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Posts posted by TommyUK1960

  1. As for the speed test to Europe or the USA you are always going to get slowed down due to the gateway.

    Not sure AIS have good coverage like TRUE

    AIS don't work on wife's family farm in Seka

    AIS do offer 14G for good price and if your in Bangkok or Pattaya is probably better

    I was just shocked that back in the UK we don't have it this good for the price.

  2. My land line internet was out from heavy rain and thunderstorms, So I decided to get True 4G Pocket Wifi.

    Its absolutely amazing, Cost 1990 baht for the 4G Pocket wifi then 49 baht for sim card and 800+baht for 12Gig of high speed internet.

    Got home, Logged on and first thing I did was a speed test, Showed an amazing 20+meg of down load speed

    I live in the countryside and this is just so reliable.

    Used it in the car around Pattaya and sometimes getting 50+meg of speed

    Can run upto ten items.

    The True rep said it works all over Thailand.


  3. The attitude of these mini bus kamikaze drivers, He probably caused the trouble. It would be nice if the government did something about their aggressive driving and no respect for safety of fare paying passengers.

  4. Can't wait to see him as President. Lot of British politicians are going to have to suck up to him.

    As for those who think he will be assassinated, People said that about Obama. I think Donald Trump is to smart for that.

    Anyway your First lady will be the hottest one ever in the whitehouse.

    Remember your other choice is to put Criminal Hillary in Charge. She has death on her hands.

  5. The Briexit needs to be more to win the Leave vote . So many issues where the EU is failing the people big time and they are not pushing the message.

    I already have my bet on that the Stay in the EU dictatorship will be the end result because Brussels has the money to throw at it to make sure the UK don't leave. I seriously want to lose this bet but I can see the corruption that is taking place.

    If the UK leave and withdraw funding the EU collapses as other countries will also leave.

    If you truly believe in democracy you will vote to leave.

  6. Trump will be the next President. Donald Trump would not be in the race unless he can win it. At least he has American interest at heart. He is not a career politician he is a business man who can repair a lot of what's wrong with America. The elites are scared to death of him because they can't control him, Donald Trump is Street smart and those who think someone will try to do a Kennedy on him, It's not going to happen. His policies in most case's make a whole lot of sense. As regards the Muslim issue, Just take a look at Europe and see the problems we have with them. We have them walking around in England establishing Muslim areas, Check it out on Youtube.

    I love the fact he's so anti-PC. All political correctness is oppression of free speech.

    Obama has been a complete disgrace for America and Hillary has proven to be untrustworthy.

  7. I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

    The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

    I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

    I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

    I am not worried. The EU has failed the European people and it will be forced to make massive changes or call it a day and END.

    People of Germany are sick and Tired of Merkels incompetent handling of the Muslim invaders.

    Austria have Far Right wing political party that are winning, Same in France Marine le pen is gaining ground.

    Brussels controlling political power by total control of the media is going to fail. because the Truth will get out.

    EU is a dictatorship. EU puts European people last and uses and abuses them.

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's puts Merkel right. This guy should be running the EU

    So you want to go back to prewar times? Count me out....

    Your Out

  8. I will be Voting to leave the EU. I don't believe for one minute the powers that be are going to let us leave. I have a bet on that the UK will be staying in the EU, this is a bet I want to lose.

    Brussels can see if we are allowed to leave it will be the start of the end. More countries will follow.

    As for the value of the Pound it could lose some value but I see it gaining in the long run as EU becomes more unstable.

    If Brussels manages to fudge the referendum vote and we stay I, I want to see Merkel removed completely.

    I want to see the EU move towards putting European people first.

    End to the White genocide.

  9. I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

    The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

    I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

    I could think or one or two member states that would be "happy" to take over your share. I do not think that Brussels is too worried about the British contributions. Mainly Germany and France will simply step in. What else could we do?

    I am not worried. The EU has failed the European people and it will be forced to make massive changes or call it a day and END.

    People of Germany are sick and Tired of Merkels incompetent handling of the Muslim invaders.

    Austria have Far Right wing political party that are winning, Same in France Marine le pen is gaining ground.

    Brussels controlling political power by total control of the media is going to fail. because the Truth will get out.

    EU is a dictatorship. EU puts European people last and uses and abuses them.

    Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's puts Merkel right. This guy should be running the EU

  10. I've got to the stage where I don't care what the UK does as long as my private pension company keeps on paying me.

    The UK will be forced to stay in the EU as Brussels has now where else to scrounge the money from.

    I personally believe the only way out is when people take to the streets and start fighting. Note sure the British youth is up to that.

  11. Been in Thailand 9 years and I am working on a plan of exit. Reason. Its just to hot for English Farlang. Looking at some country with slightly cooler climate where me and my lovely Thai wife can be happy.

    Enjoyed my stay in Thailand,

  12. Fantastic.

    Cats are just killing machines and slaughter, the native fauna such as skinks, lizards, frogs, harmless snakes, toads and any unwary birds. When a cat moves in, the animals I see in my garden declines.

    Good to see native fauna win one, for a change.

    it unfortunate that they cant kill dogs

    Only the barking yappy dogs I would like to see Mr snake eat and maybe their owners to.

  13. So the EU give subsidies to China Steel industry, We pay our daily contributions of 55+million a day to the corrupt dictatorship of the EU, Then the EU makes it impossible for us to make Steel at a competitive price because of all the stupid red tape they make us live by. So we lose our steel industry. How is the EU any good for it's European citizens. It's a failed project and needs to end immediately.

  14. As most Ex-pats are over the 50ish mark. They have in most cases had some medical condition. So that condition is excluded when applying for health Insurance.

    The other issue is Coverage is very poor. If you think 3 mil is enough. It don't take long for hospital to use all that up.

    I don't do Thai insurance as they seem to me to be Rob dogs.

  15. I live in Thailand to get away from the politically correct rubbish of the West,

    As regards Thai's there are good and bad all over.

    As regards Western ex0pats its the same you will find some racist and maybe they have reason to be and some not.

    Russians and Chinese can be very racist and then I have met some that are not.

    People all the world over will have opinions of other people, Some good, some bad.

    As for me, I just don't like religious people especially Muslims

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