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Posts posted by Kathe

  1. Here where I live I found only Kerry Gold Irish Butter , and I love it , more than other butters here. Next time shall try Kiwi Butter if I am in Thailand. Dont like salted butter but love natural(flavour) butter that 's not hard like a stone. :o

  2. www.pantip.com is the hottest and best website ( 9th anniversary ) for thai people who use Computer. There are everything you looking for and every taste and good discussion, various of useful hints as well as hobbies, travelling guide , and thousand more. I hooked there every night to read the forum :D

    The best way is using temporary ID card by giving only your email and it valids for 30 days, and you can renew the same step , in order not to give all your personal details. I am the one who dont like to give all my personal details easily in that mass. Nobody knows who is who on the cyber space.

    Have fun George !!! :o

  3. Just only my point of view. Please do think * twice, or double twice* to have dog , because each dog needs at least 10 years to live with you. They are also part of your LIFE. Please ask yourself again and again if you really have such a long time to take care of them( if you are only short time tourist here). Not every thai gal loves animal. In this case, not love them as a member of the family but love them if her farang boy friend loves and if farang bf leaves her, then his dog would be treated as street dog, that is the *problem*.

    I have seen so many good breeding dogs on the street without owners on the beach of Pattaya. :D Imagine, how poor they are and how hard to see and break people who loves animal heart, my heart too :o

    Hope this 2 dogs have a new home real soon. Bambina, you should post in Pantip , animal room na, there are so many dog lovers there, might help.

  4. So many thai food I like., Easy and real typical thai food,

    ....... Nam prik krapi pla too with veggi

    ....... Nam pla warn with pla dook yang.

    ........ Gaeng Som veggi

    .........Gaeng Tom Som pla grabork,

    ..........Toa Jiew Lohn with veggi

    .........Phad Pla dook with green pepper.

    ........Panaeng Beef

    .......Phad Thai and all noodle except Mama Wai Wai.. :o

    And so manyyyyyyyy thingsssssss I wanna eat NOW. :D If nothing to eat then Pizza is my weekly food. :D

  5. If it has not much rain, you can see the beauty of the sunset too. :D

    The winter is coming soon and I am dreaming on Hua hin Beach or Kan Win rafting house...he he he.. :o

    Photoes : By Saothai ( all reserved ) :D




  6. :D  :D  :D

    Saothai and Old Croc and all of you, and not forgetting “Thomas Merton” who “wished he was here” and to be “Just bumping.”

    Taken last Sunday in Kan – hope you enjoy this one, from "bumping land" :D


    Any one else ????? :o

    See you next week on ThaiVisaDotCom. :D

    Yours truly, :D

    Kan Win :D

    That was a GREAT PIX, Kan Win !!!! The atmosphere made me more home sickkkkkkkkk. Here is only dull and wet and cold :D:D

  7. I definetly feel sorry for you but i have been threw the same thing and probably every guy on here has too

    Theres no easy answer thats for sure..if you really love this thai girl u have to accept all the shit that comes with it

    examples...u will no doubt sooner or later send her money..if u dont she wWILL look else where if she is a bar girl...and u need to take care of mamma and pappa and siter and brother and nephew and neice and all those distant cousins...well maybe i was a bit sarcastioc but u get my drift

    i was in a simliar situation 3 years ago but i managed to control it just about but long distance reltionships are the worst..there nothing good about it abosloutly nothing

    if u really wanna be with her u best strt saving for a ticket over there again or start her visa process which you will be paying for mate because she will not be able to afford it..i thought there were loads of thais in australia is it hard to get her a visa

    the way i got out of it was to build a house which took many hours of working over time to pay for it then u got your phone calls and alot of other shit that will end up driving you into the ground...u need to stay on top of the situation and if u really really wnt this then its up to YOU to make it work.. dont listen to the ass holes in here there jsut trying to make you see the real picture becaue your first post sounded stupid..people that go to thailand alot have heard your srory 1 million times...i know i have

    sort this problem out before it gets worse...choose her or leave her..u have to stop all contct to get rid of this girl

    i have a business in thailand...why dont u try that?

    good luck mate u wil need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cornflake informed you excellent ideas. I am a Thai Woman and on your post sounds really naive and innocent. The holiday's atmosphere and the exotic gal, and exciting things that happened in your life that never happened in your country and daily life. I am the one who believe in *Love * . If the feeling made you unbearable to live *without * her, not the feeling of lust. The follow your feeling. Try to know her more and more. Because, the problem is already *programme*. If you fall in love with bargal.

    The following problem(SSSS) are as Cornflake already explained. You (might)have to support all her family, her child. In case she has not much educated, she would like to go back to work as a bar gal , when you went back home. She has to live and she gets used to have money to spend. She wouldnt like to stay at home and help her parents or taking care her own child. She might not want to work in a shop that earn only for buying food .

    On the other side, bar gal has lots of experiences with many clients everyday. She knows all the tricks, especially naive guys who easily fall on her. They might laugh at your back, how naive you are.

    But there are still naive thai gal too, who is working in bar and wants to stop working and starting a family if she find the right one.

    I am sure, it wont take long , to learn your thai gal friend, and to know if she is playing a theater or fall really on you.

    Good luck !!!

