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Posts posted by watgate

  1. First off I want to preface what I about to say with the sincere intention to no way disparage or discredit Chiang Mai. In fact, I live in a neighboring state not too far from New York City so I am very much aware of what goes on there and its resultant problems. I have seen many rats in NYC so it seems like maybe this is a problem in cities with large populations. What I am wondering is does Chiang Mai have a big problem with rats like NYC does? I have recently seen some rats around Chiang Mai, besides the moat areas,and it got me wondering how pervasive the rat problem is. Has anyone had any firsthand experiences with rats in Chiang Mai or have seen any? My g/f laughed when I asked her about the rat situation and said in the farm village where she is from they always used to eat them. That was an interesting perspective and once again told me I am not in Kansas. Any way I am still enamored by all Chiang Mai has to offer and won't let a few recalcitrant rats rain on my parade.

  2. I was riding up Huay Kaew toward the zoo and I saw an elderly man cruising along in a 3 wheeled motorcycle. I said to myself " Now I can handle that in Chiang Mai's crazy traffic". I never learned to ride a motorcycle and don't like the idea of trying to learn on the roads of Chiang Mai but I thought to myself I can handle a 3 wheeled motorcycle. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with these 3 wheeled motorcycles or know anything about them. I don't know how fast they go and if they would not be recommended on the super highway but to get around Chiang Mai or head out to Mae Rim or San Kamphaeng or San Sai etc. they might do the trick. Any input would appreciated.

  3. MaeJoMTB- I am still unsure about medical coverage for children. I was under the impression that if you are a Thai national and need medical care or treatment then you can utilize the 30 baht scheme. So what you are saying is if a Thai child is injured while riding a motorbike then she would be covered for medical expenses? Is there an age cutoff where she would no longer be covered?

  4. If a Thai mother lets her soon to be 14 year old daughter use her motorbike to ride around with, primarily after school and occasionally on weekends, and her daughter is involved in an accident while on the motorbike, would the insurance coverage for all motorbikes pay for medical expenses and other expenses associated with the accident or would the insurance company not cover any of the resultant expenses because the underage daughter did not have a license?

  5. I can't help but laugh after seeing that pic. It reinforces my belief that the streets of Chiang Mai have been turned into sheer madness and bedlam. We were out at nite on the motor bike way over on the left side and there was the usual mass confusion at an intersection with Songtaews stopped, folks crossing the street and motorbikes darting about when all of a sudden a tuk tuk comes screaming right to us from behind as he swerved to the left to try and squeeze through, and as the 2 girls in the tuk tuk let out a shriek, the tuk tuk glances off us and luckily we avoid getting crushed, but just barely. I was livid and thankfully I didn't catch up with the driver because I probably would have been stabbed because I was so livid. My point, after seeing this pic of these 2 eighteen year olds, of seeing countless, mainly young thai males flying down the roads on their motorbikes like bats out of hell, of seeing tuk tuk drivers racing aroung like madmen, of songtaews who all of a sudden stop to pick up a potential customer, to Chinese drivers on bikes who have no clue where they are going and no clue how to drive one, to trucks that are racing around totally oblivious to other drivers, it is really a crapshoot and you have to be somewhat lucky to successfully navigate the roads of chiang mai and not get crushed.

  6. My thai g/f is having problems with her neck and I was wondering if anyone knows a competent Dr who can address the problem. Besides the 30 baht scheme where a Thai national can go to a government run hospital if they are sick, what other recources do Thai nationals have if they have a medical issue which might require more extensive treatment. What about if a thai national needs a colocoscopy or develops cancer or some other serious illness? Are they expected to pay out of pocket even if the costs are in the tens of thousands of baht? I know her daughter had a problem in the past with some blood issue and she went to a government run hospital and was basically told by the Dr at the hospital there to don't worry about it ,etc.. Needless to say she went to the hospital at Suan Dok, and at considerable expense on her part, her daughters problem was successfully treated. It sounds like the Health care for Thai nationals is hit and miss and if you don't have sufficient funds for medical care then you are at the mercy of the Government run hospital. So I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the government run hospitals, and if so, how good was the quality of care and how expensive was it? Lastly, , once again, if anyone can recommend a competent Dr who can address my g/f neck problem, I would be very appreciative.

