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Posts posted by watgate

  1. Back in the US I like to use a heat lamp on my tight and aching muscles in my neck area. Unfortunately I have not been able to find any place that carries a therapeutic heat lamp. Short of going on Amazon to buy one, does anyone know where you can buy a heat lamp in Chiang Mai?

  2. Chiang Mai- To answer your question, I don't see how Dr Parry can give regular chiropractic adjustments at Rajavej Hospital since he is only there 1 weekend every other week. In the US when I develop neck problems like I am experiencing now, I go to my regular chiropractor in the US and over the course of 4-8 weeks I go for regular adjustments usually starting out 3 time a week and gradually lessening the frequency until I am going once a month. Along with the adjustments I also undergo other modalities such as electrical stim, traction, hot and cold therapies. With this course of action I achieve the desired outcome. I don't think being referred to physical therapy without the regular adjustments would achieve the same results I attain when I am back in the US.  As stated previously, with Dr Parry's limited schedule at Rajavej Hospital it is apparent that he doesn't do much chiropractic adjustments and thus refers his patients for physical therapy.

  3. Jonwilly thank you for the reply. Unfortunately my g/f called Khun Noy up and told her I was having neck stiffness and she basically told my g/f that she teaches swimming.

  4. I have occasional neck tightness in my cervical area and when back in the US I go to a chiropractor for adjustments. When there I also get electrical stim and traction as well as hot and cold treatments. Over time it does the trick and my problem is resolved. Now that I am in Chiang Mai, since the only chiropractor only is here one weekend a month, he primarily refers patients for physical therapy and evidently doesn't do much in the way of adjustments. Therefore I am looking to get a home traction unit which I can use to stretch out my neck and surrounding soft tissue. The unit I have back in the US has a head harness attached to a pully system and the other end has a bag which you fill with water to varying levels depending on how much weight you want. The traction unit is attached to the top of a door. You sit in a chair and the head harness pulls your head up and you get a good stretch of your neck. I am looking to buy something similar here but all I have seen is the 3 tiered bellows which you put around your neck and you inflate the bellows by pumping them up with air  to create an upward push. I have tried this but did not find it very effective. Does anyone know where I may buy a home cervical traction unit similar to the one I use back in the US.

  5. I suffer from occasional stiff necks and back in the US I typically find relief with adjustments with a chiropractor along with electrical stimulation, traction therapy and hot and cold treatments. I realize Dr Perry Perretz is the only chiropractor in the area and my understanding is he comes up from Bangkok every 3 weeks or so for a couple of days to treat patients. I also understand he primarily refers patients for physical therapy at Rajavej Hospital so it is apparent that he doesn't do much  in the way  of chiropractic adjustments. Has anyone suffered from stiff necks and what sort of treatment did you utilize to get relief. I don't like resorting to muscle relaxants since I don't feel that addresses the underlying problem. Are there any places in Chiang Mai to buy a home traction kit that can be easily set up.

  6. I love how the liberals want to disarm the American citizenry and laugh when I see how they throw out the rule of law when it applies to them. A very recent example is the pitiful resolution to Hillary Clinton and her blatant misuse and illegal usage of a private email server when she was Sec'y of State. Any common citizen would have been arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law but she was virtually given a free pass to continue her assault on the US citizenry and their inherent rights under the constituition. The liberals have made a mockery of the judicial system and then you wonder why millions of law abiding citizens are disgusted with the US Government and all its cronies. With continued cry for more gun control and gun confiscation by the left, who is going to enforce these new laws, if passed, the same demagogues who find it perfectly alright to give Hillary Clinton a free pass?

  7. Muzarella stated in a previous post that he obtained a decent and not expensive health/life ins plan from AIA which was accepted at all major hospitals.He said he got it at age 69 with a medical exam and no pre-existing conditions. That sounds too good to be true and maybe Muzarella can elaborate a little more as to what exactly is covered and what the maximum amounts that are allowed.

  8. My thai g/f needs to undergo a colonoscopy sometime in next January 2017 and I was wondering where is the best place to get one in Chiang Mai. Any info would be appreciated.

  9. I hope you are right but my feeling is they are here to stay. What with all the pollution and massive population in China, I am sure many Chinese are looking to migrate elsewhere to try an escape the harsh conditions in China. I think a lot of the Chinese who come to Thailand become enamored with the country and think they are in some sort of a fantasy world with much lower prices, as well as many interesting venues from the beaches to the mountains and all points in between. I guess time will tell.

  10. It sounds like Nancy had what I had, only my treatment was in the USA at a chiropractors office. You would lie on a hard bed and can either be lying down all the way on your back or sitting up and your neck would be in a clamp which is tightened on both sides of your neck to ensure a tight and snug fit. Then, they adjust the length of the pull on your neck. It would be for 20 minutes and your neck would be gently but effectively stretched out and then released which would last for 20 minutes. This was done with other associated modalities such as massage, electrical stimulation, a chiropractic adjustment. You would be sore in the cervical area but it was a good sore because your vertebrae and surrounding soft tissue, as well as ligaments and cartilage were being stretched. Over a period of several weeks my neck truly loosened up and delivered the comfort I was seeking. This stretching apparatus can also be incorporated for the lumbar region of the spine. It is very similar to a spinal decompression machine and well worth trying to see if it gives you any relief.

