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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. None. It’s just the left did not care when Obama let Putin take it.
  2. He is doing what he told the people that voted for him what he was going to do. You seem more obsessed and buffoonish each day.
  3. Indeed. $1.6B out of $403B, and (apparently) no safeguards put in place. Do you think that’s enough, or do you think moreshould be done?
  4. Please re-read the question
  5. You getting a little chubby thinking anout that?
  6. If Ukrainians want to fight for their liberty why are you, Trump and his supporters so keen to hand it to Putin?
  7. By Putin or Musk? Would Musk not stand to make more money if the Russia-Ukraine war went on indefinitely?
  8. Indeed. $1.6B out of $403B, and (apparently) no safeguards put in place. Do you think that’s enough, or do you think more should be done?
  9. Oh, I am happy for the war to continue to the last Ukrainian.
  10. So it is from the article you linked to, correct? You should read what you link to.
  11. I am not confused
  12. Will the left not be happy until every Ukrainian is dead? Why did the left not seem to care when Putin actually took Donbas and Crimea? Remember the “Russian reset” Remember the ‘80s calling and wanting their foreign policy back? Remember Obama on a hot mic saying: tell Vladamere to give me some space until after the election, and I’ll cancel the missile defence? Now it’s all Trump’s fault.
  13. So the whole of Ukraine and Poland will be absorbed by Russia?
  14. I read it again ant it is not clear to me. I think you should re-read the question. It is amusing that you accuse others of being blinkered.
  15. So you do not think he is trying to reduce corruption and waste?
  16. $500M is a huge contract? That contact was funded in December, who was the President in December? Poor lefty
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