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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. Is that you Dave? Obama and later Biden were the Putin puppets.
  2. Tell us what he said, besides calling names. Did he offer any solutions?
  3. Trump will be back groveling to Zelensky
  4. They are not supposed to “change” America, they are supposed to be maintaining it. It’s hard to imagine that anyone would have any reason they should not be able to come up with five bullet point from the previous week. But bt all means, please fight it loudly and continuously.
  5. No one that actually wants Ukraine in NATO. Not one NATO country was willing to put boots on the ground to help them this time.
  6. Yeah, the left always raises concerns at election time, and then just forgets about it. Now, when someone is actually trying to do something about it, the left fights tooth and nail.
  7. All of the sudden thr left is worried about taxpayer’s money. Apparently, over a million workers responded to the email…
  8. For how much?
  9. And European NATO members will put troops in Ukraine to provide security
  10. <insert hilarity emoji>
  11. AlterNet?
  12. You should try reading State Department press releases rather than RawStory. Would you rather have China mining in Russia or not?
  13. If it’s so interesting, why don’t you read it and tell us about it? Sir Linksalot post to tree articles in five minutes and offers no commentary. Dollar to a doughnut he (like most leftists) only reads the headline and posts a link.
  14. I heard NATO troops in Ukraine and Ukraine in the EU were both agreed to. Would you rather have China mining in Russia?
  15. So how much, $300B, Too funny.
  16. Red lines always remind me of Obama. Boy, he really loved him some Russia, yes? Not as much as Iran, but certainly more than Ukraine, don’t you agree?
  17. Poor lefty. Does the bad orange man frighten you?
  18. I don’t have access to the Oval Office, are my free speech rights being infringed on?
  19. They changed the statute of limitation. Was that good? I was for me.
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