What a laugh! With a mere split second of reflection, the first Biden-blessed tyrant that comes to mind is your precious, press gang-operating, election-canceling, church-banning, self-enriching, spoiled wife-sugardaddying tyrant Zelensky. This time y'all sure did pick a strange mascot though! Which part of his schtick sealed the deal for you -- was it that video of him with circular flesh-colored attachments to his chest and buttocks? Maybe the one of him gyrating like a belly dancer?
Then again, that's what happens when a "president" delegates his responsibilities to some radical leftist interns sourced from Sarah Lawrence College 🤔. Because Biden was a mentally diminished, doddering old fool, not sufficiently mentally capable of carrying out his responsibilities himself -- and that's even before he went senile! Jill simply let them gather his signatures between his bouts of drool and diaper-fouling.
"Doublethink" indeed. LOL. Predictably, right out of the Ayers and Alinsky radical leftist playbook. But trivially disprovable.