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Posts posted by belg

  1. Thailand is for Thai people it is not our country. If foreigners were permitted to come in and freely open companies and buy land prices would skyrocket and normal working Thais would never stand a chance. Now if they perhaps put a heavy tax on all farang buying land and limit it to one Rai per farang for personal use only than perhaps it could work. Perhaps a measure stating you must hold for 3 years before resale and and close all loopholes to stop farang from owning more.
    Business should be permitted but they have to be limited or these big international companies would take over in a few years driving all Thai businesses under.
    We all want changes but look at it through the eyes of a Thai.


    the apologist brigade has arrrived


    when rich thais can buy land/house/business in our home countries, how hypocrite is it not to give the same right to others ?


    who owns most of the land or everything in thailand? same as in your home country !


    not the poor thai farmers, they will never own their own land, they are slaves of the rich thai hi-so chinese families


    a heavy tax for everybody who speculates on land...



    just make a law... they can check what was the value when buying the land, tax the profits on the sale with 90%


    problem solved

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