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  1. The roads are good and the tolls seem pretty reasonable to me. If there were no toll, the road would be packed with every POC that moves, and the road would be cr*p inside of two years.
  2. Why do you think that’s why they smashed it? It was a funeral, they may have just all gotten hammered were jerking around with it.
  3. The leftist press gets leftist prizes fo lying about non leftists, what a surprise.
  4. My wife works as an interpreter and makes 130k per month, plus 15% of the sales commissions paid on the orders she works which is pretty hit or miss. She did not work for 5-6 years when she got pregnant. Then worked part time for a few years and went back full time when I retired about five years ago.
  5. Why would US foreign policy be more important to an expat in Thailand than a US resident? I like the way everything good that happened under Trump was either Obama, or covid, and everything bad that happens under Biden is either Trump or covid.
  6. Biden and Obama both Christians and both recently claimed to be praying for Trump’s recovery. They call him Hitler and then pray for his recovery, how funny is that?
  7. Nothing wrong with fathers showering with their daughters,
  8. Tell us about all the great businesses Biden built, oh, that’s right, he’s gotten rich feeding at the pubic teat his whole life. Kamala same-same
  9. He changed his personal residence, now he’s changing his corporate residence.
  10. Yeah, Biden’s calling for everyone to “pay their fair share”, meanwhile, his family (one of which is a convicted felon) is being prosecuted for tax evasion. Why pay taxes to a state that hates you?
  11. And the Biden campaign doesn’t even know who’ll be on the top of their ticket yet.
  12. I’m not in a rush, but if you have a bag designed to go/flee at a moment’s notice, would you not have to carry it with you? In any event, I don’t think that “man-purses”, “fanny-packs” (not to be confused with fanny packers) or “go-bags” are gay.
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