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Everything posted by arick

  1. Go to any hospital and the pharmacy will check in their computer. I stead of getting mislead down a windy path in here.
  2. It was koh chang a few years back did the same to a guest over his own bottle at the table. Is this the same hotel ?
  3. And do what sit in the room or walk through the little mall or big c. Far to hot to be on the beach in April.
  4. Is it a bank that starts with a B they say that chestnut to everybody contact the bank and ask them to send you a dispute form and fill out the dispute form and they will reimburse you regardless if it's a debit card or credit card. Call the bank and demand a dispute form being emailed out to you ASAP.
  5. Toms don't get neutered until late 15 months good vets are reluctant to do it before 12 months. Shooting a car killing dog or trying to poison it might not work smart Thai dogs are reluctant to take food from any other place or strangers. Carry your cats back to the house like a mother cat grabbing them around the neck. Befriend the. Neighboring dogs. So they are not afraid if you . Only let your cats out in the mornings .
  6. One beautiful white Persian tom 12kg went missing I found him a few days later in the neighbours uncovered water tank.
  7. If the dogs don't. Other them should be ok. But s once a dog kills the dog wont stop. I have 9 cats and a king Cobra could of dragged off one white Persian. So I keep the white ones inside at night. Especially toms. ..I have had 14 cats killed by just one dog. The dog kept killing u til I caughr him with a rope and drive him away 40 km
  8. Another bank three years ago took my money and thousands of other customers never did get the money back or another free debit card
  9. Last year March first was 40 c stayed that way for two months. My pool will be warm as piss
  10. He has been written up already a few years ago and sacked now at it again
  11. ''Another one bites the dust'' Sorry the song keeps running in my ears everytime I see beed like this.
  12. Even Khon Kaen doesn't have International flights anymore. Udon never did.
  13. That's why the Thais always take my Canadian passport (blue) instead of the British (red). They tell Me Canadians are lovely people. Little so they know me.
  14. Did I say plane .. bus Victoria coach station. I forgot the name of the bus company.(Megabus)
  15. Watch the national news. The last 11 directors report to the DSI next week.
  16. All the African and the rest of Asia will be sending their children to Thailand to be killed and collect the benefits.
  17. They can keep their 50,000. Give me back the money this country stoled from me
  18. Three years back a Thai thief( charged property fraud) with his yellow Porche was driving at very high speeds and killed two people on their motor bikes in Hang Dong. He had no mandatory insurance & no tax. He walked away free and wasn't fined.
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