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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Another tragic death but I have to ask why was he carrying a firearm ? Will there be a valid reason or just because it's the done thing, however if he was legally carrying in connection with his job for example why was he out drinking when armed ? It's all a recipe for disaster.

    It has been mentioned, on other media sites, that quote "Khun Udom was unemployed but surprisingly wealthy. The dead man's purse revealed 10,000 baht in cash, five gold amulets, a gold necklet, an expensive bracelet and a gold ring."

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  2. come on how to design n build a "proper" track / facilities in 2 years

    The same as Monaco does, or Singapore it's called a Street Circuit!

    I have a feeling that the standards of streets in Monaco and Singapore are a wee bit higher standard than most on Phuket...smile.png

    Have to agree, check the extra ground clearance they had to use, for the demo run. and that was in Bangkok, Phuket's roads are much worse.

  3. Little bit of sugar in the petrol tank used to cure this problem around my way a few years back....or a potato up the exhaust pipe.

    Value grinding paste is much better, take the lid off, drop it in the fuel tank, if they don't discovery it, it will keep wearing their motors out, until the paste is used up.

  4. Yes, my suggestion is... Chicken alone is not a balanced diet for an adult dog so the chicken should be supplemented with a little rice and vegetables.

    Of course it sounds like he is getting plenty of exercise chasing the chickens, so that's good. smile.png

    a whole chicken is good for the dog, in the wild they do NOT go looking for rice or vegetables. Chicken is a complete meal, protein, calcium, iron etc.

  5. Im from America... people dont ride scooters... lol, so I really dont know...

    I would appreciate real answers, if you dont know, please just dont respond.

    If I do need a license, can I get one without a WP? I will be a visa runner kind of guy...

    Yes, you do need a license, an international licence is only ok for 3 months, after that you should get your Thai license, this NOT hard, if you already have a bike license from you home country. basically to purchase a bike, you need a 12 month visa, a certificate of Residency (from immigration) and a pocket on money.

  6. There are a bunch of off-duty pollicemen who regularly use the local bar/restaurant that I frequent, and there isn't one of them who leaves the table to go outside to use the public smoking area, so what kind of hypocrisy is this?

    How dare you suggest that it isn't only tourists and business operators, that disobey signs, shame on you. Are you suggesting that the honourable Khun Kanet Wongsa is wrong or worse still.. RACIST. (please people, all said tongue in cheek, except for maybe the racist part)

  7. I have no idea becuase the missus buys it for me

    So ytf did you comment....

    Op, buy what you like, it is all "expensive." By the way, to all those interested, Gillette have now started selling their 5 blade Fusion blades in Thailand, Not cheap, but even in Oz they aren't, but such a smoooooth shave.

  8. These "strategies" will have the same affect as those put in place for songkran... These people never cease to amaze me with how many "strategies" they can come up with, but never actually put any in place. I strongly suspect none of them have the brains to think never mind implement. Trying so hard to show intelligence, to be seen as good as or better than farang, but fail miserably. Even simple traffic solutions, like correctly implementing traffic lights, to change their timing for peak and off peak hours, isn't done, hence the huge tailbacks.

    • Like 1
  9. I am in Nakhon Sawan in the Krokphra district. We have a transport business here and even known they do not have business grade internet here, I have set up 3 residential grade 15mbit/1mbit connections through 3bb and all have no problem with all 3. They all have no problem obtaining their advertised speeds.

    As for bbc iPlayer, you will need a VPN as iPlayer is region locked. There are plenty of VPN services available. I use one based in Australia so I can get ABC streamed to my XBMC setup.

    Where in Nakhon Sawan are you moving to?

    You will ONLY get the advertised speeds if you test with the ISPs recommended sites, this is because there hard code the speed, they are lying. I suggest you try http://testmy.net/, you could be in for a shock.

  10. Ive been on message boards long enough to know that its incredibly naive to think that there arent total complete nutters out there willing to track you down and petition your employers to fire you because of some innocuous and decotextualised comment that they've trawled through for days to find in your posting history... because you once showed they were wrong in a stupid argument that no one remembers or even cares about ten minutes after its finished.

    Then again, having an account under your name doesnt mean you cant have 100 other accounts for trolling or saying what you really think about regarding other more controversial issues.

    Not sure if I can mention the name here, but, there is an online news site, Phuket Wan, whose editor calls you a coward and a few other words, if you do not use your name, the funny thing is, he even says this even AFTER he has banned you, meaning even with another email account, you can no longer use your name...go figure, the guy is a nutter.

  11. So, just out of curiosity, is there a written dress code for passport photos? Everyone is giving this guy a hard time, but I just extended my visa, and I didn't see anything in writing regarding my passport photo. I was dressed nice and had no problems, but is this just someone's judgement on what's classy and what's not?

    Bare shoulders are considered rude in Thailand.

    Damn, now I have to tell my wife she is rude.

  12. How exactly do workers upgrade their own skills?

    Surely there either needs to be government training or incentives for businesses to provide it.

    As for the breast feeding corners - that does sort of imply mothers taking infants to work with them. Nurseries at work might work for larger companies IF an incentive is provided but kids should really not be going to work IMO.

    The problem I see, with workers "upgrading their "skills", is who in this country is capable of teaching them, who has these "higher" skills to pass on, unless horror of horrors, they import higher skilled people as trainers.

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