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  1. What a laugh! With a mere split second of reflection, the first Biden-blessed tyrant that comes to mind is your precious, press gang-operating, election-canceling, church-banning, self-enriching, spoiled wife-sugardaddying tyrant Zelensky. This time y'all sure did pick a strange mascot though! Which part of his schtick sealed the deal for you -- was it that video of him with circular flesh-colored attachments to his chest and buttocks? Maybe the one of him gyrating like a belly dancer? Then again, that's what happens when a "president" delegates his responsibilities to some radical leftist interns sourced from Sarah Lawrence College 🤔. Because Biden was a mentally diminished, doddering old fool, not sufficiently mentally capable of carrying out his responsibilities himself -- and that's even before he went senile! Jill simply let them gather his signatures between his bouts of drool and diaper-fouling. "Doublethink" indeed. LOL. Predictably, right out of the Ayers and Alinsky radical leftist playbook. But trivially disprovable.
  2. I think you're confused: that describes Biden perfectly, but he's not president any more.
  3. Well... the premise of this topic didn't age too well (and it's only a couple of days ago). 🤣
  4. The left is willing to incite WW3 because you're still upset about Russia's supposed role in the 2016 election. Get over it already?
  5. I think you may be confused -- it was President Trump of the USA delivering the speech, not that Ukrainian dictator Zelensky...
  6. Maybe we could get requisition an island from Indonesia for this, right next to the one on which the Palestinians will live. Then civilized society could build a wall around both islands, ensuring that Snake Plisskin provides the only contact with the outside world.
  7. The Trump administration has not "rolled back" even one single, solitary "right" enjoyed by LGB people. The T's are a different matter altogether. Yes they're being impacted. No this does not set back the cause of human progress even one single iota. The LGBs really ought to separate themselves from the rest of the alphabet soup. It's artificial for all of these groups to be treated as a monolith, and it's harming all of their goals.
  8. Awesome. Come to the USA and break laws, get sent home. Sane and rational. What a refreshing change of pace from the previous 4 years.
  9. Not a single word of that unhinged, barely coherent rant has anything to do with the post you quoted. For example, I said nothing about any previous US presidents. I was talking about leftist tinpot potentates in South America being upset because their criminals were handcuffed. Look… we get it. Leftists love leftists in power, and love illegal aliens — especially the criminal ones (them being the ones who best disrupt decent western society). But at least try to have the decency to do your stark ravings in a way that’s on-topic, and demonstrate you’ve read posts to which you’re attempting to reply.
  10. Leftists upset because CRIMINAL deportees were in handcuffs. Does Brazil's da Silva imagine we'd send his criminals home in planes with lie-flat seats, paté de foie gras appetizers, and amenity kits with slippers and PJs? Maybe some friendly flight attendants to serve an aperitif, and hold the door open as passengers enter the lavatory? LOL! Can't make this stuff up. Of course, da Silva was probably projecting -- because like all leftists in power, he certainly imagines the above luxuries for himself at least.
  11. This (or something like it). Build a wall (physical or virtual) around the country and treat it like a fortress. Have a rational immigration policy that invites people who can contribute to the USA to immigrate. Organize for self-sufficiency -- energy, manufacturing, everything. Pursue mutually beneficial trade relationships with other countries based on value we get, and not on propagating social justice.
  12. This must be projection, or perhaps just a vast over-simplification, because it doesn't match my (extensive) experience -- at all. Westerners don't "viscerally hate the citizens" of those places. As for Russia specifically, the only ones "demonizing" Russia and Russians are the "bbbbuuutttt Russia Russia Russia!" anti-Trumpers, most recently buttressed by the Ukraine grifters' agenda.
  13. He's upset that criminals are being handcuffed. Not coincidentally, this is the same pearl-clutching ruse the commie leftist potentates in Colombia and Brazil are trying to use to justify their deconstructionist faux outrage. They prefer decent people being victimized by crime, over criminal illegals being handcuffed on their repatriation flights -- or even apprehended at all! Leftists gonna leftist. But we knew that. President Trump has a knack for exposing them for what they are. 🍿
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