  8. oh yes I like the Ritter Sports too (not only because their factory is just 10 km away from my childhood home in Germany), and recently have the RUM TRAUBEN NUSS (rum-nuts-raisins) in the fridge here. a hint: if you want to buy a larger amount, why dont u call the Thai importers directly (their number is listed on the import-button of each Package) and ask them if they would import a box of lets say 50 bars for u next time. and if they realize there is a demand for that MARZIPAN thing, they may even consider to distribute it nationwide in the future.... I think it would be worth a try (even my RUM TRAUBEN NUSS favorite is already available here  :o  )

    I like Ritter Sports too, white chocolate with full hasel nut. And many other Ritters too, with joghurt strawberry..hummmmmm...yummy. As my sisters love European Chocolates and I brought many kgs every time back to Thailand, but they enjoy eating Ritter a lot too...reasonable prices and not easy melting. I saw many Ritter Sport every where in our Supermarket, at The Mall, one small cost 50 baht, 10 bahts more than in Europe i think.

  9. This band are playing at the Shepherds bush Empire. I will be going as well as a few from Thailand-uk.com.

    Any others want to meet for a beer let me know


    Never seen there concert but I like this group for such a long time. Made in Thailand, Mahalai, Lai Fun...and many more...Naresuan is good too. hurrrrrrr wanna see once Carabao Concert.....living too far...away :D

    www.carabao.net free musics of them. :o

  10. I remember the times trying to get to my village called Don Nang Hong by songtaew.

    Songtaew Driver: Pai Sai?

    Gazza: Don Nang Hong.

    S. Driver: Huh!!?

    Gazza: Don Nang Hawng (trying a different pronounciation)

    S. Driver: Nakhon Phanom?

    Gazza: Mai. Dawn Naang Hong

    S. Driver: That Phanom?

    Gazza: Maaaiii. (sighs) Dawn Naang Hawng.

    S. Driver: Ban Khwang?

    Gazza: NO! (pulse quickening) Don NANG HONG.

    S. Driver: Aw Hawww. Mai Ruu......Renu Nakhon?

    Gazza: NOOOO!!! (temperature rising) DON NANG HONG!!!

    S. Driver calls fellow songtaew driver over for assistance. Repeat conversation as above. While conversation is being repeated Gazza listens intently for the sound of a one baht coin dropping.

    Then the coin drops.

    S. Driver "Awww Hawwww! Don Nang Hong baw??"

    Gazza: Ugh! (Loa for 'Yes')

    Gazza arrives at the tambon of Don Nang Hong and approaches mc stand.

    MC Taxi Driver: Pai Sai?

    Gazza: Muubaan Koksawang.

    MC Taxi Driver: Huh!????........

    For the times that I hit on the right pronounciation they then assumed that I could speak fluent Thai or Lao and would throw a question at me.

    Then it was my turn to say 'Huh!!???'  :D

    You cracked me down on the floor now..hehehehe... :D I like this trade, really funny to read Farang Chang Ruh , chang sang ked...paasah thai. I'm agree with you all. Even me, as I have been living for a long time out of Thailand ( I am Thai ) and sometimes I am not update with thai new language. Once I said let's go to Tesco, nobody knows where I wanted to go . Where is Tesco ? Then.....awwww....Low Tad....., once I wanted to change battery of my watch. I damnly forgot the word of battery in thai as I am always using this word and everybody understands , everywhere in Thailand.

    I said I wanted to change my Batt. She .....what ?......Me.....Plien Batt I showed her my watch..(.Nalika...plien Batt.)

    She....I dont know phee. Me....Plien Batt you dont know ? :o S...h.....!!!! t...what is Battery in Thai ? Oh yeah....Plien Taan ( Fai Chai ) :D

  11. :D  :D  :D

    Thomas_Merton, Thank you for asking.  :D

    This is from my little home (front view) in Kan BTW taken last Friday.....


    and this 50 odd meters from there down stream (this year). Life is a beach by the sea, but then in Kan we also have our own little one Som Tam. :o


    When the Sun goes down @ This time of the year we have this as well, a few klicks down the road from my home.

    Enjoy Thailand like I do:D

    Happy days.


    Yours truly, :D

    Kan Win  :D

    Feel really peaceful and your pixs made me home sick I like your pixs !!!!! Great Kan Win !

  12. Get her pregnant ...and then get her drunk every nite so that her baby will have fetal alcohol syndrome... and then get her addicted to heroin.....and then dump her.

    What is going on with you Chaonah ? I am sure you have a thai wife in Thailand too. If one of Farang would do that with your *daughter.*....get her drunk very night , get her addicted to heroin......then dump her ! Would you feel happier ? Give you a MINUS point of view :o

  13. Ok guys. Just curious. I've checked it out and i think its a great addition to the forum. Had some good chats with a few members. But i have also noticed its mostly the same members. Or it seems that way. So was just wondering what everyone thought. I've been in a few times. I dont normally goto chats rooms. But i like this one. Since a few members i've met. Some i havent but it seems more personal than a post on TV. My vote is its good. Any comments?

    Yeah I see what you mean. I think it's a great place for members to chat but it appears not many members are using it. Maybe it's early days though. And if you haven't been in there, take a look :D

    Please show me the way to Chat Room :o I dont find the chat room here. Wanna try :D thanks kha.

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