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Posts posted by booma

  1. O well hello, I bet I have drunk more expensive bottles than all of you and not even realised.


    Only because you know nothing about wine and got ripped off!!!! :o

    I love wine more than you know (you may know more about wine than me)!

    But when someone else is paying the bill, I would never, in any cricumstance, enquire as to how much the bottle cost, I would just be enjoying the company firstmost and foremost!

    Manners cost nothing especially at the most basic level.

    I know that I would rather give my money to a worthy charity than to spunk it on very expensive wines.


  2. I saw a programme highlighting the life of ladyboys working in clubs, the film was aired well over 15 years ago, and although it was centered on a small section of this part of Thai society, the message was that the Ladyboys did what they do to make money to send home to their poor families. As I have said the film was aired a long time ago and the details are blurred, but the point I am stating is still clear, it was done for money. The families were unaware of what their sons were doing.

    Obviously the truth of this is not 100%, and there are other Koytoi's in Thai society (i.e. schoolchildren etc) that this film did not cover.


  3. I've got a mini-schanuzer that I was able to buy here. She's really good at catching the mice that on ocassion will get into the home from nearby fields. Good all around pet and watchdog. She's my baby, that's for sure.  :D


    Cute pup.... but that stare looks rather disturbing with the redye blacked out like that. :D


    Okay, ya got me. My photoshop editing needs a wee more practice. Thanks for the compliment though.


    Just use the desaturation tool on the eyes only, this will remove all colour but leave the tones.

    There are better ways, but this is quick and easy

  4. I would have to say the English for our sense of humour which is so close to sanook, but then the hooligans let us down.


    The hooligans let themselves down and are useful in exposing anyone as being an idiot; i.e. someone who tars us all with the same brush.

    Have you never been referred to as a hooligan just because your british and you like a beer or two? I have

    Nope, it must be you.


  5. Just to let you know, we are bracing ourselves for some serious snow, the forecast this morning said it could last for weeks, hopefully I'll be on a plane by Wednesday.

    Wrap her up well, waterproof shoes would be a good idea for when it all gets slushy.

    Maybe i'll bring some snow with me to show my Thai friends :-)

  6. In America, there is a phrase "cop killer"... but it refers to the criminals that murder (usually shoot) policemen. Here in Thailand it seems as though policeman seem to be often the murderers themselves... so I'm wondering, what is the new vernacular that we can use for them? Cop killers? just doesn't sound right for the aforementioned reason. Any other suggestions?

    How about 'psycops'

  7. Most expansive wine I ever drank was a bottle of Chateau Migraine that in a fit of rage went out of the window after a few sips, unfortunately smashing itself on a Porsche which was parked below. The paint job and damages set me back a couple of thousand quid.

    I learned my lesson though; never drink wine straight from the bottle anymore but use a glass instead.

    Did you get the cat :-)


  8. Come on over. You'll be fine unless you are prone to dying of jealousy from watching others do water sports like para-gliding. Unless you are in a cast, the water will be fine for wading and such and maybe the doc will ok you for light exercise in the water as well.

    I lived through two months here in a wheelchair once, so a sling is nothing. My time being invalid was full of pleasent surprises from the locals too. When you are in need is when their better persona rises

    Your only concern would have to be infection.

    What does your Doc think?


    the thing i would be worryed about is getting an infection in the uk ,not in thaland , the mrsa bug is rife in uk hospitals

    thousands die a year tens of thousands catch it and remain ill fot years

    you could easily become infected ! probably safer to go to thailand and have the op there !

    I was talking post op infections. Also I have never seen more wounds bites etc. get infected than in S.E Asia.

    best policy, talk to your doc.


  9. I’m confident with my background, qualifications and experience I wouldn’t have to much trouble finding work in a few different sectors but long term that’s not really what I am looking for.


    What is your background, what qualifications do you have and experiences' in what?

    I'm surprised no one has asked you this before giving advise that will/could affect your life forever, for better or worse.

    The only people you can truly rely on answering your questions are the people that care for you! (start at your parents and then work down)

    I am thinking of making a new life in LoS also, and having been there many times, am still shit scared!

    I am not looking to make a fortune whatsoever, but just to learn things that I have, only recently, realised I want to learn, I feel my live here (UK) is getting unbearably stale (being married and feeling like this would be too much) and there are too many distractions to progress my live in the way my heart is now desiring.

    If I can carry on from how I last left Thailand, I should be Ok.

    Just bear in mind that Thailand is full off Elephant traps laid for foreigners trying to find paradise (long term) and that many of these traps are laid by westerners trying to maintain their own paradise.

    Chock dee

    B (35)

    But then again, I'm all tired and emotional, just F@*K it all and go for it!

  10. I have recently lost my cards in LoS (unfortunatley it was the first time they had all been together for months). I would have been stuffed if my dear mother had not passed money over via western union. She has been repaid, I had to travel home to do this. My bank would not send the cards to Thailand (lloyds account).

    The next time I visit LoS (very soon) I will be hoping to stay much longer. The same situation cannot happen again. How do I avoid this?


  11. As i sit and type this topic i am looking out of my window here in Korat at the blue sky and it is totally empty of any bird larger than a mynah.So are the fields and trees.Its always been this way even before the bird flu.You would think in a tropical climate the sky would be full of raptors and carrion species.None.A dog or cat gets killed and lives by the road for weeks with no scavenging birds.

    Are the locals poisoning them or eating them as in Isarn they do seem to eat anything that moves?

    There are not even that many small species of bird and very litttle colour.The only flash of colour is an occasional scarlet backed flowerpecker.Are there any other bird watchers out there or am i the only bird watching geek on the forum.?

    I had bird curry in Khao Sok, when I asked the guy what kind of bird it was expecting to be told chicken, he pointed up into the sky at a sparrow sized variety and said 'that kind of bird'. I always thought it was Issan people that ate anything, this was in the south near Surat Thani.

    I also ate a weird kind of frog and squirrel in this region. Nice way of showing their respect for speaking a bit of Thai, giving you horrible food, eh!

    Also for your information there were plenty of Hornbill's flying around and at one resort (Art's Bungalows) there was a semi-tame one, they had rescued it from a Tiger, the Hornbills family weren't so lucky so it just stuck around, it's now got a Gibbon as a friend, straight-up. So anyway, birds do end up in the pot, but not all of them, it seems.

    Oh year, plenty of eagles on Koh Pha-ngan and Koh Tao

  12. I have a friend who always buys bottles of heineken in 7-eleven and brings them into the bar or club with him.  The bar staff never bat an eyelid.


    Why? Because it's not LEO?

    As in 'The shame of it'.

    What a tight arsed b*sterd, not to mention blo0dy rude!

    You come to a bar/pub to bring your custom not bring your own beer!

    Jeez it's like going in to an Italian resturant and bringing your own take away pizza! :o

    I know a bar where they willl let you take your own whiskey, if your a bit skint. You do then buy soda, coke etc.

    They don't mind at all, not at all.

  13. Come on over. You'll be fine unless you are prone to dying of jealousy from watching others do water sports like para-gliding. Unless you are in a cast, the water will be fine for wading and such and maybe the doc will ok you for light exercise in the water as well.

    I lived through two months here in a wheelchair once, so a sling is nothing. My time being invalid was full of pleasent surprises from the locals too. When you are in need is when their better persona rises

    Your only concern would have to be infection.

    What does your Doc think?


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