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Posts posted by carlthailand

  1. sad waste of life and grief for their famly and loved ones. i have in patts for 20 months and like others have seen many bike accidents. i have never ridden a bike but it is difficult to understand why anyone needs to ride a high powered bike in such conjested traffic. i can understand the thrill on an open road etc but in the traffic chaos here - crazy!

    It is always sad when young people do something they perhaps wouldn't do at home.

    My wife and I used to go to Pattaya to ride the big bikes for a week-end treat but we certainly headed out on the open road up to the Mountain. Some great scenery and a great ride.


  2. All right that is pretty F'd up.

    I mean she IS pleased the Governor apologised. For what catching her OR her friends stealing.

    Ok bye but they should of deported her and not let her be able to come back.

    Gives a good arguement for all Ozzies now. Almost sounds like Bart Simpson. "Hey, its the IT WASN'T ME kid.

    She's gonna make a few more bucks back here in Oz.

    Shame. Shouldn't be allowed.

  3. Som Nam Na... :)

    I have been to Thailand countless times, and each of those times - without fail, I have seen a bunch of Australians and/or other nationalities behaving badly and treating the Thai community with the lowest of respect. The Thai people work hard for their money and obviously don't appreciate theft as a 'practical joke'. These people need to use more common sense. You are leaving Australia to VISIT a very different country with different morals, culture, people and traits. While we might think it's a big "ha-ha" stealing a bar mat, The locals obviously do not.

    How in the hel_l is it a slight against Thailand for an AUSSIE to steal a <deleted>' towel from another AUSSIE's bar??

    I'm amazed at some of the things I read on these kind of boards... people happily doling out harsh prison sentences for the most ridiculous of incidences. We're talking prison-- 2-5 years (potentially) for stealing a TOWEL?! Think about it. I mean, really think about it. Living in a shithole of a cell, sharing a toilet with scumbags, living in your own filth for years, being separated from your home, family and job, no friends, not speaking the language of the other inmates, up to 5 years of your life robbed from you... for stealing a bit of cotton the guy probably got made in a Chinese factory for $5 a piece-- the cost of one of her cocktails?! I mean, Jesus people...

    Are you completely whacked in the head or what?

    Yes, it sounds harsh. So does every sentence before it goes to trial.

    Don't see the need to publish it like she been "Banged up Abroad" (great show)

    think it more showboating but why not.

    Have to wait until the court case.

    Winge and a win tends to work.

    Been finished with soon no doubt. Like the guy who disrespected His Majesty.

  4. :)

    Getting a lot of bad press in OZ

    What are the headlines?

    Increase in exports of aussie thiefs to asian countries has grown 3% this year

    Stealing is now a crime in thailand.

    Thailand has issued a travel warning to all its nationals that people are now being arrested for stealing and is not a laughing matter like in oz.

    Some more kangaroo tabloid headlines:

    *The Australian government applauds the Thai police for not enforcing the law

    *Local woman makes precendence. Swearing at law enforcers in Thailand is now legal

    *Innocent Sheila didn't say F*** You, she did instead say Frog Who? (Mr Kob was the arresting officer)

    *"I was fleeing that rabid dog outside the bar, not the cops!" pleads Sheila

    *"I thought the price of the bar rug was 60baht, not $60" weeps Sheila (Her bill was 620B, so so what)


  5. Getting a lot of bad press in OZ

    What are the headlines?

    Increase in exports of aussie thiefs to asian countries has grown 3% this year

    Stealing is now a crime in thailand.

    Thailand has issued a travel warning to all its nationals that people are now being arrested for stealing and is not a laughing matter like in oz.

    Well, England got rid of the theives to Australia now looks like we are sending them off else where.

    I run a pub in Australia and all my patrons know I wouldn't stand for them stealing a bar mat but I don't think we would go to the extent they have in Thailand.

    I think the story is not quite all there. Bit like an iceberg.


