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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Enforcement is not under the police per se, if this was the case one would see large numbers of farangs in Thailand being arrested for working without WP's, seems to the police (immigration police) get involved on the request of other goverment departments, they are not actively enforcing anything

    Well, beside that we do see a number of foreigners arrested because working without a WP, even without any involvment from "other departments", if you want to believe that is not right that TPVs do volunteer work without a WP, good for you, personally I think you haven't understood much about Thailand.

    Lets suppose for a minute that the proper and correct legal stand point in this instance is that WP are required, which I am inclined to believe is the correct interpretation, dont you think it rather hypercritical if people are doing this voluneering wiith the police without WP as in fact they are breaking the law themselves ?

    Personally I dont give a rats if they they do or dont, have a WP, I work here legally and have the required WP, but the one thing I have learned about Thailand is that just because someone tells you something doesnt make it true even if they are a big Poo Yai in the police. as if push came to shove, these guys would be dropped in the sh*t in a heart beat by the same Poo Yai's becasue they didnt have the required bit of paper, the risk is on the people doing this not on the Police

    Even more interesting is that by employing people without a work permit, then the police are themselves breaking the law and should be taken to task by the DOL.

  2. As someone else posted in another thread on the same subject.

    To me it seems that, since Thai Police operates under the excutive arm of the Thai government, Foreign police volunteers legally fall under case 7 below.

    From WORKING OF ALIENS ACT, B.E. 2521 (1978)

    Section 4. This Act does not apply to performance of specific duty by aliens in the Kingdom in the following capacities:

    (1) as members of a diplomatic mission;

    (2) as members of a consular mission;

    (3) as representatives of member countries and officials of the United Nations and specialized institutions;

    (4) as personal servants coming from foreign countries to work regularly for persons in (1) or (2) or (3);(5) as persons who perform duty or mission under an agreement concluded between the Government of Thailand and foreign Governments or international organizations;

    (6) as persons who perform duty or mission for the benefit of education, culture, art, sports or other activities as may be prescribed by the Royal Decree;

    (7) as persons permitted by the Government of Thailand to enter and perform any duty or mission.

    You could be right, but if so, then it needs to be an act or parliament and therefore there should be some document somewhere.

  3. Thailand does have health and safety laws but these are not taken seriously and rarely enforced.

    Over the years I`ve witnessed some deplorable conditions of hygiene in Thai eating establishments. Filth, dirt and vermin everywhere, staff using bare hands while preparing and cooking the food, filthy tables for preparing the food, sneezing in the food, cooked and raw pork and meats left out in the open swarming with flies.

    So far I have been lucky and have not suffered food poisoning, only because I have experience and cautious of where and what I eat.

    Thai noodle stall and restaurant owners don`t give a rat’s behind about hygiene regulations and clean practices. What does concern them more is reputation, especially if mostly catering to the local clientele. If customers get sick after eating in their establishments, then the word gets round, and the customers will avoid the place, then it goes out of business.

    In Thailand whatever we do, we just have to be cautious and a bit more choosey, as most of it is based on a hope and a prayer that the worst won`t happen.

    Look at the UK about 200 years ago, and consider the hygiene then, and they still managed to control close to half the world. Seems to me out stomachs, or minds, are getting weaker, having said that, oh how I'd like a solid movement after 2.5 years.

  4. Been here three years. When in Thailand I have NEVER had what one would call a firm/solid bowel motion - in fact quite the opposite. blink.png

    Every morning at 7:07 (+- 3 minutes) my bowels instruct me to proceed poste haste to the toilet, whereupon all manner of bacteria is evacuated. xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

    When I go home to Farangland I usually suffer from chronic constipation after about 3 days which takes a week to stabilise.facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif

    On returning to LOS, I get the squirts 24 hours following consumption of the first morsel of food, which in 3 days recalibrates to the 7:07 wake up call. bah.gif

    Somehow I don't think it's just the change in climate that impacts my bowels to that extent, so my lower intestines are in agreement with the OP - food safety standards in LOS are ass-ininely non existent . whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn

    LoL...here's me thinking I was a loner, now I know there's at least one other, except my timing is close to 9:00am.

  5. If you will be, so please, do not be corrupt and clear the big mess, thanks

    Well, if as the article says, the job is "open to all" , I would like the post ! As a farang maybe i could introduce common sense and honesty as prerequisites for wearing a uniform. I would also introduce stiff sentences for those demanding money from innocent people. Do you think that would go down well ? Will i get the job?

    I think what would go down well would be your body, in a bag, thrown over the side of a fishing boat. Now, to the next top cop, I don't care who gets the job, as along as they do their duty which includes removing, and charging ALL corrupt officials, especially corrupt cops, who have failed (in Australia we have a saying...king and country) Thailand/Phuket in NOT performing their duties,

  6. When you do those changes it's just for you trying to get your money back good luck

    Mods on a bike have absolutely zero about getting money back. If you don't have a decent bike to start with why bother. I don't think I would do too much on a scooter. Mods for your ride are more a statement of personal preference on how you want your ride to look feel & handle. I never spent more than a customizing a seat & yss shocks on my scooters. But most bigger bikes you know you are going to spend 20-80,000 on mods to make it your pride & joy. Not all things are about money. I have an engine that I paid $200,000 at an auction for breast cancer that is a Jack Roush motor that Mark Martin won in the NASCAR Winston Cup in 1997 at Sears Point where I race. I was there at this race.

    Will I ever get my money back..Probably not but I didn't get it for making money. It is my Baby & well worth every hard earned cent I paid for it!

