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Posts posted by kimbathewhitelion

  1. Well aren't you the lucky one, my True internet is so bad, have to switch all my devices to 3G so I can browse without having to wait 10-20 seconds per loading times. I complained, the next day, they sent a couple of their monkeys over & as monkeys do, they stood around acting busy with the modem...if I threw a banana at them, they probably pick it up & sniff it a few times with that puzzled look in their eyes. Once finished & gone, that night, my access was reduced by half. Have to call again tomorrow & this time literally refer their technicians as "monkeys", at least as a slip.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    I empathise with your situation - I need reliable internet too.

    If the speed is that bad (10 seconds loading) and the service is that simian, why don't you cancel True, and sign up with TOT (who are desperate for new customers)? Good luck.

    Canceling True regardless of the bad service means a 2000 bht cancelation fee. However not the issue in the cash, but a point all the same. Though obviously when I call won't be calling names, that will only result in even slower speeds. No quality control for Farangs.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  2. Well aren't you the lucky one, my True internet is so bad, have to switch all my devices to 3G so I can browse without having to wait 10-20 seconds per loading times. I complained, the next day, they sent a couple of their monkeys over & as monkeys do, they stood around acting busy with the modem...if I threw a banana at them, they probably pick it up & sniff it a few times with that puzzled look in their eyes. Once finished & gone, that night, my access was reduced by half. Have to call again tomorrow & this time literally refer their technicians as "monkeys", at least as a slip.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  3. You obviously mis-read. Or the inability to understand context.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    This is a post from oz893, in the thread "2 Things I'm almost COMPLETELY fed up with", posted 2014-04-02.

    Shes 35 closer to 36 now.

    Her spoiled attitude is her stupid friends saying what things to buy. We're currently in a non-talking state. I go USA in 3 weeks but considering just staying there. So done with this BS of a country. And my financials in the US are all secure.

    Someone could have a similar reason for not wanting to live in Chiang Mai.

    As I said, out of context, Christ! Thought both sociology & psychology were requirements in college, well at least in American Unis. That was one day in a life...don't we all get angry at least one day in a marriage? Likewise, this country can piss anyone off at least a 100 days a year & yet still here. Stop following people around by words or trolling...use your literal intelligence & learn to read into what is as ref to a mood (psychology) rather than what isn't as an implied affect by a culture (sociology).


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  4. Doesn't matter how much I 'change/pay more' my policy, I get .03-5 k per sec during the day & only between 3am & 6 am, I'll get 1mb or so. A 1980's 9660 modem would do better. In Bangkok, is there ANY suitable personal business ISP out there?? To International Servers that is.

    Told that to True & they cut my device access by twice & reduced bandwidth of the same & than just laughed. Can't think there is a more despicable or racist business then TRUE. To disconnect/Change is 2000 baht.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  5. Love Chiang Mai, if not for the food than then the weather. I just wait till the Thais clean up or start acting upon the yearly many month process of burning, realize & act...pollution build up! In most do not see this happening, but can only wish.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  6. Have you tried visiting the country? Go to the Malls, Hospitals or Shopping Centers (most all required to speak English, same as the International Hospitals). Abandon the "Rental Sites" & engage.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    And with how many can one have a meaningful conversation in English ?

    To add...how many foreigners can speak thai well enough to hold a meaningful conversation too ?

    obviously you didn't read the post.

    There are many places to find the least most educated (speak English) as a traveller, & more spent travelers or residents have found an abundance.

    Had the same issue when I came here, but found, say Pharmacies (always a win), large Shopping Center employees (Paragon, Index, Central...), International Hospital nurses, dental whatever, hotel reception or concierge on a lessor degree without sacrificing any of the person is available...there is a means to what hold the essence of courting & development of relationships; & if so pleases you, if you fail, do to your own respect fall back on the Rentals.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  7. Have you tried visiting the country? Go to the Malls, Hospitals or Shopping Centers (most all required to speak English, same as the International Hospitals). Abandon the "Rental Sites" & engage.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  8. Depends where your from. Not going into to the Corporate thing but in the smaller towns/cities/providences/districts like Udon Thai or Krabi Town or Chiang Mai, you can find a REAL pizza higher in quality than the West. Just need to direct yourself to the correct forum & ask the question or better yet. "Search"!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  9. To me Thailand was the forgotten land. To "eye" & culture once escaping the the corrupted mainland.