  6. robbers, muggers, rapists, politicians get all away with a million time worse than a towel theft or joke...

    shame on the bar owner,

    he could have asked 500 baht damages, but preferes to go to court over this ?

    sick world we live in

    Well, let's see.

    He'll make more money from Tourism and I bet the Bar mats for sale price will go up even more now.

    She'll sell the story to New Idea.

    Sorry, ignorance is no excuse. No defense in Australia.

    Having lived in Thailand you would have to be pretty drunk (steal the taxi Aussie bloke couple of months ago) or just plain dumb to pull a stunt like this in a country that is not your own.


    Sky News today with husband pleading for the PM to step in to help the "working Australian family" <deleted> what a joke.

  7. Is this another case of...

    a farang losing his head over a girl?

    a farang not thinking with his head on straight?

    a farang trying to think with his smaller head and losing himself in the process?

    Some say he lost his head because he separated from the reality of his problems.

    He was torn apart by matters of the head and heart, his head no longer wanted to go where his heart took him.


    Who said you can't get "a head" in Bangkok? We HAVE TWO!!!

    Hopefully, this will not become the normal method of homicide in Bangkok. That will definitely have an effect on tourism and the Thai economy.

    The Southern borders of Thailand have used machete' even on Buddhist monks on drive by motorcycle killings over the last few years.

    While there is the 'possibility' of suicide and the body separating from the body because of weak neck muscles, the type of rope used, a fat body... it is unlikely.

    Suicide came in the form of knowingly continuing to tick someone off by not giving them what they wanted and taking the chance of calling their bluff.

    The upside is this man no longer has to pay taxes, be lied to, have his heart broken and all his suffering in this life is over.

    Unfortunately, it will be his family if he has any that will now carry the burden of his suffering.

    Nothing in this life is permanent, even this life.

    And this makes your post on this thread wrong.

    2 posts out of two replied wrong. Both to do with the murder and the suicide.

    My condolences to both the murdered victim on this thread and to the family of the "suicide victim" on the other thread

  8. What do you expect from a nation of convicted criminals. :D

    I'd love to meet that guy ! :o Beers on me ! :D

    Convicted criminals from the UK.

    NOT in the UK any more, indeed.

    The guy has clearly gone off the rails and we don't know his reasons... could it be mental illness ?

    It was lucky for him and others no one was hurt when he stole the taxi. I wonder if this would result in deportation.

    I don't believe he gives all of us foreigners a bad name and I don't expect to get tarred by the same brush....

    I imagine the police officers initially stood by more for their own amusement while waiting for him to calm down. When he didn't they tried pepper spray which would push an already nutty guy further off the rails....

    Good on the Thonglor police - it seems that they handled this situation well, rather than forcing it to escalate out of control and potentially into violence. I wonder how the same incident would have been dealt with in the USA... tazer, stun gun?... Some form of excessive force I imagine.

    Well, if he was in Melbourne or Sydney they probably would of just shot him dead. Unfortunately, that does happen here.


  9. Wow!!!

    My wife (Thai) and I have come back here for a well deserved holiday. 3 years in the making.

    The amount of things we have come across, this being the last has amazed not just me but my wife. She is amazed of the changes that have happened over the last 3 years. She is now in no hurry to come back again as its not the same.

    I agree in some ways but all countries have gone through changes over time but she worked in the tourism industry before and is upset on how things like this will turn tourists away.

    On the other hand we actually came back here for well priced dental work.


    Also she got to see very close hand the daughter of the crown prince and she was over the moon. Some good things thank god.

    Thailand will always be home for her just lots of sad news today. Including the delay today on the BTS due to some bombing which I am yet to read about.


  10. My wife had one tourist visa. We were married in Bang Rak. Lived in Thailand together for a year have a son. Got his dual citizenship and she just got her visa to come live with me over here.

