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Posts posted by womble

  1. Name and shame the one responsible at the embassy for releasing the body?

    I doubt it's their fault, I expect they have rules and guidelines to follow. Blame needs to be placed on the UK legal system I guess. It works in most cases but in this case it clearly did not.

    It seems to be more and more common that UK law is protecting foriegners and not the UK citizens it shoudl protect.

  2. Absolutley disgusting....

    Personally I feel when you are dead you are dead and where your body is makes little difference, it is afterall just a body used whilst we are living.

    That doesn't mean we all think like that though and Andy had made his own wishes clear to family and friends.

    This woman sounds extremely devious, sounds like she think she may be getting a payout of sorts.

    There's certainly an ulterior motive.

  3. Thai AirAsia offers new lower airfares

    Thai AirAsia has introduced its "KnockOut Sale 2007", offering extremely low airfares starting at Bt55 for domestic routes and Bt255 for international routes.

    Interested persons may reserve seats online at www.airasia.com. The booking date for tickets is today to November 18 for travel from next January 8 to March 31.

    The Nation

    Must be the increased fuel costs and the costs of moving to the new airport that have led to the change in prices. :o

  4. They probably rely on holiday makers who are

    A: Unaware of the alternatives and B: Just want to get here and start their holiday.

    I cant see many residents allowing themselves to be ripped off like that. Unless they are on business and in a hurry.

    You ###### right! I'm seriously considering moving to Bangkok, Phuket or somewhere else because of this. Samui is becoming more and more expensive to live in and I need to get off the island at least once a month to stop myself going mad.

    Speaking to a few other expats last couple of days and it cetainly seems i'm not the only one having these thoughts.

    My prediction.....

    This will result in a small but significant exodus of expats, and I don't mean 1 month border runners, I mean decent $'rd up folks who think this is the final straw.

    The island is not what it used to be, it is becoming more and more expensive, all the while the infrastructure becomes worse and worse.

    Sometimes I ask myself why am I living here?

    Nope...... For me this may well be the nail in the coffin as far as living in Samui is concerned.

  5. While it is true that current fare increases by Bangkok airways are going to be expensive, please bear in mind the fantastic service we recieve from bangkok airways, which is by far the best I have recieved so far, and believe me I have traveled with lot of airlines both in europe, us and asia. I asked for a glass of water on a continental airlines flight from birmingham to Newark (NJ) I was told by cabin crew to be quite!

    Last month flying from UK to Bangkok by Thai Airways I travelled hungry all the way as they had no record of my vegetarian meal order.

    regards to all

    I agree the service is good. But it isn't as good as traveling business class and the rate from bkk-samui is the same as I often pay for business from hk-bkk or sing-bkk and other destinations of similar distance in asia.

    So it's still grossly overpriced all be it with good service.

  6. The air clarity is the worst i've ever seen it and speaking to people in south thailand, seems to be same all over the south.

    I thought it was smoke coming up from indonesia, but i've been told it has something to do with a typhoon in philipines.

    anyone know the cause of this?

    how much of the country is affected?

  7. for some of us those early bird flights are not convenient. And those quotas certainly do run out frequently particulary on jet plane flights. Really to be charged over 10k rtn on a crummy ATR is pretty disgusting. Especially when the route is so outragiously profitable for them. During the high season all flights are frequently sold out 3 days before.

    The residents card is also rubbish, it isn't valid for all residents, only a small number and they are ones who own property not rent. Those that own a proper tax paying business (not a shell company) and those who are resort managers.

    And no before anyone asks bar managers do not get one.

    Neigher do divers :o

    This is a simple case of them knowing their market and the supply and demand. They know they can increase the charge in high season on the last class of ticket to sell out. They know all these seats will still sell and there will probobally still be people who can't get seats. This is because the airport is inadequate for the number of passegers wishing to fly to samui, they know they can fill all the seats, so they will charge what they want as they have the monopoly.

    I hope another airport gets built and they lose this monopoly, somehow though i think this wont happen. We all know how chinese/thai's love their monopolies, they can't handle business on a level playing field.

    Stick em' in the real world and most would fail!

  8. Bangkok Airways ups Samui fare as costs rise

    Bangkok Airways yesterday announced a fare rise for the route between Bangkok and Koh Samui, effective since October 31.

    The increase was brought in with the consent of the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) of the Transport Ministry.

    While operating costs continue to rise each year, the airline has not increased its fares since July 2001.

