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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Why can't this man just retire gracefully and enjoy his 'unusual' wealth. Oh, yeah, right, it's a power thing now
  2. Maybe , but exactly how fast would you need to be going not to notice a turning truck ? More likely the guy driving the bike was talking over his shoulder and did not see the truck turning. AS for drink driving, the state of the French man in the house opposite the other day driving his bike into the pillar of his house makes me think anything is possible with men and alcohol at 1 am
  3. As quoted by randy sons no doubt already spending the inheritance well
  4. I'm assuming he did not have his glasses on and had poor eyesight - just to be kind to him
  5. Wait a mo'. Are you seriously trying to say 323 companies created 10 jobs each. I'd say that was a very poor outlook on Thailand as a potential work hub
  6. Actually, if they want to cull cows for farting, then why not fat people going to Mcd ? They probably fart the same amount. Surely its time now to cull fat people to save the planet along with any diet causing flatulence ?
  7. Along with owner's savings and equity I would imagine
  8. If they ban mobile phones on motorbikes, then my motorbike taxi driver will only have his coffee and cigarette to worry about, and not the past three items.
  9. Now can we have that number against 'actual' hotel bookings and opposed to migrant workers staying in a shed ?
  10. Seriously, what did they expect ? 2 years of closure and using your savings up, world in recession, utility bills and gas up 80%, expensive flights, fear of Thailand yoyo'ing and getting stuck far from home, crazy high baht, some airlines still not flying direct to Thailand yet. The Thai government themselves caused more pain than the disease. If Thailand seriously wanted more tourists they could start offering discounted rooms more, sub the national carrier to drop flight costs, try to get the baht weaker, loads more they could do, but they still think Thailand as some golden tourist hotspot that tourists will flock to - they are now finding out, people still wont come and those that come wont spend much , simply as they dont have much !
  11. More likely they just got the new budget and just gave the work to their friends that failed last time
  12. Imagine telling your teacher when you grow up you want to be a 'pig smuggler'
  13. Whatever happened to a school calling the parents when children don't turn up ?
  14. Funny that people build towns and cities and houses on historic flood plains and then moan about flooding !
  15. Most of us if we had his obscene wealth would just retire and enjoy it. Guess it's just a power issue with this guy
  16. I kind of get the feeling kids must be really unhealthy these days if they get sick after standing and sitting 200 times. Maybe circuit training should be added to the children's gym regime !
  17. So , it seems Africa's main export to the world in the past 50 years is contagious diseases !
  18. So much for the 'flooding prevention' meetings the other week
  19. Funny thing is she will likely be a grandmother by the time he is released !
  20. More likely he kept the gun to be used as bribery for evidence of a crime and came off worse
  21. placing pieces on the board
  22. EC – Next election may not be held according to amended charter if House is dissolved too soon There corrected
  23. Seems to me, that unless they block all the drains behind the barrier then its pointless
  24. Successfully swindling greedy people out of 2 billion, I'd leave the country too
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