still a bad habit to not indicate, but being in a lane as above, not mandatory

    The arrows painted on the road indicate straight and right turn. if they indicated 100 metres before the turn which is law. i would not be there in the first place if they made their intention to turn clear before the light turns green or whatever.

    Still bad driving not to make your next move clear to other motorists. just bottlenecks

  3. Can't stand the drivers who pull up to the lights in the right hand lane and once the light goes green they decide its time to use the indicator to turn right leaving the cars behind thinking it was going straight. this causes more bottlenecks than anything else in the island.

    That's a universal problem and not particular to Phuket. Here in Phuket drivers faff about in the outside lane then at the last minute turn left into a side road. Just makes no sense to me.

    I never stated it was a phuket specific problem. it just happens about every light i pull up to. i tend to always leave a car spot in front so i can merge back into the left anticipating this problem.

    i agree about trying to turn right from the left lane at the last minute. i have noticed that most of these drivers are on the phone or a car full of unrestrained kids.

  4. Can't stand the drivers who pull up to the lights in the right hand lane and once the light goes green they decide its time to use the indicator to turn right leaving the cars behind thinking it was going straight. this causes more bottlenecks than anything else in the island.

  5. Its funny that police are blamed when it was obvious that police were doing nothing to enforce the law against the red shirts during the occupation of ratchprasong.

    Just another smear campaign to get rid of newin and his party.

    First the transport ministry scandal and now this.

    Thaksin is going after this guy for revenge.

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