    Costs this year have included hiring more staff, higher fuel prices and moving to Suvarnabhumi Airport.

    However, the increased fare is the full fare (Y class) implemented only during the high season, which is the same scheme used in the hotel business for the season. Only passengers who purchase tickets on the day of travel without any prior reservations are entitled to the Y -class fare.

    All other passengers can still purchase tickets for the M-class fare, which is incrementally increased by only Bt100 per seat.

    The airline still offers promotional fares during the low season and a year-round "Early Bird" promotion for those travelling on the first and last flights to and from Koh Samui at Bt4,000 round trip.

    Local Koh Samui residents and those operating a business on Koh Samui and hold a Samui resident card are entitled to a 35-per-cent airfare discount.

    Apart from this, the airline has also declared Samui Airport open to all other airlines for operation, following rules and regulations issued by the CAD.

    Thai Airways International has already been informed about this.

    Bangkok Airways is currently collaborating with THAI on a code-share agreement for the Bangkok-Samui route from December 1.

    The Nation 04/11/06

    Did everyone here actually read the article? The fare increase is only on the Y fare which is only when you buy the day of the flight which I'm sure most of us do not do. The fares that we mostly buy are only going up 100 baht and the early bird fares are remaining the same. Doesn't seem like a real problem to me. I sure the heck wouldn't take a train or bus to avoid paying only 200 baht return. 15 hours versus 1 hour! No contest.

    Also, according the article, the airport has now been opened to other airlines to use.

    Thats not strictly true as there is a quota for each class of ticket, so it's possible for the other classes to be sold out days before especially in high season.

  9. This increase really annoys me.

    and the way they try to justify it......

    "While operating costs continue to rise each year, the airline has not increased its fares since July 2001.

    Costs this year have included hiring more staff, higher fuel prices and moving to Suvarnabhumi Airport."

    Firstly they have increased their fares since 2001, in 2002 price was 3150 baht. Price has changed a couple of times since then. The hiring of staff can be covered by the rip off airport tax from samui airport, and the move from suvarnabhumi should bring more customers in the long run which will cover the costs of moving. Besides all other airlines have had the same costs and not raised their fares 20%.

    They also have a furl surcharge in place to cover high fuel costs, which are now falling anyway.

    It's just another example of a a Thai/Chinese monoploy ripping off the consumer.

    Oh and then thrying to justify it with extremely flimsy excuses.

  10. Full live is just too expensive to do in samui, + with so many people traveling you will end up paying full fees + transport for band members and their equipment.

    A DJ with a live PA is possible, there are places that do that already, this means just one or two flights and no extra transportation costs for equipment, the singer only needs a mic.

    This style may not be your particular taste but it works and is popular. Maybe you could try a format that works for you, get your own musicians who can play the music, then find singers who are traveling through with their bands and will do the show on their own between two bigger gigs.

    You may find one who will do it at a price that would make it doable.

    Really though you need to be pretty connected to pull this kinda thing off.

  11. To get sponsors on board you need a long time. You can't just approach them and get a contract signed, it takes lots of meetings and even then you won't get cash. Maybe stock, bit of advertising etc. The only way to get cash is to have something regular and prove yourself with sales over time. In Thailand these guys are not interested in linking their brand with these names they are interested in how much of their stock you can shift during the event. Most of these Thai's will say "who is Brian Ferry". You would be far more likely to get sponsorship with a thai act than farang. You will get more people turn up aswell.

    Most sponsors will not give anything to farang, even if it is a farang alcohol company, they want the handouts to go to Thai people, remember nearly all the reps are Thai. The few farang reps that there are seem to work with farangs, although you still need to prove yourself. I suggest you find them.

    You need minimum 3 months advertising for an event like this. If you have to pay his fees, don't risk it with anything less. Live stuff is expensive to do, and you need proper advertising to get the numbers here in order to even break even.

    The only way to make this work is to get him on a holiday deal, flts, acom + expenses, if he wants 10g+ fee you will never make your $ back. I'm telling you now, even if he only wants 2g, you will lose.

    It's hard enough doing these events in western countries where there are lots of potential punters, but here in Thailand there really are not as many people as you would think.

    You'd be much better to work with Thai acts. This is Thailand afterall and there are lots of thai's.

    There really are not enough people here to do large scale pay events.

    If I were you i'd knock this on it's head before you lose your shirt, it takes lots of experiance to do these events and that's something you guys don't have.

    So find acts that will perform for expenses only,


    Good luck!

