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Posts posted by TommyUK1960

  1. The bet I want to lose. I put my bet that we would be staying in the corrupt EU dictatorship as soon as Cameron announced the referendum.

    You just have to look at the bigger picture. Voters to stay in come from the likes of Ex-Pats in Europe, The British youth, Companies enjoying cheap East European Labour, People believing the scare stories and media propaganda (Don't forget the BBC and Sky get funding from Brussels). Then to make sure we stay in the vote rigging.

    I have made sure I can vote and I will be voting to leave. I can hope.

  2. The pictures they always get of these migrants always have children when in reality most are just young fit muslim men coming to milk the Western welfare state. As Donald Trump said "Until we can work out what the hell is going on, All Muslims must be blocked for national security". It's time Germany made Merkel pay the price for her incompetency. She is responsible for the Welcome signs that encourage these people to Europe. Never asked the people. Yet we end up paying for this mess.

  3. GMM Z Pay TV

    Unable to load up the credit on GMM Z Pay TV. 7-11 Say it's been taken off their system.

    Can't make payment also call centre not answering phone.

    Does anyone have any info? Have they closed down?

    If they have closed, What's the next best TV option for farlang channels?

  4. Sanders has labelled himself that way, socialist, so that's the deal breaker aside from the other stuff.

    Of course all candidates support some socialist style programs, even the republicans.

    That's not the point.

    The U.S. is still not Europe. Like it or not.

    America hopefully will never be like the failed states of Europe. See the muppets running the show in the EU. That's why I hope the American people make Donald trump the next president.

  5. It’s tempting to blame the cops or the drivers themselves, but all of those drivers just work for the guys who own the vans- and set the rules. Toss one of the drivers in jail and there will be 10 kamikaze drivers standing in line to take his place. Same if you fine a driver enough that he just quits- plenty more where he came from.

    Nothing is going to change until it gets too expensive for the van line owners to allow unsafe driving to get there faster and overfull if possible.

    Impound the vans, take away their operating permits and put just one of the van lines out of business as an example to all of them, and see how quickly they get GPS and inertial driving monitors and put the fear of God into their drivers if they’re the reason the company loses their vans and their operating license- if only to protect their investment and their cash machine.

    Best response yet. It's a shame the Thai government don't get to see these responses and maybe they would do something like this.

    Same should be to children driving motorbikes. Put the bike in the crusher.

  6. AXA. Can be slightly more pricy but the service is good. Just make sure you take the correct policy for your needs and not the cheapest.

    For me and the wife we have the more expensive policy as it covers world wide and full costs for the expensive stuff like cancer.

    I also like private room if I'm taken ill.

    I'm 56 and wife is 31.

    AXA is the insurance company behind A+.

    Don't read that way on my policy

  7. To an outsider. Donald Trump looks a dam site better option than that lying toe rag Hillary Clinton. I wish we had someone as good as Trump in the UK. He's not controlled by any corporations as he's self financing, He hates the oppressive Political correct idiots, He' can handle hostile media, He wants to look after war vets,

    He's not an angle but he is the best option for America. Obama has been a complete disgrace.

    Yes, he's definitely no angle. But that's the question, isn't it, what's his angle? I think RATINGS.

    BTW, Obama ain't running this time.

    Trump is a masterful demagogue in the tradition of historic and dangerous fascists.

    It's hard to know what HE thinks exactly, but he's a master at attracting some very unsavory American political elements to his cause, including rabid racists. I think he's playing with fire and the republican party is playing with fire. Hopefully the republican party gets burned rather than the country and world with a President Trump.

    When I say it's hard to know what he really thinks, he's a man who used to be to the LEFT of Obama on nationalized health care. So maybe he still believes that in his heart. In any case, I don't understand why he is running, but I am not buying the make American great again angle. He's got an angle, alright, but what is it except perhaps an EGO the size of the Atlantic ocean.

    I should have put "Angel not Angle" Auto spell check messed it up;

    Obama is a failed president and a disgrace for America. Has no leadership qualities very much like UKs David Cameron, Hopefully America will get someone in power next time who can do the best for America like getting jobs back from China. Better negotiation skills in like not giving Billions of dollars to Iran in return for nothing. I love the fact he hates the political correctness oppression (PC has gone crazy).

    I hope America makes the right choice for the future as it also affects the World.

  8. To an outsider. Donald Trump looks a dam site better option than that lying toe rag Hillary Clinton. I wish we had someone as good as Trump in the UK. He's not controlled by any corporations as he's self financing, He hates the oppressive Political correct idiots, He' can handle hostile media, He wants to look after war vets,

    He's not an angle but he is the best option for America. Obama has been a complete disgrace.

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