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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Good, grief, how'd you get that lot up your harris ?
  2. Yes, you would not want a criminal to launch a lawsuit against you for criticizing his illegal business would you
  3. Could not give a hoot about the Chinese, but if EVA can start lowering London direct prices I'll put up with them
  4. Think you answered your own question. YOU are a returnee and coming NOT for a holiday I would say but an extended period of near 5 months - that is not a holiday in my books. Family Holidays are mostly 2-3 weeks, people looking to travel to Thailand as a family rarely book on impulse - especially as Thailand is really only opening as the european schools finish for summer. It's just too late for most - sure some will come, but not the idiotic numbers they think. It could pick up towards the end of the year, but I seriously think the nest 4-5 months will be dire and December better
  5. And a woman killing a man's child with no say from the father is OK ? Is it right to kill your ex's kid ? Merely as you split up ? Abortion SHOULD be banned for cases that are not incest, rape, abuse, damage to child, hurt to mother etc. But abortion to suit a woman's lifestyle, never.
  6. Reading today them saying the vile Putin is gravely and seriously ill again, with only YEARS to live. The amount of damage you can do in years could be devastating. For the sake of Russia his own people should kill him now.
  7. As the article seems more about his 'lifestyle' I think I can read little into Thailand being any sort emerging power
  8. For this year ? Not a chance, the idiots have left it all to late.
  9. This is a company that only employs a grand total of 250 people - WORLDWIDE !! The fact the company f=does not appear to have a main office in Bangkok speaks volumes also
  10. Move on, nothing to see here. Just teen Thai boys learning how to gang up on weaker targets as older Thai adults
  11. Great idea would now be to mix a nasal spray with weed and stay high and safe all day ! Heard it from me here first ! It'll happen.
  12. Putting money on a baccarat table is a complete waste of your hard earned - or creamed off = money. Now, Escalado is a different matter !!
  13. Beat a dog enough with a stick it starts to fear a stick even if you do not have one
  14. Restaurant put ganja in my food road deaths, 3.2.1...........................
  15. Because I send £'s from the UK, not Zimbawe Dollars or Peruvian Sol !!
  16. Good for them, probably arrested couple hundred more foreigners than immigration border patrol !
  17. Be a waste of money anyhow when the reserve and youth teams trots out on the pitch
  18. The Supreme Administrative Court ruled that AIS’s pre-paid phone service program is tantamount to forcing users to use up their pre-paid fees within a specific period, which is against the regulations. The implications of that idiotic ruling on other businesses I would guess is about to become extreme !
  19. Ah, no election for the next 4 years then
  20. I can se this turning into a 'we will but those dirty farang tourist wont' issue
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