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Posts posted by carlthailand

  1.   ...I've got to say there were very few farang around Sukhumwit at least. Eveyone up here is expecting the usual  wave of arrivals soon but somehow this year I can't see it happening ...

    What's your reasoning ?

    I think it will be business as usual, :D

    My wife who works in tourism has been complaining since Jan/Feb abt the ever deceasing number of Farangs on Sukhumvit. I tend to agree and point out why. And there are so many reasons for it. Just read the other threads I suppose to get the point.

    On a side note they have some kind of Dsney/Hollywood on Ice deal coming. Surely, if it was Toxin on ice (which he seems to be) it would be a world class comedy on ice show. :o


  2. Well for starters, how about the Thai English teachers. They should be able to read, write and do the grammar properly. Sick of kids being taught the wrong way.

    Nice idea but with the system they have here I can't honestly see too much happening. It will take as long as the airport was to be built. That was what 30-40years.


  3. Agree, we are "entitled' to our opinions, but the reality is that where you live, whether tourist, long term resident or born citizen, you cannot truly escape the power of the local authority. Look at the victims of Columbian "authorities". Try a few months in Myanmar.

    In an ideal world, the UN, or mythical international authority, can say this or that "aint" right. But for now, at least, in the early 21st century, we are stuck with the "local" government's determination of what is allowed.

    Despite it's weaknesses, the US and some other countries are a bit more advanced than other places when it comes to 'freedom of speech", etc. Until it is more clearly defined, we must recognize that living in a country in which we are not citizens does limit our rights, and increases our obligations. No way around it.

    I think it comes with the "territory" of being an expat - you trade off the idea that you have complete freedom to criticize the country in which you have chosen to be a "guest".

    When you visit a friend, do you criticize everything or the most troublesome things about him? Only if you know him well, and he welcomes your feedback, right?

    Whilst I generally agree with you. If my friend was doing something wrong in the way of human rights etc. I would certainly criticise him.

    Many things are wrong here and it's great that we have a forum like this to express our ideas. Other people take it a step further and will outwardly criticise the govenment. Anmesty etc.

    In know in some countries where people are just visitors and they have stood up against the government they themselves have been locked away. Take China for example and the people who protested against the treatment of those who were practising Falun Gong. Some of the protesters were from Australia and other foreign countries. They knew the risks but still they protested.

    In the end it is going to be the individual who decides what, when, where and how they react. There is nothing anybody can do. IF they or even you wish to make a stand.


  4. I have the RIGHT to open me big mouth and criticise, praise and say whatever I like wherever I like. I was born into this WORLD (not country) with that right.

    Should I find myself in a hostile environment, it is my RIGHT to decide whether I will open me big mouth or keep it shut.

    Thailand, reputedly, is part of this earth, of which I am a citizen. Therefore I have a RIGHT, not a privilege, to criticise if I so see fit.

    Should elements within the country shut me up violently because I exercise my right to free speech, they are transgressing, not me.

    Rights are not local, restriction of rights are.

    another arrogant Caucasian

    EDIT: let me clarify

    your opening of your mouth is a PRIVILEGE, not a right. This is not your country and you are not a citizen. You never could and never will colonize this place. Your criticism of anything here on this board could result in you, or this site being banned. So stop thinking highly of yourself. You mouth can shut down your whole existence. Who would transgress then?


    I think his post made sense. So did yours up until you started waving your big stick around. You are not even quoting him. In fact, you are putting words in his mouth.

    Also think it should read "Your mouth".

    Get a life. Really. There you sit blasting him for his right to say what he wants. When you are doing that yourself. Got nothing really to do with politics. It's just freedom of speech.

    Like the famous quote which I will probably get wrong.

    "I don't necessarily agree with what he says. But I will defend his right to say it.


    ps No we won't colonise the place. It IS being done on the inside quite nicely by the Thai Chinese. Not that I think it is bad thing. Just see it happening more and more. Take for example the students who really do want to study. Well from my own experience anyway.

  5. Well, not being a school and just trying to do the right thing for the kids I taught could be a reason.

    I actaully, went to say goodbye to them all today. In someways I really do wish I was going to stay. I'm not though and I will miss them. It was a great 50minutes with them. Wasn't a lesson but a chance to say bye and surprisingly a chance for them to thank me. It makes teaching worth while with a response like I received.


  6. O.k. just spoke to my boss.

    Here is the actual low-down.

    35,000Bht per month for 24 hours per week. Chance to earn more for evening and week-end work.

    3 months probation. Then WP will be provided.

    After reading some other threads. Seems reasonable for BKK.