    The first time, I was referred here by an already educated-Thailand friend who directed me to such places as Bangkok, Pattaya & the Patong Districts as such Phuket let alone BKs version.

    Aside from the disgust I had with BK & Pattaya, Krabi with all it's marvels in land/Sky scrapes, mountains, mangroves, islands & oceans...the nature persons' delight. The peace.

    Omit the lack of Stars in the sky due to cities; omit the amount of Mosquitos due to a poor sanitation system, both food, trash & infrastructure; omit the lack of overall plumbing & construction; omit civilization past the 20th century. But only consider the beauty of land & culture.

    There's still something here.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  10. P_Brownstone or Patrick, who gives a sh*t, learn to read or at least finish primary school.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Learn how to read nested quotes old chap - I was replying to Globeman who was replying to you.


    Actually with the iPad version of ThaiVisa Connect it came across as just replying to me. On my end, there're no other names mentioned. But given if on your end there are differing names then apologize & retract. The latest IOS & "Thaivisa Connect" updates are utter garbage. Regardless more upset with the App, all other emotions were mis-directed or non intentional.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  11. Including the absolute idiot, "Nautilus05" - who tries to name themselves after exercise equipment & while jerking off to thyself in the mirror, still fantasying about "nothing wrong with it", "but wrong forum" muscles.

    Ohhh, "Nautilus" is an exercise equipment? I didn't even know that. Seen the name somewhere else, and thought it sounded good.

    Anyway, if anything, I would say it's more difficult to get fat in Thailand versus the West. This isn't exactly a climate where you want to eat steak & potatoes every night -- many times just a salad and some fruit will do. Otherwise, your colon and arteries will get all clogged up, and you'll sweat like crazy.

    Not to mention, restaurants serve normal sized portions here, and don't super-size everything. Plus I guess depending on where you live, there isn't a McDonalds and Burger King every block -- you actually have to go out of your way to find them in most areas of Thailand.

    Disagree. Hot weather, cold beers, and after a few of them, Burgers are less than half the price of UK. As is most western food.

    However most, i.e. 95% or more, probably closer to 99% considering Thais don't know anything about preparing proper Western food from any of thus west countries, are overly fatty, bacterial infested or simply taste absolutely horrible, or closer destined to make you sick (younger people aside since stronger stomachs tend to come with youth); or the proper sanitary requirements in such foods or even close to the sauce tastes that make up any of those dishes, most are very cheap copies of the Americanized versions (bide you selling spoiled meat in a consumer business within Thailand is completely legal, maybe so off paper or easily said in reality.

    In Thailand, the Italian food is among the top worst, then the American food (unbelievable in 50 plus years the Thai still hasn't figured out (with training & education) how to cook a steak; then English (fat spackled heart attack food), then everything else with the crap butter & cheese - it's on everything. Not leaving out the hydroponic (washed in the bacteria infested TAP water) green salads, or other greens with attached bugs, including pesticides.

    In America I can eat 2 pounds of beef steak (ribeye, tri-tips or tenderloins), 6 medium-large russet potatoes per day with 3 large salads mixed with 1 hour of exercise a day & not gain weight past then a comfortable 165 pounds; after consistently doing so for a month. Even throw in a couple bottles of wine a week & a crap load of beer. However in Thailand, drinking the Thai beer & eating the food, of course the western varieties are the worst, I'll gain weight after 1 day.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    your post in 100% untrue, regarding the food

    What food? My food statements are 100% true in whatever country.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  12. You health people...really! Was a Trainer in the states (early years), this country is a disaster for health. Thailand is a disgrace for health & fitness. Should move this to the forum, Bangkok & anywhere north. But than I also lived in Krabi (exclude Phuket), finding a gym without 30+ year old equipment is impossible. Though quality bike riding is...quality to the health.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Thailand is not your problem ... you are your problem. Stop blaming Thailand and excusing yourself ... and get off your lazy ass.
    The problem is the pollution, the poor street construction, the sh*t (put whatever you like in) food, the also NO sanitary regulation on food quality..can't be consistent with food if you have to sort the worms out of each piece or being conscious that what you put in the blender has bugs/worms attached, or what you buy is GMO (lly allowed here as well as pesticide engrossed foods)...the list goes on for this country. By the way, Formaldehyde is also permitted as a food/drink ingredient here.