  7. My g/f and I want to go to Maehongson in early January for a couple of days. She said they might be starting to burn up there in January which, if in fact is the case, then we will not go. Does anyone know if they start their widespread burning of their fields in early January,and if so, how bad is it?

  8. While the US continues its rapid descent into third worldism, Obama and his minions are intent on disarming law abiding citizens under the guise of public safety. All the while he is pushing for tens of thousands of muslims to be brought into the USA. In the meantime terrorism is at the US footstep and Obama and his like minded zealots won't be satisfied until the American citizenry is disarmed and defenseless against a growing threat. History tells the story of many countries that were disarmed by evil and sinister leaders which led to genocide of its population. History has a way of repeating itself and Gun control is in fact about control and without an armed citizenry to fight back against tyranny and oppression, then ruthless and evil leaders can implement their agenda, whatever it may be.

  9. Without reading all the replys and forgive me if this has already been mentioned but I just recently read in a magazine that almost all of the major US airlines now farm their major overhaul and critical work to countries overseas such as China and latin American countries. The article went on to say that all the detailed maintenance manuals are in the international language being English and the vast majority of maintenance crew can't even read English. Unlike where before a lot of the American workers were FAA certified, most of the maintenance workers overseas are not FAA certified. Also, due to big cuts in funding of the FAA, there are little or no inspectors to check on the maintenance performed on the aircraft by the overseas maintenance workers. If by chance an FAA inspector, which is very rare, wants to inspect a maintenance facility overseas, they can't show up unannounced. The have to make an appointment and apply for a visa to go an inspect a maintenance facility which eliminates the element of surprise to make sure the facility is being run according to FAA safety standards. There are many accounts of aircraft,after undergoing major overhauls at these oversea facilities, being grounded at various terminals because of defects and shoddy workmanship being discovered by maintenance crews at various airports. Also, there are documented reports of ptentially devastating incidences of aircraft sustaining structural damage and various systems failing in flight due to shoddy workmanship. It is a nightmarish scenario and I was left with the distinct impression it is not only budget airlines you have to be concerned with what with the outsourcing of critically major overhaul work overseas with virtually no oversight, as well as major defunding of the FAA.

  10. I was at the immigration office in Chiang Mai and, while in line waiting to get a re-entry permit, read on the wall that a Certificate of Residency cost 191,400 baht per reference 47 or 51. What I was wondering is if someone wants to live full-time in Thailand, do you have to pay this quite large fee in order to obtain a certificate of residency so you can live full-time in Thailand?

  11. I read recently where a large temple in Lopburi collected in excess of 20 million baht for some event and it got me wondering where does all that money go. I would like to think, but my g/f says otherwise, that if one or more unfortunate folks needs medical care then the temple would help with the medical expenses. She says no and that the monies go for expansion of the temples and to help smaller temples with less financial clout. In any event, I would be interested in learning if anyone has any information or in fact knows where the monies collected at temples goes? With Loy Kratong upon us, I am always amazed at all the money being given to the temples and I hope some of it is being used to help the less fortunate.

  12. I've gone to the real event the past 4 years ( not the one where you have to pay 100 dollars) and my g/f said there were lots of Chinese there last year. In fact you could see Chinese written on many of the Kom Loys. I imagine this years paid version will undoubtedly be filled my lots of Chinese who must see this once yearly spectacle. I agree with the only one exit scenario and in prior years as we were slowly filtering out it was a massive crush of humanity. I must admit I was concerned because all it would have taken was for some idiot to start throwing fireworks into the crowd and there would have been bedlam in the narrow corridor. I could see serious potential problems if all the people trying to get out were spooked and one can only imagine what could happen as 1000's of folks started pushing and shoving to get out.

  13. While at the US Consulate Bldg in Chiang Mai to get my income verification letter for my upcoming renewal of my retirement visa, I asked the Vice Consul there if he knew about the ongoing problems at the immigration office at Promenada. He said he knew somewhat about what was going on and then asked me if I had sent an email to the US Consulate in Chiang Mai addressing my concerns and complaints. He also said that if I knew anyone else who was having problems or difficulties at the immigration office at Promenada, to have them send an email to the US Consulate in Chiang Mai addressing their concerns or complaints. The vice consul who signed my income verification letter and who told me to send an email has a last name of Reynolds.I can't read his first name but it looks like it could be Ryan or Evan or maybe Bryan. The email address for non-immigrant visa services for the Consular Section is [email protected]. The email address for American Citizen Services is [email protected].

