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Posts posted by nev

  1. 1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

    He's what is known as a lame duck President. Unfortunately, due to his disregard for long-established conventions, he has until January 20 to vent his spite and vindictiveness. He'll try to do as much damage as he can.

    I'm wondering what the death toll and active case numbers of COVID-19 will be come that date. 100,000 new cases every day, on average.

    What's the virus got to with all this? Maybe you are barking up the wrong tree regards the virus.

    • Sad 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    If you read the article I linked to, the other cases were 9 days, and two each after 4 days, so seems like they already test several times, which is also my impression from the news articles. It probably should be the same procedure in all quarantine places. Out of 5 cases, 2 were after 10 days quarantine, i.e. 40 percent. My point is that it seems like 10 days quarantine might not be fully safe; however the persons might have been infected during quarantine, some news articles also suggested that possibility...????

    Remember the reducing to 10 days are countries with hardly any covid cases like here in Sydney Australia.

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  3. 19 hours ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

    '' foreign tourists from countries with the same or slightly higher contagion risk as Thailand.''


    Not many countries in that category -- and not many visitors likely to come from them either!

    I am on that list and start my quarantine on the 12th, I hope I can get out early but if not I will sit it out.

    After I have finished I am going to my home in Khonkaen but I am not sure it is on the list of approved provinces,  If I get out early I might book a room in Pattaya until I am free to travel.

  4. 1 minute ago, nev said:

    I got the phones at the introductory price when they was first released I paid in AUD, from over here in Australia they was presents to keep them happy while I am away.


    This was the 2nd phone the first was $2 more than the $110 I paid for this one, They both was fighting over it so I bought a 2nd one.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:


    Though cannot replicate your 2500 baht price tag: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/4089001/search?SearchText=A7&origin=n&SortType=bestmatch_sort&PPValue=200001052-200000752


    https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001262941055.htm 2675 baht from Nov 11th is what I see.


    The A7S is 2120 baht from the same date. Built in thermometer is a novelty: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001296007479.html


    None have Full HD screens.

    I got the phones at the introductory price when they was first released I paid in AUD, from over here in Australia they was presents to keep them happy while I am away.


  6. 2 hours ago, brucec64 said:

    If this is a scam, and covid is just the flu, then why does trump need a 10 man medical team to fight the flu? 


    Because he has access to all the information, not just the nonsensical conspiracy websites where your two brain cells rub together. 

    If you have time look up Delors Cahill, she debuffs all this hysteria about covid- 19.


    Type in Delores Cahill 22 September 2020 in youtube

    It's a one hour presentation.

    It's well worth an hour of anyone's time to watch.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Oldie said:

    I just can talk about Pattaya. The people care less and less. Often no masks and temperature checks anymore. And at the entertainment industry they don't seem to care at all. When I walk around at night I see that no regulations are obeyed and enforced. Many bars even don't care about the legal closing times anymore and are open as long as they like it. I can't believe that the police and the City Hall doesn't know about this. It is impossible not to see it. But they seem to accept all this. I guess if the virus comes to Pattaya we will have a Problem...

    Well guess what even here in Sydney Australia 80 to 90% do not wear masks and there are no spikes or rises in cases whatever you want to call it.

    Maybe people can go on with their daily tasks without being muzzled.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Diddl said:

    World Health Organization Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus does not have any medical expertise either, none at all!!!!!!!

    And what about Bill Gates - does he?  No!!!!!!!!

    But people believe these liars.


    No doubt you do too, and so many others on this forum and elsewhere, that is why the whole world is in a total mess and people are dying of hunger, homelessness, and suicide.  For instance, suicide in Thailand is unbelievably high (already discussed on ThaiVisa a couple of months ago), and what about the road deaths - oh, but 58 deaths due to a flu (if it is true!) is very serious isn't it.


    I'm disgusted by governments and big businesses worldwide who are raking in the money due to this scam and taking advantage of the ignorant.


    I have researched and collected a whole load of official documents to back what I say, but people are too lazy to read or research and prefer to believe all the propaganda and lies.  Good luck to you all because this is just the beginning and much worse is to come.


    Some on here have turned it into a debate about being a political agenda I have no leaning to any side of politics.

    If they cannot see by this graph that there is many ways to die and covid19 is very low, So why wreck the whole world's economy and force vaccines on everyone even if your healthy.


    • Thanks 1
  9. 2 hours ago, maqui said:

    By the 4th quarter, the US will have 300,000 fatalities, a little bit less than 1% of the population. Now you might say that, since 99% of the population will survive, a death rate of 1000 per day is pocket change and should be ignored as the new normal. But the US also chose to go to war for 20 years and spent 4 trillion USD after 3000 casualties on 9/11. If that reaction was not ouf of proportion, then Covid would justify 2000 years of war and 400 trillion of costs or lost GDP. Personally, I believe it was out of proportion and the US government reaction to Covid has been meh, probably because SARS-COV-2 does not wear a beard and a turban, so it cannot incite a rally-around-the-flag effect. Too bad for the 1000/day, for whom the Trump government cannot be bothered to make much of an organized, national effort. 


    The seasonal flu has a fatality rate of 0.1%. Not every seasonal flu is as dangerous as the Spanish flu. Covid: 198,000 / 6.7 million cases in the US = 3% fatality rate, 30 times as much as the seasonal flu. So this is a once-in-a-century event. The Spanish flu, which probably neiter you nor I "remember", also led to (imperfect) lockdowns to get it under control. 500,000 to 850,000 US citizens died. Agent Orange´s competent management has only caused half as much so far, but only half a year has elapsed. By 2021Q2, if no fast-track vaccine can be widely distributed and at a rate of 1000/day, he will easily catch up to 500,000, 1.5% of the US population. You consider that pocket change?



    This is a long read but well worth it, The numbers they are declaring is well out of wack from the real numbers due to false positives.

    There is no need for vaccines and these mad lockdowns ruining many lives and businesses.

  10. When my wife and I are over in Thailand we run a mushroom farm, We are certified organic and we maintain we use no chemicals and make 100% organic mushrooms, But when we sell to the market and a factory who supplies to Makro we get the same price.

    I try to tell my wife we should be getting more but Thais see a mushroom and they know the going rate and will not pay more.

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