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Posts posted by arick

  1. 1 minute ago, Mike Lister said:

    Yes, more than ever.

    They were building it in Rama 2 when I was working out assumption 7 years ago a U-turn.

    A Canadian three  years ago died hitting the back on a cement truck.  Slabs of  cement have fallen on cars.  I was stuck in the traffic  for hours around rama 2.  Three years ago. Then just meet violent Thai drivers 

  2. 12 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

    OP: allow at least 4 hours from Bangkok to Hua Hin, construction, narrow lanes and traffic volumes are horrible, longer in rush hour.

    Does that road outside the Bangkok still have construction on it 3 years later they've been building that road for the last 9 years still not finished.

  3. 15 hours ago, skorts said:

    Looking to drive from Chiang Mai to Hua Hin. Hoping to avoid central Bangkok by going west of Bangkok. Any suggestions on the route and a place to stop overnight, about half way down, would be appreciated. Thank you. 

    Ask Google 

  4. You'd be lying on the online form because you're not the owner and you have to enter in the house registration number and I'm not sure if you have to take a picture of the blue/book chanote I can't remember what I had to do.


    Only the owners of a property are given a paper form TM30 to register guests by immigration. 


    I suggest that you look up the penalty for lying on a government form.

    Go do your TM30 yourself at immigration.  My immigration never asked for one. 

  5. 14 hours ago, Korat Kiwi said:

    Because the cost of living in NZ is astronomical. 


    Unless you own your own home expect to pay at least half your wage on rent... if you can find a rental. 


    Price of food has skyrocketed due in part to having only 2 main companies controlling the majority of the supermarkets. 


    Those with a job (middle income) are supporting the bludgers  who for generations have lived off the governments welfare pay outs.


    Whereas corporate bosses pay their financial whizz kids to keep their tax liabilities low.  (To be expected). 


    It's been that way in NZ for years.  The middle man works the hardest to make ends meet. And ends up paying the most in tax with F all relief from any government department. 


    So yeah... I'm over NZ. 


     Lovely place to visit. Just don't try to live there 

    And the point being? Why would they pay $12,000 to come to Thailand when there's many other countries that they can go for 25 USD

    • Agree 1
  6. On 2/11/2024 at 2:19 PM, iforget said:

    Arick, how long have you been in Thailand? Where do you do your extension of stay? 


    I've lived in Thailand for 25 years and you're wrong. I'm not talking <deleted> or <deleted>. The rules often change. And the rules can vary from one province to another.


    When I first came here no-one in Phuket was required to do 90-day reports. Then the rules changed. Immigration first introduced the bank book requirement a few years after that as a way of rooting out farang khee nok, who had less than the required minimum B800k in the bank.

    Some people got around this by borrowing B800k the day before the 90 report, then paying it back (with interest) the next day, after reporting.


    Immigration got wise to this fairly quickly and demanded proof of B800k two months before extension of stay and 3 months after.


    So when you go to extend your one-year, you have to get statements from your bank, covering the 2 months before, showing you have B800k+ right through that period.


    They also usually required you to go to the Immi office in person to do your next 90 day report and show them the bank book, updated on the day, to prove you still had a record of B800k+ over the 5 months. That stopped people borrowing, as the interest would be too much of a burden.

    That's what happened the past three times that I went to Srisaket Immi office to renew my stay.


    In my original post I was trying to find out whether the "no bank book required" applied countrywide or just in Phuket. I suspect the new "no bank book" requirement in Phuket is an attempt for them to unclog their office. But I don't know.


    But so far no one has responded with their location, so their answers are not useful. They're particularly useless when delivered with insults.


    So if you want to contribute to this conversation, please state where you do your extension of stay. That would be useful to other people. And behave like an adult.

    Shut up 

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