  14. I moved to a new place and the mattress was too hard and causing me big problems with my back. I shopped around and found a tempurpedic topper at the Home Pro Store in Hang Dong. I use it on top of my hard mattress and also put a 1" cheap eggcrate padding I purchased on top of the tempurpedic topper. It has made a world of difference and my back problems have gone away. It works for me. Good luck.

  15. I want to transfer some funds to my g/f's Thai bank acct and am concerned about getting hit with exhorbitant bank fees and charges. I understand you can use your Charles Schwab debit card inside the bank to have funds sent directly to your acct, or in this situation to my g/f acct. Normally I just go to my favorite banks ATM and withdraw funds periodically and Charles Schwab reimburses me for the ATM fee. But since I want to transfer a decent amount of funds I would prefer to have it sent all at once instead of making multiple withdrawals from the ATM due to the limit on how much you can withdraw at one time. Does anyone know what the bank fee should typically be to have funds sent directly to the bank? I don't know the bank name but I am sure it is one of the large Thai banks, Also, when I go speak to a bank official to explain what I want to do, do you know if you can get a breakdown of charges or fees to execute the transfer of funds from the US to the Thai bank acct? I don't want any built in extra charges when the funds are transferred here and see additional fees and charges associated with the transfer.

  16. Does anyone know when the Loy Kratong festival at Mae Jo, where 1000's of Kom Loys are released into the nightime sky, is this year? I am talking about the free one and not the one held where you have to pay around 3000 baht for the festivities.

  17. I want to thank everyone for their suggestions and recommendations on places to see and explore, things to do, folks to contact and much more valuable info. It is truly a pleasure having a forum where folks are considerate and love sharing their knowledge and experiences. One of the pleasures of living in Thailand is knowing you can always count on folks on this forum who are willing to open up and talk about their experiences all the while giving you great input and ideas. Thanks again. It is much appreciated.

  18. I am planning on doing this trip with my g/f sometime around the middle of November. My g/f says that there is suppose to be a spectacular display of wild flowers dotting the Mae Hongson countryside around the middle of November or thereabouts. We are going to be catching a van from the Arcade Bus Terminal and will be staying in Pai 1- 2 nights. Then we will be taking a van or bus from Pai to Mae Hongson and spending another 1-2 nights before departing for our trip back to Chiang Mai.Any folks who have done this scenic loop and might have some recommendations would be most appreciated. If someone knows of any hotels or B&B or other lodging in Pai and/or Mae Hongson which is clean and comfortable and moderately priced I would be most appreciative for any suggestions or names of any places. Also,if anyone knows about the wild flower displays and where the best viewing areas to see the flowers. Also, any recommendations for places to eat in Pai and/or Mae Hongson. I take it, it would be wise to make reservations since November is the busy season. I know this is a popular trip so any info or feedback would be appreciated.

  19. I arrived in Thailand on Sept 1 2015 and am staying until March 15, 2016 when I will be departing back to the US. I am here on a retirement visa and have to renew my annual extension of stay based on retirement prior to Jan 14, 2016. My question about 90 day reporting is I know I have to do a 90 report at immigration on or before November 29, 2015. My question is:" Is my second 90 day report due on Feb 27, 2016 OR does the second countdown for 90 day reporting reset from the date I renew my retirement visa?" Another words, if I renew my retirement visa on or after December 17, 2015 then it will be less then 90 days in Thailand before I depart back to the US and thusly would I not need to do another 90 day report to immigration if it resets to December 17 or later? Thanks for any clarification in this matter.

  20. I am going to Myanmar next month with my Thai g/f and part of the packaged tour has us flying from Yangon to Bagan and then from Bagan to Mandalay. I am concerned about the safety element of flying in Myanmar. Are the airlines safe in Myanmar and the pilots skilled? My concern is if it is still the rainy season there in October and should a violent storm erupt prior to our flying in Myanmar, would the airline take necessary precautions and wait for the storm to pass or would they be anxious to stay on schedule at the sake of safety?

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