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Everything posted by DoctorB

  1. Perhaps rather than proposing to process asylum seekers in Rwanda Priti Patel should adopt the policy of the country of which you are such a proud resident and simply refuse to accept all claims to refugee status. Roll up in Thailand with a hard luck story having destroyed your identification papers and see where that gets you - behind bars. Your criticism of UK policy while singing the praises of a country that is not signatory to any refugee charter is sheer hypocrisy. It's easy to demand liberal standards from others when you don't have to live with the consequences yourself.
  2. As everywhere. Even the Chinese authorities, who can do what they want to anyone, seem to have failed with their zero Covid policy. News today is of panic buying in Beijing as inhabitants fear they are about to share the fate of the Shanghai populace, already locked down for weeks. This disease is now part of the human condition and continuing to screw people over in the name of a failed policy is absurd. Call it what you want it's now time to let people get on with their lives and make their own decisions.
  3. So what? The only advice offered is "to avoid contracting COVID-19". Anyone with 2 brain cells is trying to do that as best they can without actually becoming a hermit. Otherwise the publication of articles like this to the wider non medical public is simply scare mongering since there are no other practical preventative measures we can take.
  4. You are quite right. I was amazed that an entertainment column about life in Thailand should contain such an inappropriate observation. Who is it intended to impress?
  5. Your comment "Now it’s time for the western allies to realise that it wasn’t all bad Mr Putin but mistakes of their own making that led to this almighty world-happiness-threatening mess" is most interesting. Please do elaborate and let your readers know what mistakes by the western allies led to the invasion of Ukraine; we really do deserve to know.
  6. Having stated your undying love for Thailand it seems gratuitous that you choose then to make snide remarks regarding British politics. Firstly Brexit was not a pitiful disaster, it was the result of the biggest democratic exercise in UK history, with a significant majority voting in favour in a free referendum; certainly preferable to the Prayut approach. Secondly Ed Davey is a politician of zero relevance who will never be tasked by power so is ideally placed to make absurd smart Alec comments referencing a 50 year old TV show. Thirdly were it not for Johnson, that Putin fanboy J Corbyn would probably be in charge of Britain's response to world events. And finally, for all of his perceived failings Boris has at least freed us from the Covid authoritarians and restored much of social life back to what it was. Why do you choose to make disparaging remarks regarding politics that don't affect you in any way?
  7. Interestingly the UK Office for National Statistics estimated that 3.48 million people were carrying the virus in the week to 19 March (Daily Mail 26 March). Yet life goes on mostly as normal with people out and about enjoying the Spring sunshine, for the most part maskless. Hardly the Black Death.
  8. Because the symptoms are are widely reported as generally no worse than the common cold. Most people are simply not frightened any more. Any how, reported numbers are expected to drop substantially next week when the government stops supplying free test kits. People will stay home if they are unwell and only seek medical attention if they become seriously so.
  9. They weren't voted out when Christmas festivities and family gatherings were proscribed in the UK in 2020. And there was serious discussion as to whether the same should happen in 2021. Fortunately in the latter case Johnson had the courage to face down the doomsters. All Covid restrictions have gone now, thank God.
  10. 55 year ago when I was learning to drive in Wales my instructor asked, "When do you give way to a pedestrian?" to which I, know it all, replied, "On a zebra crossing" to which he with withering sarcasm replied, " And if not on a crossing you run them over?" . To which I guess in Thailand the reply would be, "Yes, and on a zebra crossing as well if I can".
  11. You don't say where you are based but in the UK at 77 I can get comprehensive cover, with medical expenses up to £3 million, including Covid as standard, for a 90 day trip for about £450. This is from Good2Go, through JustTravelCover.com. I'm sure equivalent cover would be available in other countries if you really wanted to bother. What puts me off is the suspicion that it wouldn't be accepted for some preposterous reason, eg it's not worded correctly in USD, or doesn't state that Covid is covered in block capitals; and then the Thai insurance would be required on top. I guess it all depends on how motivated you are.
  12. But such a figure on its own is largely meaningless. How does this death rate relate to other causes of mortality? (Well down the list one suspects). What is the usual mortality rate for respiratory diseases at this time of year among the elderly? Is there currently a surplus of deaths due to this level of Covid infection? Surely context is everything. Above all, do 65 deaths a day justify throttling the economy?
  13. Why would you even get tested? Go to hospital if you are in serious medical distress, otherwise stay home and keep your head down until you feel better.
  14. How can you promote a tourism hub when you enforce entry requirements that discourage all but the most determined travellers from coming?
  15. It is truly difficult to think of a more absurd over- reaction. For heaven's sake, it's not the Black Death! Ask them to self isolate for few days and let them go home.
  16. OK I accept the point you have made and I have no objections whatever to being vaccinated. But, I have had 2 AZ shots and one pfizer, so why do I need 3 expensive PCR tests, 2 nights in an overpriced SHA+ hotel room and special insurance that is clearly a scam just to enter Thailand? Why can I not visit friends in New Zealand and why is Australia only now thinking about opening up to fully vaccinated tourists when it's estimated that over 90% of their population has already been jabbed? This is what I mean by mixed messaging. I will stress again that it's not vaccination that I object to but the fact that whatever one does it's never enough for officialdom. It's not Fox News or social media numpties that undermine faith in the vaccines, it's the remorseless insistence on petty-fogging (and expensive) restrictions, regardless of ones vaccination status that does it.
  17. But not impossible. UK police now have had a breath test for cannabis and cocaine since 2015. If positive a blood test will then be done for other drugs. Not a perfect solution but at least a deterrent.
  18. Actually the article you cite shows the effectiveness of the vaccine against hospitalisation which I would never deny. And no I am not a medical doctor and get my information mostly from UK press and main stream media not medical journals per se. I am also triple vaxed and would advise others to be so but the fact is that in the UK the message has been that the vaccines prevent serious illness, not getting it or passing it on. My argument is against mixed messaging by officialdom not against vaccination.
  19. Alas EVA don't seem to have much of a timetable for the immediate future. Once a week LHR to BKK seems to be about it for the next few months last time I looked.
  20. Frankly if this really does give insurance cover to the extent indicated I would be prepared to pay 1,000 baht, since at 77 the proxy Thai insurance firms won't cover me and immigration won't accept foreign travel policies because the wording isn't exactly right; eg in a quoted example last year "unlimited cover" was rejected because it wasn't the 50,000 USD stipulated at that time.
  21. But for some reason if you click on "Buy Now" the only period of cover offered is 30 days whatever visa status you show and no entry dates are offered after 5 May. What am I missing here?
  22. Yes Joe, wouldn't it be nice if their bureaucratic formulations were internally consistent. I just assumed that the requirement for a state pension was an over-riding condition to which the means of demonstrating income was subordinate. But you are quite right. If you just need to show £10,000 in the bank for 3 months the pension bit is irrelevant. Also, why is the insurance requirement stated as USD 100,000? Is this just a failure to update the site properly in line with the current Pass requirement, or am I missing something??
  23. That's useful to know. I was basing my comments also on the fact that a friend was refused a non-O although he had a British Airways pension, because he was too young for the state pension. That was several years back, pre-covid, so hopefully things have changed. Also it was pre the online application process; he was at the London Embassy.
  24. Yes but the London Thai Embassy site says "aged 50 or above WITH A STATE PENSION" and at 54 the OP would not qualify. Also it states a requirement for 100,000 USD covid cover for the entire period of stay, though maybe that should have been updated to the current 50,000.
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