    I don't understand your quote, "if you don't have a decent bike why bother" what is a decent bike? to some it is what they can afford, mods have nothing to do with getting money back it is a hobby and something people do to make something there's in a style that suits them, mods can be extreme, have you seen some of the big scooters, here are a few examples for you, too extreme for me but I can appreciate the effort that has been put into bikes like this.attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1379821143.480450.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1379821152.509552.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1379821163.642049.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1379821173.193422.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1379821182.089863.jpg

    I don't think "show" bikes really count, in this post. The bikes in your pix could next be ridden on any road.

  7. I would let them get stuffed. Tell the school master Thailand doesn't allow foreigners to do even unpaid volunteer (I known, oxymoron) work w/o allot of hassle and that he should complain to his elected officials about it and if the law was ever changed, you would be happy to help him out.

    It's not only volunteer work, two guys on Phuket where recently charged for building their OWN boat, in their OWN yard...beware people, according to the law you can't even do your own painting gardening etc.

    Bit bigger than a "boat" perhaps !smile.png


    Same same but different, it certainly isn't a ship, but hey, who cares, I wasn't actually commenting on the size of the thing... maybe size is more important to you. :)

  8. I would let them get stuffed. Tell the school master Thailand doesn't allow foreigners to do even unpaid volunteer (I known, oxymoron) work w/o allot of hassle and that he should complain to his elected officials about it and if the law was ever changed, you would be happy to help him out.

    It's not only volunteer work, two guys on Phuket where recently charged for building their OWN boat, in their OWN yard...beware people, according to the law you can't even do your own painting gardening etc.

  9. Pib Thanks for the reply. TOT are trying to sell me fibre optic, 20 mb at twice what I am paying now. Given as correct what you are saying I would be wasting my money.

    They deliberately restrict your bandwidth hoping you will pay for a more expensive package, it is a swindle. If the bandwidth is there, for higher priced packages, then it is there for ALL packages. 3BB do the same thing, I can accept being throttled back if all bandwidth is in use and more is given to higher paying customers, but not if there is bandwidth available. Another Thai scam.

  10. You gotta feel for the poor folks in these areas.

    They must be sick of flooding . . . . and the loose promises that have followed

    each year that it won't happen again.

    Hope they learn something from it and vote smart on the next election.

    What difference will it make, they had floods when the democrats were in as well.

    • Like 1
  11. I might add that many sites look at your IP address so you will get adds and sites, eg Google (if you do not add /ncr) in your local language. This is really infuriating as you can not always buy from an English speaking site, an example is EA games shop, if in Thailand you are directed to the Thai EA site, no option to change language to English.

  12. For downloading large static files of between 300MB - 1GB in size (over http) from one of my servers I find that if I use the 'free download manager' ( http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/ ) windows program on my 3BB internet connection I can max out my connection speed and download at around 1100 KB/s, a little over 1MB/second. So a 1GB download using 10 simultaneous connections takes about 15 minutes.

    This is pretty good but it won't work for live streams as they will only have a single feed.

    If I download the same file in the regular web browser I get a speed between 120-150 KB/s, this is obviously the result of a throttled international connection by my ISP as I can get the same speed on multiple connections at the same time.

    You're right about ISPs limiting international connects. This in fact, at least for 3BB< is illegal. In their contract they do say it could be limited due to "technical" reasons, the truth is it is an administrative decision. I took this to dept of consumer protection.... still, after 2 emails, waiting on a reply, will not hold my breath.

  13. Simple rules...If on fibre, you're paying too much...if on ADSL and 20 Mbps or higher, you're paying too much. So, my simple rule is pay no more than an ADSL 16Mbps, I chose this because it gives a higher upload than lower packages. The sooner everyone does this, the sooner the ISPs start losing money, and we all know how they like the baht. As for those on mobile (the mobile networks are crap, even for voice, never mind data) or satellite packages, I feel very sorry for you.

  14. Kasikorn did have a 20000 baht limit, but since system upgrade , about 6 months ago, I'm not sure, simply because now my Australian Bank's saving card is now, for some strange reason,(though I suspect incompetent programming), now registers as a Master Card, I am limited to 10000Baht. Had a talk to the local branch mangler...oops manager, and you can guess where that got me, totally incompetent, useless fools, it's no wonder taxi/tuk tuk drivers make more money. Well, lol, on Phuket they do.

  15. Oh I hope Truevision fails, their Satellite transmissions already have piss poor programming and technical problems, please don't give them free to air as well. You would think they would hire a few farang tech specialists, on contract, to sort out their problems, but no, keep taking customers money and make them pay for &lt;deleted&gt;.

    • Like 1
  16. How much will this cost the public. TRUE still can not control the output volume during the commercials. They keeo telling the customers they will do something, but nothing happens. SSDD angry.png

    lol..not only during the commercials, it's up and down during shows between channels, sound randomly stops for a few seconds, some pre-recorded shows have such bad quality is becomes unwatchable (this is not a signal problem with my receiver, I'm a techy by trade) a professionally run company would re-record the show, but not true, just shove it out to the paying customers. Total disrespect!

    • Like 1
  17. Can someone explain why a tiny flash and small bang occurs whenever an appliance is inserted into a socket?

    This even applies to a mobile telephone charger!

    I have visited numerous countries and this is the first time it has ever happened.

    That is an easy one, in most Thai houses there are no switches on the power outlets, therefore, when you plug is, a circuit made, drawing current hence the flash and pop, this is normal. Usually in western countries you do not see this, unless the room is dark, as it takes place in the switch.

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