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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. I dare say he had some fried chicken in the way home, swatted a spider in the car and spent his evening trying to teach jinjoks how to eat vegetables and not flys
  2. What makes you think she has the energy to go into the kitchen to do that ?
  3. I'm not too sure about this amulet lark, I mean this guy wore one and constantly got into deep trouble !
  4. Yes, to please his extreme far left green lobby and stop US drilling of oil !
  5. OK, and exactly how much of this is down to Covid, the restarting of the economy, Putin, etc ? Personally I think the Tories were getting back on track until covid and putin. Imagine all the covid money put into the NHS and court system and not on the disease ? Imagine no war in Ukraine - bills would still go up, but not as much. Only people I ever knew using food banks were those smoking and drinking and watching netflix !
  6. The connected concrete supplier did well out of this i guess
  7. Or the lot in Africa migrate to feed the chinese market
  8. I do not know about anyone else, but I'd like to see the results of polls of experiences from last year - not promotions of this year. Bit like voting Tesco macaroni cheese in the top 10 pasta dishes without ever trying it
  9. Funny thin about all this is that everyone I know puts on a mask when going out, practices social distancing and uses the free alcohol gel available in the shops and malls, and then go straight back to sit with there other dozen friends around the pool with no masks, no distancing and all eating nuts off the same bowl !
  10. I know the cops like the money maybe, but to me things like this should be automatic 10 days street cleaning - i mean really ruin their holiday - they ruined others
  11. "I really wish we had a new helicopter to replace that trashy one, but we've had our budget, barring accidents' 'I have a cunning plan for a new one'
  12. 'Well done' would be actually he collected some garbage and got his hands dirty - anyone can ride in the cab !
  13. Pretty sure the guy shaking hands with nobody and getting directions from the easter bunny might 'Repeat line' Pretty sure the guy shaking hands with nobody and getting directions from the easter bunny might Yes, you get distressed and confused in old age
  14. Yes, now it will be full of back backing, weed loving hippies - and not the elite high rollers. Personally if Thailand becomes a weed hub and I had big money - I'd avoid Thailand like the plague From this to this in one generation .
  15. exactly why we live with it, come hell or high water, the tanking of the economies - apart from China - is not worth the risk anymore. We are almost constantly back at the beginning again - or 12 months ago. The human race is NOT at risk. I'm pretty sure most old people near to life expectancy would rather risk their last years too thank be locked up again
  16. I'm pretty sure - like in the rest of the world - there is enough hill space to move ! My home town in the UK along the Thames just spent millions on flooding prevention to protect about 40 homes of millionaires that rest on a flood plain. I'd vote tell them to just move ! YOu want to live by the river, you takes your chances with it !
  17. Helping one junta pressurise another junta ?
  18. Maybe the school boards can have contests for most recent, best home pools ?
  19. Probably makes little difference if you have none in the first place Seems to me that the mails service do not need to put up prices, the RTP are about to make the mail service profitable on their own with over supply of mail
  20. Maybe they were thinking the chemical castration idea was a waste of time !
  21. we got 400 baht odd last week for out recycle stuff too - sad seeing so many people being lazy to save money. Got to the point now where the wife is taking boxes daily from Tops !
  22. Interesting that they connect civil servants with rich people !!
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