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Everything posted by whiteman

  1. the sky is falling at last in Thailand hope the Bhat fallows
  2. Who gets heatstroke? Anyone can get heatstroke. But infants and the elderly are at especially high risk because their bodies may not be able to regulate temperature effectively. Athletes, soldiers and people with occupations that require physical labor in hot environments are also susceptible to heatstroke. Other factors that increase your risk of heatstroke include: Drinking alcohol. Being male. Being dehydrated. Drugs that affect your body’s ability to regulate temperature, such as diuretics, sedatives, tranquilizers, or heart and blood pressure medications. Having certain diseases that affect your ability to sweat, such as cystic fibrosis. Having certain medical conditions, such as a sleep disorder or problems with your heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, thyroid or blood vessels. Wearing heavy or tight clothing, such as protective gear. Having a high fever. Having obesity. A past history of heatstroke. Poor physical conditioning or not being used to hot conditions.
  3. Remain indoors during hot weather Wear loose fitting, lightweight clothing in high temperatures Drink plenty of fluids Protect yourself from sunburn Do not leave anyone in a parked car, especially during hot weather Rest adequately during long working hours Be cautious in hot temperatures if you suffer from any heart or lung diseases Symptoms Causes Complications Complications from heatstroke depend on how long the body has been exposed to hot temperature. Vital organ damage, which in severe cases can be permanent Death due to multiple organ failure
  4. Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition that happens when your body temperature rises above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius). It’s usually the result of overexertion in hot, humid conditions. Symptoms can include confusion, seizures or loss of consciousness. Untreated, heatstroke can lead to organ failure, a coma or death.
  5. I stopped my AXA UK policy last year prems for me last year are 197000 bhat with a 12k excess so I decided to buy 10 bhat gold bar for 294000 bhat price of 10 bhat now is costing any one 307460 = 4.6% return. I will do that from now one every year I expect my cost of health cover this year to have gone up by 6 to 7% I will be 76 in April. I have the money to pay any health problems that I get but the extra saving on gold will not hurt. Just my 2 stangs worth
  6. Chines Lunar New Year has a lot to do with that, lets see what it looks like in 2 weeks. I bet a lot will be coughing and sneezing by the leftovers of their visiting here.
  7. All look mainly Chinese to me.
  8. I have noticed lately much less air traffic in the sky's than the last 2 weeks, so the down trend is happening.
  9. why drink this fizzy <deleted> in the first place
  10. What happens if one or 2 passengers are positive on arrival do they quarantine all passengers on the same flight??
  11. Yep and the oz dollar trying to beat it And the kiwi wins to the bottom
  12. just in time to rip off the high season's travelers
  13. We are also preparing for influx of Chinese.... we are leaving next week 555 Just a lucky coincidence but happy to have it Do not get spat on at the airport when you are leaving and take it back to your own country.
  14. nothing ever changers here
  15. you will be sorry when you let them in
  16. These Chinese tourists when they do arrive will almost certainly never take their masks off, so we will all be safe as houses won't we? Until they need to spit and fart
  17. God help us when they arrive
  18. https://www.voanews.com/a/north-korea-temporarily-banning-travelers-from-china/6896779.html Amid mounting international anxiety over the wave of COVID-19 cases sweeping China, North Korea has introduced a total ban on visitors from its close ally and neighbor Thailand should defiantly do the same here.
  19. I am very happy with Cat used them for agers costs more but if down fixed real quick
  20. I had to learn that there is yet another special holiday for "eight eastern provinces" which include Chonburi/Pattaya e.g. So not nationwide. Guess someone will have it at hand. I am too lazy to search. Dec 30th to Jan 2nd incl. all offices closed. Have fun on the 3rd Don't forget to take your 1900 Bhat with you for being late just look at it as a Christmas gift to them.
  21. There are a lot more but not as many as this article says when i look to the sky at night, I see a lot more plains than before arriving and leaving Bangkok so there must be something going on.
  22. House prices around the world are dropping IN AUSY AND N,Z, so far this year down 17% and still falling and the uk I bet the same so that is nearly 6 years at your 3% so called growth gone.
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