    Am leaving next week so if you are umming and arhing. Better let me know quick.

    Good school with a good rep to boot.


  7. Firstly, yes my wife and I and our new born son (Gabriel Jakgrid) will be returning in abt 3-5 years. Going to be running a hotel in outback Australia. The money was too good to refuse. We figure do it tough there for 5 years and come bak here with good money in the bank. Then I can be one of those pain in the arse teachers who don't care about the money. LOL

    As for the other bits.

    The work is abt 24hours per week. No holidays, wp etc. Didn't bother me as during the holidays I was making good money doing IELTS and SAT.

    I was working 2 jobs one being the school the other IELTS and SAT after school. Which paid more adn during the holidays became full-time abt 7 hours a day.

    The school teaching is conversational. Up side being all girls which are certainly easier to teach than say mixed or boys.

    Just trying to help my boss out but at the end of the day if I can't find someone not really an issue.


  8. Is it that different giving money to Ra-aliens than to giving it to the Vatican, Vatican is seriously corrupt, we all know that. wink.gif

    Everyone wants money and is out to get it - it's in our nature as humans (animals).

    Whats with the (animals)? Are you implying because people always want money, that makes us animals? Because i havent seen any monkeys fighting over a dollar bill lately :o

    Wouldn't money be one of the things that seperates us from animals?

    Well, ok not money but I saw some dying to get a visa card. :D


  9. I need to try and find a teacher to replace me. All girls Mattayoms 1 and 3.

    Tried to do via people I know but not much luck. Last guy was a friend of a friend who turned up smelling like booze and then didn't turn up today.

    I am returning to Aust. hence the reason to replace me.

    You get paid by the hour 350bht and only need to be there the hours you work.

    Need answer asap as school starts Monday.

    send email with phone number and any experience to

    [email protected]


    My apologies to admin if I can't post jobs. Just don't want a drunk loser taken over from the kids I worked hard to teach. Hey, maybe I drink but at least I don't smell that way at work. All abt priorities.

  10. Just adding more fuel to the fire

    Jet blows tyres on landing

    The Advertiser


    Thai Airways jet blew several tyres as it landed at Melbourne airport around midday today, Airservices Australia said.

    All air traffic into and out of Melbourne airport has been brought to a standstill.

    The plane was stranded at the intersection of two runways at the airport, a spokesman for the air traffic control agency said.

    The Airbus A340 "landed heavily" and "damaged a number of wheels on landing", the spokesman said.

    "There was a small fire in the undercarriage," he said.

    Planes are being diverted to Adelaide and Avalon airports for the time being and engineers are looking at the under-carriage to see whether the plane can be towed.

    So far, 12 planes had been diverted from the airport or delayed.


    Don't think they'll ever convince me to use them.


    The Superintendent of the Highway Police is preparing to launch a project to issue vehicle operating cards for drivers, in an attempt to reduce road accidents.

    Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม 2548

    Maybe if the drivers were taught how to drive properly in the first place and had to take a thorough driving test instead of dropping 500 baht into someones pocket then there would be a reduction in road accidents. :D

    Yeah but that's not the Thai way now is it. :o


  12. It's O.K. it is already yesterdays news.

    Something else will take everyones interest tomorrow.

    Seems to be just the way here.

    You know you just have to make the paper full to sell it.

    What ever happened to those smart I.D. cards. Why not store it on them. Ooops. That's right that's old news.


  13. Interesting article. Aside from the repeat in the second paragraph.

    Sure there are many TV peeps saying Som Nam Nah to these folks. Well, that is their choice. Sure they did the crime and boy are they doing the time. But, hey a little contact with someone from their own country with some fresh fruit, veg etc can't be bad. Surely, a two way gift.

    The beauty of these articles is reminds us how lucky we are in some ways. By that I mean we weren't stupid enough to do something in a country whose prisons well SUCK.

    Be nice to know abt one for Oz prisoners. Anyone know the site.

    I gotta go back to Oz soon, got some books I don't need. No skin off my nose and the experience itself would be eye opening.


  14. Well at least you don't hear too much about sniffing glue these days.  But you still have a lot of young kids and young adults with few options in life and not a lot to look forward to after getting the free bicycle from Toxin to use to peddle to the elemetary school.

    Nor the sniffing of petrol. Major problem back in Oz. Hopefully, it won't come here. But really what sort of life do half the kids have. They go to school when they leave, if they are lucky enough to finish. How well, paid is the job they get. Sure if you are in with the crowd you get paid GOOD money, but it never works it way down the ladder. SHAME.


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