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Everything posted by DeaconJohn

  1. For sure. It's all about media coverage and attention. Like children, when they can't get it by doing something good, they'll do something bad. A textbook example of arrested development.
  2. Meiji whole milk. Widely available here in CM. For my money, it tastes richer and better than the others I've tasted.
  3. Indeed you don't. You have more than enough idiots of your own to run your dysfunctional countries into the ground.
  4. Exceptionally good post. Perceptive and spot-on. Some people seem to be born with an aptitude for learning languages. I wasn't, but I overcame it to learn Thai because I didn't want my Thai wife and our two daughters to see me as an illiterate who couldn't speak the language.
  5. Curtis Sliwa has been a force for good and common sense in New York City for a long time. As a young delivery boy for the Daily News he saved several people from a burning building while on his paper route. In 1992 he survived a mob hit by the Gotti family. His landslide defeat in the 2021 mayoral election to Eric Adams tells you all you need to know about the NYC electorate.
  6. Too cold... In every conceivable sense of the term.
  7. A pathological liar. There, I fixed it for you.
  8. Ung Ing is nothing but a sock puppet. The corrupt Shinawatra clan is totally controlled by the Dragonhead.
  9. The communities on the Ping River that are now flooded face a variety of serious problems. The most pressing is food and drinking water. Where are the local aufhorities when you need them? They are no doubt busy drawing up their plans for future flood relief and mitigation just like they did after the 2011 disaster.
  10. You're right, he's not a Catholic priest. Many of his views and positions go back to the Oxford Movement of the 1830's. He is a direct descendent of Cardinal Newman. Welcome to the USA.
  11. A den of thieves if ever there was one. American politics has transitioned from tragedy into farce. Thai politics is still in the tragedy phase.
  12. Your situation in Thailand depends on the kind of people you live among. Most farangs come here too late in life. Too late to master the language and achieve some degree of literacy. Too late to attract anything better than a mercenary woman and subsequently become a cash cow for her greedy relatives. Come in your prime or shortly after and you have a very good chance to make a successful marriage. Thais take care of their own, and that would include a farang who has lived among them for many years as a husband and father. Family means everything here. Your position in the family defines who you are. Without one you are nobody. Farang tao-nahn eng.
  13. Yes they do, but not in the great numbers that they used to. Nowadays so many of them have vehicles of their own, or if not, a close friend or relative has one. When my wife was a student nurse in the early '80s she bought a Honda Cub - à crédit - and only very rarely used songtaews after that. They will go the way of the samlor sooner rather than later... mostly for tourists.
  14. If under Texas law the boy can't be held responsible then they should go after his guardians. Trailer trash I'd say.
  15. Befixed Mee Chok Plaza, 1st floor. Khun Oh, a competent and honest man who fixes mostly computers but a variety of other things as well. He might do it.
  16. Lovely girl. She seems to exemplify all that is good about Thailand.
  17. I think I see one coming already. He must have heard the good news.
  18. If this has been reported accurately he belongs in a padded cell in Suan Prung. The big problem now is how to get rid of him. Maybe the Canadian gov't will step up to the plate and provide a private jet to repatriate him. Diversity is their strength, isn't it?
  19. Let's hope so.. But don't count on it happening anytime soon. It's all about the Shekels, baby. They were originally Benjamins but got lost in translation.
  20. Nonsense. When it comes to feckless incompetence the Saudis reign supreme. When was the last time their military was involved in a successful ground invasion?
  21. Good point. The OP has a big advantage if he is only in his thirties. Most farangs come here too late in life. Too late to master the language and attain some degree of literacy. Too late to attract anything but a mercenary woman and become the cash-cow for her low-life family. Thais of the better sort take care of their own and that would include a farang who has lived among them for a long time as a husband and father. Family means everything here. Your position in the family defines who you are. Without one you are nobody. Farang tao-nahn eng.
  22. Wonderful quote that I've always liked. Nobody could put obnoxious know-it-alls in their place like the Bard. Militant atheists tend to be a devout lot. They often become testy - if not downright nasty - when their cherished beliefs are questioned. For me, the old concept of adaequatio sums it up best. We just don't know, and at this stage in our evolution we are incapable of knowing.
  23. Terrible news for the families of those killed. The Middle-East should be seen for what it is... a stinking cesspool that should be avoided.
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