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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. More opportunities are arising in Myanmar (please do some research as to why you shouldn't refer to the country in it's entirety as 'Burma'). now that it is opening up. Maid and other workers have been saving for a long time awaiting this very time. Now they can go back, start a small business, and be with their families.

    • Best Travel Website: pantip.com/forum/blueplanet

    But it is in Thai language...is that new? Can all Quality Tourists read Thai these days?

    I wondered about that too. Maybe the backpackers have changed in the last years.

    LP has gone a lot more mainstream and is used by independent travellers of all budgets. If you pick one up you will see they include accommodation and restaurants for all budgets, including 4 and 5 star.

    Those on a budget are more likely to use internet versions of LP, Rough Guide, Travelfish etc, as they are free and can offer additional information on places not included in the print edition.

  2. I think your wife does what she's supposed to do as a wife in her opinion, cook, take care of the kids etc but she's never truly loved you otherwise she wouldn't lie, make stories etc. And wouldn't consider having sex with the man she allegedly loves a choir, but would look forward to it.

    On the other side, her family is telling you their own version of the truth as well, because it is simply not true that it's normal for thais to keep in touch with a past partner. It's not. Thais are a jealous bunch, the last thing she would want you to do is to keep in touch with your ex. Saying that they forgive easily is even a more outrageous lie since thais do not forgive easily. Otherwise they wouldn't be so addicted to taking revenge.

    This sums it up very well. +1

  3. celebrities are used to endorse products in every country in the world so why should Thailand be any different

    Agreed. But the extent to which celebrities are used in Thailand is far greater than in the west. You can see the same celebrities selling everything from cars, to chewing gum, sanitary pads, and various health remedies. it is very rare to see a no-name billboard.

    Perhaps this has been because in a country where it is all too easy to rip people off, a familiar "trusting" face makes all the difference.

    Now thanks to social media, these celebrities are often being exposed as being just as bad as the other elite. Then they are using that same tool to find out what products/services can really be trusted by turning to 'normal' Thai's such as themselves. People who you see as the same or similar to you are the easiest to relate to.

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  4. Good on them any little thing to highlight is a step forward.

    However only a complete ban with severe fines and jail will hopefully stifle this abhorrent trade.

    It's now 2015 time to wake up if it's not to late already.

    Personally I think the death penalty for anyone directly involved in the trade... from the hunters, to the middlemen, and finally the customers. We just don't need these people in this already over populated world. Same should go for anyone involved in the trade of any endangered species.

    Does your death penalty apply to shark fins also? Or endangered plant species?

    Sharks... sure, if they are on the endangered species list, why not.

    I am not aware of the trade in any endangered species of plant life. I would assume if they had value we would just grow more of them. If you are referring to deforestisation, yes, there should also be strong laws in place to protect the natural habitats of bird and plant life, especially when it affects endangered animal life.

  5. Good on them any little thing to highlight is a step forward.

    However only a complete ban with severe fines and jail will hopefully stifle this abhorrent trade.

    It's now 2015 time to wake up if it's not to late already.

    Personally I think the death penalty for anyone directly involved in the trade... from the hunters, to the middlemen, and finally the customers. We just don't need these people in this already over populated world. Same should go for anyone involved in the trade of any endangered species.

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  6. It does seem pretty sad that most of these clubs / organisations are full of people who are either on the make, or trying to make themselves look good.

    Many of these chancers would never ever get to be members of Rotary / Lions / Round Table in their own countries. Most of the decent people I have met here have been pretty low key, but involved in sports clubs of which I've been a member, and funnily enough some thoroughly decent people who I've met through the forum.

    I 2nd sports clubs (with the exception of golf clubs). They seem to attract more genuine people.

    I have also found that, like in the west, good people seem to attract good people.

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  7. "He said any area affected by falling temperature below 15 degrees Celsius for three consecutive days will come under the Finance Ministry’s definition of disaster areas and are subject to relief assistance immediately."

    It's not like this isn't an annual event that everyone should be both prepared for or used to blink.png

    And just 15 degrees? Seriously?

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