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Posts posted by darren84310

  1. There's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of TV faces when Trump slaughters Clinton, and he will..... she's an out and out crook, evil as they come..... he's going to completely destroy her.

    Is she as evil as the old woman chef who put ketchup on your fries instead of putting condiments on the side?

    You get the picture? Not only do Trump fans refuse to watch HRC speeches (to see what she says and what she stands for), they're determined to try and paint her as the worst ogre in history - akin to Vlad The Impaler's wife who stood alongside him and kept shouting at her husband, "ram that sharpened stake up their bodies, Vlad. Don't worry if they're screaming in pain."

    It reminds me of the little baby in his crib who's crying and fussing for his bottle, while squeezing his eyes shut. The bottle's nipple (solutions from the Democrats) is right in front of his contorted face, but he can't see it, so he continues wailing like his crib is on fire.

    What on earth are you smoking?

  2. Yeah, he got a winning position on a losing team facing relegation. Brilliant.

    Don't be too cock sure about that..... and if you are right, then the Yanks will get Lying Hillary.... and yes, they do all lie but there's a limit to the seriousness of their lies and she continually oversteps that limit by huge margins.... should be in jail.

  3. If this will come to fruition, it will be interesting to see an aging socialist/communist pitted against

    a maverick buffoonish, a bull in the china store Trump.....

    but than again, 8 years ago, no one believed a black guy will elected to be a president, and he was,

    so with crazy America, anything can happened....

    As much as I think Obama has been a poor president, it's not because he's black..... your post seems to suggest that Americans were crazy to elect a black man as president.

    Maybe your wording was a little poor?

  4. If this will happen then my prediction is: Good bye Big C Robinson and Good bye Harbour Mall. One is too old and out of time and the other one is too small comparing with the Cental Festival or the Terminal 21. Only the old Mike Shopping Malls will survive because they got cheap stuff. The right place to shop for the Chinese groups.

    North Pattaya and especially Wongamat Beach is more up market and where the high-so Thais have their condos and the better 5 star hotels and resorts are so I'd say this mall is needed for them.

  5. unprovoked?

    they started it by pushing the thai guy and then she punches him in the face.

    ThaiVisa has terrible journalistic standards. Did you even watch the video before writing the article?


    I suggest you buy some new glasses and watch it again.... The Thai guys are having some kind of argument (clearly drunk).... The 3 farangs are walking past them and the son brushes up against one of them who immediately turns round and strikes out at the son, who then falls to the floor and probably knocks his head.... it's only then that his parents quite rightly intervene..... the mother does strike him yes, but why shouldn't she when she's angry and wanting to protect her son...... what happens after that is truly disgusting.

  6. I don't know where you're living, but decent housing can be found for 1,500-2,000B/month around me.

    Most lower-class Thai people don't need 50B for every meal.

    50B for transportation seems a bit high too, depending on where you live and how you get to work.

    Talking about Bangkok centre.

    Food including drinks and snacks

    50B is a short ride with BTS/MRT + Bus + Motorcycle

    Have you never seen those dilapidated buses (about 6-12 baht) running around BKK?..... Do you think they spend 150 baht a day on food?..... rent is usually 3-4000 for a decent enough place but they share 2-4 persons.

  7. I'm very glad I don't live anywhere near this bloke and his eighty disease ridden, mangy curs. The stray dog problem is bad enough in this Country without individuals such as this feeding the bloody things. 50K a month, I'll bet there's many a Thai orphanage that could do with that sort of money rather than this bloke wasting money on these creatures.

    OK I know I'll get slack from bleeding heart dog lovers for this, but I hate the damn things.

    It's all the filthy disease ridden stray cats I hate. We don't have a dog problem but definately a smelly cat problem.

    and what about the filthy disease ridden humans???..... I'd rather help the animals.

  8. I would like to see the U.K. stay in the E.U. I am a U.K. citizen and on a purely personal view there are many reports that the British pound would tank by approx. 20% which would be extremely detrimental to my financies .

    By the same people who predicted the pound plummeting if we didn't join the Euro single currency..... wake up and smell the coffee.... The In campaign were pointing to the weakening of the pound being a result of the EU vote, but at the same time the FTSE was rising but they didn't mention that and they soon shut up when the pound recovered.

    You should anticipate a weakening of the pound after the UK vote to leave the EU because of uncertainty but it will bounce back and be even stronger when the dust settles and even stronger still when the EU starts to fall apart completely.

  9. The other day the Bangkok Post reported on the Songkran road death rate on the front page, while on the back page celebrated the festival with a picture of 2 guys on a motorbike (no helmets) getting soaked by a girl throwing water in the drivers face (he had his eyes closed as a result).

    I doubt even the Bangkok Post realised how ridiculous this was..... and they're supposed to be among the better educated in Thai society.

  10. if you think about it, what kind of airport runway can be built on concrete pillars? The weight and speed of any commercial jet would smash the pillars to pieces in no time at all.

    Plus how can an airport taxi off a slip road. Where is the gap in the buildings going to be so the wings don't smash into anything as it turns in.

    Priceless response...!

    A lot of April fools this morning.....cheesy.gif

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