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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. Indebt them all again? Unbelievable.......

    How to keep an uneducated majority of voters under control and fear!

    As opposed to knee-jerk negativity about a Government program from those who are agenized to do so, I inquired what is the "one" good thing about this particular program.

    Obviously a program such as this was not created in a vacuum, and there was some solid rationale, beyond bald politics as this Poster suggests.

    Several advantages were mentioned, the primary one being the issue of were credit originates.

    For the many farmers who don't have the money in a pre-emptive manner, they buy on credit now, provided by the merchants. Credit that is provided at unfavorable rates and unfavorable terms.

    This program releases the Farmer from such arrangements. It gives them farmer-friendly credit access, with heavy emphasis and controls on the CC being used for their singular agriculture defined and intended purpose, as referenced in this article.

    Bottom line, this does not affect farmer indebtedness up or down, just its' source.

    If that is how it works, then I whole heartedly agree. What is much more likely however, is that most farmers will 'max out' their credit-card and then proceed to borrow more money from the usual lenders/sharks.

  2. I've never seen an iPad used for anything other than playing games, websurfing (usually facebook), looking at photos, and to make it's owner look like an even bigger <deleted>... taking photos.

    Perhaps if we could get a list of the productivity tools the MP's would be using on their iPads for the betterment of society it might put the naysayers minds at ease. I shall now hold my breathe.....

  3. While the Pandas are just creepy, I am wondering if the Ronald McHitler isn't a jab at multinational corporate greed.

    While directly comparing one to the other misses the mark, you can draw certain analogies. For example, I wonder how many people worldwide will die from heart related illnesses due to stuffing their faces with the garbage McDonald's and their ilk peddle to the masses. Sure they aren't pushing people in to gas chambers, but people are dying just the same.

    Starbucks is my all time favourite. Remember when they were accused of buying coffee (using middlemen so they could deny all knowledge) harvested by child slave labour? They came back with their even more absurdly over-priced 'fair trade' coffee which they guaranteed wasn't harvested by kids. By default they were admitting that they coudn't guarantee the same about their regular stuff.

    Conscience? Only if they feel the bottom line will suffer.

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  4. I have had the Note for nearly 2 months not. I have owned an iPhone and two previous Android devices, both HTC. I love the freedom on Android. I had to Jail Break my IPhone to get half the flexibility. I do like the design iPhones, they look great, but I loathe iTunes.

    While I agree with the poster above that many people buy Android's because they can't afford an iPhone, for many that is due to their own ignorance and devotion to brand perception and little to due with the ease of use or functionality of the phone.

    I've found the Galaxy Note to be the best phone I have used by far. It is almost too big, but not quite. I can work out in the gym with it in my pocket, can fit it in my jeans/work trousers comfortably, even when riding my motorbike.

    The Galaxy Note is slim, fast, and very user friendly. I skinned it with Go Launcher EX (available in the market), and now it is even more user friendly.

    I see iPhone users staring longingly at the Note's massive, beautiful screen. Truth be told, when I hold my iPhone now I feel like I have been served a half-pint. Sure sometimes that is all you need, but who the heck ever orders one?

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