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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. Hope the US do not send anybody, their supreme judges cannot even define the word 'woman' !!
  2. I don't mind the occasional bit of smoke from the crematorium. I just wish their filter would filter out of the air the bits of ash landing a mile away ! God knows who's landing on me
  3. Excellent ! Next time I am bringing in some dodgy gear through immigration I can sneeze with no mask and avoid inspection !
  4. Another batch of dodgy Chinese test kits ? Relabelled from covid to cannabis ?
  5. Thai PM’s failure to answer an interpellation in person irks opposition MPs Come on, give the guy a break, 'interpellation' is a long word and he may not have understood it.
  6. Pretty sure as a creditor I might object to any plan to not pay me but pay out for tickets not honoured first.
  7. Please someone tell the PM that this lot are not real and to spend the money on the people and not waste it on a mad Thai space program !
  8. I wonder who else the girl was seeing ?
  9. Guess they'll be giving out quotes for tarmacking drives and doing the roof tiling soon
  10. Think 'Mong' is demented in thinking people should not have to face up to making good on their failures as drivers. - maybe he has a lot of tickets ?
  11. Seems the government in Thailand have about the same idiotic idea of lots of free money not leading to inflation as the US !
  12. Thai CANNOT handle alcohol - what on earth makes the 'reasonable' smokers of weed on here think they can handle weed.
  13. You know something's wrong with the Thai justice system when the fine is less than the hospital bill. Owners should be forced to take out dog insurance to cover attacks by their animals. In this case I'd like to see the family take this person for everything they own and refuse to pay the hospital bill until it was funded by the owner.
  14. 40 years to pay back student loans ? Imagine being unable to retire due to student loans !
  15. I dunno, with a new Mr Doughnut or McD next door those waistlines can dramatically change in 6 months
  16. Well, I vote the mayor becomes responsible for the debt and sells his house rather than use more public money ! To ensure that the municipality can continue to meet its financial obligations, the mayor says he has sought permission from the provincial governor to draw on a reserve fund.
  17. Seriously ? Making 1 baht on every 40 baht ? Some serious fiddling there I think According to the Department of Business Development, the company made one million baht profit from 39 million in revenue in 2019, 1.78 million from 43.76 million revenue in 2020 and 1.26 million baht profit from 45.62 million baht revenue in 2021.
  18. Yes, beggars the questions about what happened to the signage for Alcohol not being sold at the school also.
  19. Heavens. The amount of Thais running around with illegal guns and they train for a tourist with a gun ? The amount of gun crime by foreign tourists is probably less than 99.999% of Thais. Pure xenophobia
  20. tipped 5k in a few days ? What do they say about a fool and his money ?
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