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Posts posted by TommyUK1960

  1. I did similar thing back in 2009. I sorted some money for my then girlfriend to buy land, Then built a house on it all in girlfriends name. I was just happy with the arrangement that we had at that time. Then in 2015 she asked me to may her. We got married and that sort of helps with the legal side if anything was to happen to her. Anyway we sold up in 2017 and moved to South Wales (UK) and she loves it. Got her own little on line business going and always looking for opportunities.

    So it is possible it can work as long as you have a good relationship with your Thai Girl, The only issues are the Thai family and you have to sort that out from day one. I always said I would take care of my wife but made it clear I am not ATM for the family.

    • Like 1
  2. I was chatting to an old guy in the pharmacy and I asked what's them marks on your wrists? He told me he had been in hospital handcuffed to the bed until his bill had been paid.

    These hospitals will go to any lengths to get the money.

    • Haha 2
  3. Considering the establishment wanted a remain vote and lost, they put remainer Theresa May in to deliver a Brexit in name but as much as possible to keep us tide up with the corrupt EU. The people of control being the House of Lords and many politicians will make sure a deal is done. So my money is on a deal being achieved and the pound bouncing back. I personally would like to see us leave with no deal.

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  4. Reading through TV comments, It seems to me many people on here are out of touch what is going on in Europe.

    Brexit is the best thing that has happened. It's going to be a bumpy road for a bit but Britain will thrive out of the shekels of the dictatorship EU.  

    Idiots saying the UK is becoming isolationist are totally out of touch. It's a big world and Britain has many markets to trade with also making our  own trade deals. something the EU is not very good at.

    Marine Le Pen will not win in France because the EU will do all the dirty tricks in the book to make sure she loses. (Marine Le Pen win means the distruction of the EU)

    But that just might be the worst thing for France because civil unrest will increase.


    I voted OUT. No regrets Best for my Kids and Grand kids.

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