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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. What happened to the Russian reset, and the ‘80s calling and wanting their foreign policy back?
  2. Which may have made some crony companies rich, but that US taxpayers paid for.
  3. Wow is Trump outlawing them? I do not think you know what you are talking about.
  4. Well if @placeholdersaid it, it must be true.
  5. Actually, the article “cheats” and makes it look like Trump inherited more than he did by playing fast and loose with market values.
  6. Nor does Musk’s team have the authority to fire anyone.
  7. I don’t. Why are you pretending they were? Do you think Musk is pouring over thousands of personnel files, trying to figure out who stays and who goes? They are cutting 10%. It’s a union shop. Those on probation first, seniority after that. Autonomous vehicles seems like a newer department. If you want approval, carrots work a lot better than sticks.
  8. Facts not in evidence you mean? So with half the staff, approval should take twice as long, yes? The IRS has nothing to do tax avoidance, that would be Congress, and I think tax evaders could be identified much more effectively than adding staff. Whai is a typical tax evasion strategy used by the very wealthy? Tax evasion is illegal. That’s how they got Cohen to flip on Trump. Do you think Musk and or Trump are tax evaders?
  9. So one in 200? Even that is suspect. “No” one even heard of it ten years ago. I’ve probably known or been aquatinted with hundreds of people that have had babies, and no one I have ever known ever spoke of a friend or sibling with such a condition. I did travel with a carnival for ten years and I know one guy that worked in a side-show claimed to be a hermaphrodite, but that was phony. I’d bet it’s not one in ten-thousand, and I think they should be able to present however they like.
  10. I say do not get out of the UN, nut move it to another NATO country. I think Turkey woukd be perfect.
  11. The US military has said all along they can’t. They are dependent on their transition/maintenance drugs that cost, as I understand it, in excess of $100k a year. . And they join and get surgeries on the military’s budget. What sense does thst make? Erase in what way? You assume that because you are full of hate for “MAGAs”, that they hate you. I don’t think that’s true. I think you’re a liar and a fool, but don’t hate you.
  12. I am surprised you are not a Trump supporter.
  13. If they have a medical situation that bars them from deploying, why should they be in the ranks? Should a guy with no legs be allowed to enlist? And why should the military be on the hook for all their medications for life?
  14. In my life, as far as I know, I have nevee seen an actual intersex individual. I have read about a few. In my life, I have seen two pair of “Siamese” twins. I have seen quite a few albinos, and they are something like 1 in 15,000. So 2% seems a bit suspect.
  15. In the same way that raising taxes generates more revenue, just tax everyone at 100% and we can balance the budget.
  16. Typically. every time you have a layoff, productivity jumps, often quite a lot.
  17. The same sort of cars that Musk’s competitors are trying to build as well, yes? So it was part of a flat 10 cut to the department. I heard that DOGE is looking into cuts in the IRS. The same IRS that reviews Musk’s tax returns. Weak, dishonest nonsense.
  18. Run away brave leftie, run away!
  19. Except that I answered your questions, you just ram away.
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