  12. If it wasn't bad enough having English chav tattooed dross fetching up on the shores of Samui we now must expect them to bring their pathological lap dogs to keep them company too.

    For chrissakes, the dog is there to frigging well bark and that's about it. Any self respecting thief intent on truly spinning your drum will either poison the beast or shoot it. The savagery of the species is irrelevant and in truth is probably just an extension of your penis or ego, whichever transpires to be the smaller.

    Please, a little more class if you can possibly summon it.....

    what u got, a poodle?

    King Charles spaniel?

  13. No offence to CocoBlues , they do the blues pub thing very well , but it's still just a pub venue.

    Could you get enough people inside to pay for the bands airfare ?

    Maybe if it was linked to some bigger dates/venues in Bangkok .

    It would be great if it can be done , hope it happens.

    I never believed I would see UB40 here on Samui and you pulled that off

    That is why we have to look at Sponsorship to make it work financially.

    We can but try!

    As a farang you will find it very hard to get sponsorship. Also sponsors do not like sponsoring samui. And bangkok airways won't give much.

    Pay for it yourself, if you need to rely on sponsors then you may aswell forget it. If he's charging fees you may aswell forget it aswell as you'll never get the $ back.

  14. It's not about taking a bus, they have a monopoly and are milking it for all it's worth, let's hope they shit in there own nest and the government has the balls and puts a new airport in.

    ....and I guess you believe in Santa as well..... :o

    I hope everytime you book you get the Y Class Ticket. And pay an extra 1000 baht.

    Whilst Bangkok airways did well in building the airport which is what was responsible for samui's growth, that does not mean they should be able to hold us all to ransom, monopolies are never good for the consumer, although some of us are too nieve to realise that.

  15. Looks like the majority think it's pretty crap then!

    thought as much.............

    I think it will improve as they retrofit and get things working more smoothly, in my opinion it stands no chance of being the best airport in the region from a travelers point of view.

  16. Actually i'm comenting on the domestic side and also comparing the chinese restaurant in the old airport before you go through to the restaurant upstairs in the new airport that is crap and over priced.

    Then i'm saying that HK has much more choice and some of those options seem cheaper than anything available in the new Thai airport because of the overpriced monopolies.

    I didn't find the workers food centre, I will try to find that and eat there in future.

    Yeah there is some of us who are often negative, but then there's also others who are happy there are monopolies, cracked parking bays, collusion on contract biding, over priced low quality food, taxi touts, hotel touts and many other things that I find unacceptable in a new airport that is claiming to be world class and trying to achieve regional hub status.

    Some of you guys need to take your head out of your A*S£ and realise there are far to many problems with this airport that could so easlily have been avoided.

    I guess most of you are the ones who tell other to go home if they don't like it?????

    Nothing seems to bother you does it.

    The reason for my negativity is I was really looking forward to this airport, I thought it would put Thailand on the map as a country finally climbing out of it's third world status and moving more towards a level with malaysia. Sadly it has made it all too clear the many problems Thailand has when it comes to business and competition. They simply cannot compete with south Korea, Taiwan or malaysia, and will fall further and further behind these countries and the reasons for that are being made all too clear to the international community by this new airport.

    I believe this airport is a tangible example of Thailands reasons for it becoming increasingly less and less competetive in relation to it's neighbours.

    Quite sad really.

  17. "With regard to Hong Kong having a better selection of food options, I'd agree, though pricing wise I didn't see a significant difference as you did."

    The food in HK airport is on a par with what you would pay outside the airport, and the range means you have lots of choices. Unlike Suvarnabhumi which is a rip off, 75 baht for a bottle of King power water!!!!

    Anyway there were cheap tasty options in the old domestic terminal, personally I will miss the chinese upstairs that gave you a plate of duck and rice, soup and a drink for under 120 baht. The same in new airport would set you back something in the region of 300-400 baht.

    A Mc d's meal or kfc meal is cheaper than that in HK.

  18. "range of shopping matches HK and Singapore easily. There are food outlets all over the place."

    And did you check the prices? Everything is controlled by one company, kings power and they are overcharging on everything they are selling, not by a little but by a huge amount.

    The choice for food is not good, all the other airports in asia are much better, where do you get this idea from, have you ever been to another airport in asia???

    Hong Kong has everything from Mc D's, KFC, Burger King to Noodle, rice and English pub food.

    The choice is very poor in Bangkok. The same can be said for the shopping.

    What you have written is simply not true, the choice is poor and over priced when compared to elsewhere in Asia.

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