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  1. What a horrible post. Just cos you F'd up doesn't mean the rest of us has.
  2. Never ever marry somebody that has had more sleeping partners than you, full stop.
  3. Why pay in Thailand if you can still get it free there. And if you can't have sex anymore why come here.
  4. That's right, so only happy ending from a thai national.
  5. Loose job for life. Loose pension. Jail 10y. Compensation to child 100,000 baht. If his still doing his job which is unbelievable I hope somebody pays him a visit. Thailand cares more about dogs than it's children, how the hell can he still be working in the same school, just crazy.
  6. 11000 baht monthly salary, not even minimum wage.
  7. I agree. It's up to France to stop them going through France. But they have open borders..... TOUGH.
  8. 180 days actually not what you say and to make sure i would only stay fir 179 days.
  9. Re do your health chart
  10. 1000 goes straight into THEIR pocket
  11. Headline news what Caucasians are doing. Nows let's hear the crap that thais do to even the sides up.
  12. I have 2 things to say. Jail her until she can't have kids any more. Plus this is what happens when this country does not believe in abortions.
  13. No the ground water rises up. When was your septic tank last cleaned out. Phone or bor tor they charge 500 baht up per tank.
  14. I agree, 20 y ago we woukd almost go everywhere. Now I never go. Cos I think too many ex cartoon movies, christ I'm 71 not 17.

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