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Everything posted by SuwadeeS

  1. They act like this then all the foreigners should in there home countries start to hunt on any little unlawful behavior for Thais.
  2. ...and I advice to avoid any contact with Thais since they are dual pricing!!!!!!! What a cruel of discrimination!!!! So disgusting!!!!
  3. As we all know the dark figure in Thailand is even higher. So Thailand is the winner again. CONGRATULATIONS!!! It would be so simple to fix this problem. Slowly, I start beliving, the do not want to fix this issue.
  4. Question: How much did they have to pay???
  5. It would be so easy!!!! Just confiscate and revoke their driving licenses. Thailand loves to copy everything. So, why not copy some european regulations as Swiss or Germany
  6. They Look to much Asterix & Obelix csrtoons
  7. I remember, that Prayut ordered a crackdown on them.... So, that did not work
  8. Sorry. I do not believe anything. As long the do not extinct corruption, nothing will change.
  9. Why Prayut not make some crackdown on corruption in the RTP??
  10. All the well is built on cheating. And the Thais only "wow". If the government would have balls, they would confiscate it.
  11. Let them. But the billl will come, Sure. If this Information gies viral to International tourist Organisations. The Feedback will Hit Thailand very hard. Pra,ut should kick out the Person, who had this discrimitating and nacistic idea. I will do inform the European tourist association, anyway.
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