    Originally we were going to stay in BKK but I got a fantastic job offer back in Oz. She applied in December last year and was approved last Monday.

    Seems from what you are saying it's genuine so should be no probs. But you never know. Good luck with it.



  11. I hope someone can point me in the right direction for this.

    I am married to a Thai and we have a son who has just been approved as an Ozzie citizen.

    The problem is organising his Thai passport. My wife has tried to get it sorted in BKK whilst waiting for her Oz visa. They have told her I have to go to the Thai Embassy in Canberra to fill out a form. Now, Canberra is a very long way from where I am which is Andamooka. It's outback Australia. I have contacted the Thai consulate in Adelaide and all they could do was sign a letter from me authorising my wife to act on our behalf. This was not satisfactory. They have no idea what form I need to fill out. Emails to the Embassy and Foreign Affairs go unanswered.

    Basically, if my son doesn't get his Thai passport does that mean he will be classified as an overstay.

    The Thai passport people refuse to give my wife a form to send to me and just go on about going to Canberra which is just not possible.

    Anybody with any advise on how to get his passport??

    Although he is Thai without a Thai passport to leave on how much grief will there be about his Aussie passport not having an entry stamp?? He was born in Thailand??

    Any help will be appreciated.



  12. Our own govt. done a pretty good job smuggling drugs back in the days of the empire, or at least by turning a blind eye to it.

    Its a profitable business, always will be whilst it stays illegal, but of course some get caught.

    Sod em really, they knew the risks and I'm sure they made plenty of cash during it and if they have any brains they have some of that stashed to help them out of this situation and cover them when they get out.

    That's why they have diplomatic pouches. Several countries are involved directly with the trade. Points one finger towards Nth Korea and what abt the CIA blah blah blah

  13. It may sound like a good idea, but I don't think it can work.

    It would have to be made into an offense to be in a car with a drunk driver, but that means that it requires an unqualified opinion on the part of the passenger as to the blood-alcohol level of the person driving - don't forget that being over the legal limit doesn't always mean that you are obviously drunk - so how is the passenger supposed to know?

    What if you are picked up from home or some venue by someone in their car.

    How are you supposed to know if they have had anything to drink, and if they have, whether they are over the limit?

    This concept is completely unrealistic - well meaning perhaps, but in real danger of infringing someones rights or liberties.

    A passenger cannot always be in a position to tell if the driver is over the limit, even if they know that person has been drinking, which it is very possible they may not.

    It makes perfect sense to me. TiT.


  14. Just read all of this thread. I AM a rocket scientist!!  I worked for 15 years in Europe as a satellite and rocket design consultant, working for the likes of European Space Agency, Matra Aerospace, British Aerospace etc.

    My comments on this news report is that a manned space program initiated by Thailand is not realistic at all, (for all the reasons previously given).  Putting a Thai into space via the Russian program would certainly carry a lot of face for Thailand, but would probably not benefit the country otherwise.

    A space program does not have to include manned flight.  Thailand already has an existing space program in that several Thai satellites have been launched, for both commercial broadcast and business use.  Thailand has a national space organisation.  (Which recently advertised for a new Director.  I fitted the bill but they wanted a Thai...As far as I know, they never filled the vacancy).

    Thailand could certainly benefit from encouraging 'space' companies. Space does not mean that a company is launching satellites and rockets.  Think of the Ariane program in France.  There are many French companies, both small and large, who contribute to the national space program by manufacturing some item for use on the rockets, satellites, ground-stations etc.

    I would love to establish a venture in Thailand which could manufacture some important item for world space programs, whether it be for commercial or scientific projects.  The problem is trying to identify what 'item' is worhty of investment.  (As a farang, I also always have serious doubts that I would get any encouragement from the nationalistic Thai government....)

    Oh well, back to my Roy Rodgers books........

    You could just make copies of all the equipment you have been involved prior. I am sure the government would then back you. If it's legit they probably don't want anything to do with it. :o

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