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  1. The shop price will need to come down. At around 800 baht a gram it is more than twice the illegal black market price in the UK. Visitors will come for many reasons but the price of legal weed won't be one of them.
  2. Not in London it doesn't. I queried this by email and was advised it was acceptable to upload a blank sheet. I actually uploaded a screen grab from the visa application site stating insurance was required for O-A and O-X (not imm-O) and was given the visa in just over 24 hours. This was in July. Just write "Not applicable" on a sheet of paper, turn it into a .jpg file and you are good to go.
  3. So, you just take fewer inhalations and monitor the effect as you smoke. After all you don't drink wine or whisky like you would beer. This strength business is just a monumental red herring.
  4. I doubt that anyone in the UK will be taking note. Legalisation can only come in the UK by a vote of MPs in the Commons and that will never happen. None of them will have the courage to speak in favour. It's interesting to note that the states in the US that have decriminalised are those where the electorate can mandate a referendum on the matter. Referenda are strictly reserved for constitutional matters in the UK.
  5. Agreed. I too found it easy to use and got the visa in just over 24 hours.
  6. They are all closed. The only way to apply for a visa now in the UK is online. The visa, if approved, is sent to your email address as a PDF file. There is no need to send off your passport any longer.
  7. The UK seems to have been an exception in this respect. I have a string of 'O's going back to one issued by Birmingham in 2002, and the last a double entry from London in 2019. It's sad how easily a good thing gets knocked on the head. I suppose one has simply to learn to do things differently. I guess the fallback is the SETV or visa exempt and then apply in country. None of the Thai companies will sell me the required insurance anyhow at 77, only Covid cover.
  8. No doubt you are right but that the embassies should do this seems a bit odd. The application website seems pretty clear. This is worse than herding cats.
  9. Does anyone have relevant recent experience on the following? The welcome page for the eVisa site now says "Health insurance(s) are required only for Special Tourist Visa (STV), and Long-Stay Visas (Non-Immigration OA and OX) applications." I am trying to apply for the 90 day 'O' based on retirement. However as part of the the application process there is a requirement to upload the policy document from a Thai insurance company for the 40,000/400,000 health cover. Is this now redundant? And what does one upload instead; a copy of the quoted eVisa statement perhaps. I will be applying to London. Any sugestion appreciated.
  10. With respect your information is not correct. Financial evidence is required and this can be "e.g. bank statements, proof of earnings, sponsorship letter". On the other hand insurance is not required for a Tourist Visa. See: https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/84451-tourist-visa or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYSEuy9ipDE Admittedly the OP is less than clear about what his visa issue actually was.
  11. Ah! Those were the days. Haven't seen anything but Skunk in UK for at least 15 years. A good bang per buck ratio but definitely lacking refinement.
  12. Some confusion here. The limit is 0.2% llimit snd seemingly applies to extracts, ie sweets, oils, resins etc, not the plant itself. That's not to say there won't be a lot of flipping & flopping when the legislators finally get their act together. For for now see: https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/blunt-truth-media-keep-getting-it-wrong-on-thai-cannabis-legalization/ or https://www.expatden.com/thailand/cannabis-in-thailand/
  13. Sorry if this has been done to death. The official TAT site regarding covid vaccination certificates states that they should show nationality and passport or id card number. https://www.tatnews.org/2022/06/covid-19-vaccine-guide-for-travellers-to-thailand/ The official UK NHS Covid Vaccination Pass shows only name and date of birth. Have there been any reports of people being hassled over this? I doubt that anyone would be so particular now but one would hate to be denied boarding by over-zealous airline staff.
  14. That' s because it was badly reported. The 0.2 THC thing related to extracts; ie no high concentrate sweets, oils etc. The whole of the PLANT itself has been taken off the narcotics list and can be be used leaves, flowers, buds whatever. Happy days!
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