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Posts posted by belg

  1. do they need a list? they just can start checking every single "school" that was given up on the ED visa forms ... and check current students and their knowledge of thai ... how hard can it be to go close the rotten apples ?


    what is next? requirements for retirement & non-o visa ?  double the amount needed, make them show it the whole year as some people go to an agency to borrow the money for 3 months and pay it back + intrest...


  2. small hygiene precautions such as washing hands


    oh no, better not eat in ANY restaurant in this country, as washing hands is known as good as 'fair competition' in this country



    thai hospitals are ready, off course... if you got ebole they will say :  Sir, madam, you only have about a week to live, after that, your problem is over



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