    Sent from my LG-D802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    where is there formaldehyde used as an ingredient in food or drinks?

    In Thailand, formaldehyde is widely used in the beers to speed up the brewing process. In Thailand by the why there are ZERO regulations for anything corporate that may inhibit life.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  13. What is it with this crap "ThaiVisa Connect" App, each update is worse than before...believe ThaiVisa is in need of a competent IT guy. Every time I quote someone, it only shows me as if I quoted myself, but others are still notified. Which doesn't help with the rest of the morons unwilling to read the posts.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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  14. Better bet, get a GED & masters & try for a teaching job. IT is no go. In the same boat, but though I'm well versed in computer hardware, sticking to marketing design which I believe will only be available per a private school. Not easy here unless you were recruited either from outside the country or thru a western company of the same & relocated here.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    IT jobs for farangs may be a little more rare than the ubiquitous and soul-destroying teaching jobs, but saying it is a no-go is just discouraging nonsense. Why would you tell the OP with such certainty when it simply isn't true? Off the top of my head, I can think of two farang friends who are currently in IT - in management positions over Thai IT staff at farang-owned companies... at salaries well over 100k. With work permit and medical coverage.

    So :

    "Off the top of your head"

    You can "think of" exactly TWO Farang who earn a reasonable living here in IT (and I would definitely dispute your apparent definition of Baht 100,000.- per month as being anything near "well over" the requirement to support a decent lifestyle in Bangkok by the way!).


    You idiot, I didn't write/post that! Read the original post & reply accordingly or just use your brain & help the OP!

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  15. Better bet, get a GED & masters & try for a teaching job. IT is no go. In the same boat, but though I'm well versed in computer hardware, sticking to marketing design which I believe will only be available per a private school. Not easy here unless you were recruited either from outside the country or thru a western company of the same & relocated here.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    IT jobs for farangs may be a little more rare than the ubiquitous and soul-destroying teaching jobs, but saying it is a no-go is just discouraging nonsense. Why would you tell the OP with such certainty when it simply isn't true? Off the top of my head, I can think of two farang friends who are currently in IT - in management positions over Thai IT staff at farang-owned companies... at salaries well over 100k. With work permit and medical coverage.

    Then tell him the specifics! I'm just going off what others said in the post. Of which another noted that knowing the Thai language would be a huge plus. Also found most high end jobs recruit either those who already have work permits or internally through internationally linked companies. There is also the Visa issue for someone just moving here. This country makes nothing easy.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  16. The US Congress managed this rather quickly, obvious another Obama Executive Order pushed it thru.

    Saw a couple or so years back, a TV interview with a Democrat Senator who was complaining about the Founder of Facebook (I believe) taking all his money & moving to Singapore, that wherever his money be, he should still have to pay taxes (interest). The Senator also noted, he (Facebook founder) made his money in America, thus should pay for that citizenship (as if the US Gov was responsible for his success)...forgot the rest & sure in all media, it's been deleted as anything negative against the current Administration is removed even from the Internet within a day. The Senator continued by stating they we're working on a Bill to track overseas Bank Accounts (...thus tax them & continue the overinflated garbage Spending of the Gov).

    I'm an American & will stand by all values but living here is only due to my Government & it's Policies to treat their citizens like cattle.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

  17. Have 5% battery left.

    Will be switching to Bangkok Bank based on member's adice. But to assure it will be taking a registered notarized document of Address back to my Us bank next week. This is just my Bank but been having many problems sending larger amounts recently. Can only think America is clamping down more on where "your money" goes.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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