  11. A previous poster stated that his wife told him that Thai Banks are notorious for offering personal accident plans but,if and when then a policy holder of one of these plans needed to make a claim, the policies failed to deliver what they were supposedly intended for. Thus the posters wife said many complaints have been made to a consumer protection agency in Thailand. I was wondering if anyone had any first hand knowledge of a personal accident plan offered by a Thai Bank and if they, or someone they knew ever made a claim against their policy and what was the end result. I would like to know if taking out a personal accident policy is an exercise in futility or is it a wise choice which can be utilized if the need arises.

  12. Nancy you say you have a high deductible with your health insurance and that you would use the personal accident policy to pay the deductible. Would you care to elaborate on exactly how this would unfold if you ever needed to use your health insurance for a serious illness. I would think that your personal accident insurance would be for an accident and how can use that for your health insurance deductibe? I must be missing something and hopefully you can educate me. As a sidenote,your info on Bangkok Banks offering of personal accident insurance was invaluable and thanks for posting that info.

  13. I am interested in hearing from posters who live full-time in Thailand and don't have health insurance for whatever reason. In reading past posts, the general consensus seems to be that one should have, as a minimum, at least 3 million baht set aside for medical expenses. I realize health costs and needs vary from person to person based on many factors such as age, your overall health and underlying medical needs. etc. I was just wondering what folks, who private pay for their medical needs, feel is sufficient to ensure some resemblance of security and peace of mind for any future medical needs or issues should they arise. Also,if one is reasonably healthy, any idea how long 3 million baht can carry you barring any unforseen emergencies or serious health issues. Maybe it is impossible to forecast since no one can predict the future and no one has a crystal ball to see how one's life is going to play out.

  14. Toss, forgive me for not checking the internet. In my defense, since I am not familiar with Isaan, and more specifically Buriram, I thought it best that I post on the Isaan forum to get some valuable info. I do understand Buriram is a very wide area, and upon my return to Chiang Mai, I will have my g/f call the hospitals and medical clinics to see if they do specific blood testing for my health issue, and if so, where are they in proximity to my g/f land and eventual house. Kamalabob2 thank you for the info on Buriram's 2 major hospitals. Do you, by any chance, know the address and ph# of the larger Buriram Government Hospital? Lastly, a previous poster mentioned a hosptal by the railway station,namely Echamai Hospital. I take it he was probably referring to Ekachon Buriram Hospital. Do you concur? Once again, thanks for all the valuable info and helping me sort out the maize of Buriram.

  15. Thank you for the replys. Does anyone know where Nong Bua Lamphu is in proximity to Buriram? Also, a couple of posters mentioned a hospital by the railway station evidently named Echamai Hospital. I am flying blind, so to speak, since I have never been to Isaan so I was wondering how far this hospital is from Buriram?

  16. My g/f lives in Chiang Mai but is building a house in Buriram. When her daughter is old enough she is planning on moving back to her village in Buriram. I currently reside in Chiang Mai anywhere from 6- 8 months then go back to the USA. My question or concern is I have to go for periodic blood tests at a hospital in Chiang Mai to check my INR (Warfarin) levels to make sure it is in the therapeutic range. If, and when, at some point in the future when my g/f moves back to Buriram, I need to find a hospital or medical facility at a reasonable distance in order to continue to go for my periodic testing of my blood. Is there any hospital or medical facilities in Buriram, or nearby where I can go? I am not familiar with the area so I don't really know about distances from Buriram to some of the bigger cities in Isaan. Any info or clarification would be much appreciated.

  17. I don't have a lot of info such as the amount of fill that was brought in or how much of the 2 rai of land was actually raised up. With that said does anyone know if 80,000 baht is a reasonable price to truck in fill to raise the land or it can't be determined if it was a fair and reasonable price since their are too many unknowns such as the amount trucked in and how big of an area was raised?

  18. I was talking with an Aussie bloke who said that recently the Chinese were approved by the Thai Government to be able to own real estate, including houses. I was kind of skeptical since news of that sort would almost be headline and if in fact the Chinese, contrary to other foreigners, could now actually purchase and own houses, that would be big news.I was just wondering if anyone knows of any possible changes along these lines or was I right in thinking the Aussie bloke was wrong about his claims?

  19. To me it is becoming quite obvious what the World's Central Banks are striving for. Now that the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve are pushing hard to eliminate certain denominations, in the case of the ECB they want to eliminate 500 Euro notes and the US wants to eliminate 100 dollar US bills under the guise that it would be good to fight terrorism. It is only a mere coincidence that they are pushing to eliminate these denominations while the Central Banks of many countries are either utilizing negative interest rates or are headed for them. By eliminating these above mentioned denominations they will have made it much harder for individuals to withdraw their funds from the bank when the banks start charging you for the negative interest charges. There is more and more talk of Central Banks implementing electronic or virtual banking and circumventing a cash based banking system altogether, which if they were able to implement, would then have you for sure because then you would not be able to withdraw your money from the bank.

  20. As more countries central banks are resorting to implementing negative interest rates to ostensibly jump start their sagging economies, how do you feel about your bank implementing negative interest rates and charging you for the privilege of keeping your money in the bank? If you have a problem with that, to what extreme would you go to avoid having to pay the bank for your money on deposit there? Would you withdraw all your funds and put it in your microwave like they are supposedly doing in Sweden? For you technically savy investors can banks prevent you from withdrawing all your money in the form of cash?

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