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  1. Yes. And some are very loud, especially when they are in groups.
  2. Maybe my expectations are too high. I have had a Pink ID card since 20 years (the number of which probably also serves as my tax number) and have always reported the same home address every 3 months since 20 years. If the Thai tax authorities want something from me, they should take the trouble to inform me accordingly. It can't be that hard.
  3. What is that? An advertisement for a tax consulting office? If a tax authority wants something from me, they should write to me with an official letter and send me the forms. As long as nothing comes to me through official channels, I won't do anything. In my case, I already know that I don't have to pay income tax in Thailand. This saves me and the tax office unnecessary time and effort in filling out their forms. And Why should a pig voluntarily go to the slaughterhouse and ask stupid questions?
  4. What and how much is on a hospital bill in Thailand is a predominantly unregulated market. If you don't have a Thai health insurance (which usually has a cost/service agreement with certain hospitals) you are at the mercy of these hyenas. Unless you are a seriously injured accident victim, you should obtain price comparisons and written cost estimates before seeking medical help. The cost differences can be up to 1000% for an identical medical service. Thai hospital costs are not anymore about the medical ethos, but just about getting the maximum money out of a patient, especially if you are a supposedly rich foreigner.
  5. It's a shame that there is no information about data security and data storage duration in the article. Unfortunately, the sensitive handling of personal data is quite underdeveloped here.
  6. I also wonder how they got their work permits. In Bangkok in the MBK shopping center on the ground floor, almost all of the sellers in the handbag, shoe and clothing stores who sell the counterfeit branded goods are 100% non-Thai. The same applies on the 4th floor with all the little cell phone sellers' shops.
  7. Unfortunately, it is common practice in Thailand that many civil servants wanted an extra payment for their services, which goes straight into there own pockets.
  8. The zero dollar tours bring almost no tax revenue for the Thai state nor any relevant sales for the domestic Thai tourism businesses. The trips are booked in China and fully paid there. Hotel rooms, restaurant visits, bus transfers and shopping stops are only booked in Chinese-controlled companies. From an accounting perspective, it is now possible for the service invoices from Chinese-controlled companies to only be issued in the amount of the actual costs, so that no taxable profits arise within Thailand. The profits then remain entirely in China. With this type of mass tourism, Thailand only loses because the infrastructure has to be paid for and a lot of nature get destroyed. The Thai Tourism Authority must learn that simply increasing the number of visitors does not necessarily lead to higher revenues if all the direct and indirect costs to the Thai ecosystem are taken into account.
  9. Thailand is not even able to organize its state lottery with uniform ticket prices. On the other hand, the serious and responsible operation of a casino under state control is much more complex. I doubt that the profits of a state casino will really benefit the general public. There will be only a few VIPs who like to fill their own pockets.
  10. I feel sorry for her. What does she earn as a small massage employee? 300-500 baht a day? The police probably couldn't catch an even smaller fish. In the past the police would have turned a blind eye. Live and let live. Now hit on the smallest and poorest for the big photo PR and the hall of fame.🤮
  11. Later you can find them in the 10 Baht shops.
  12. If I have cash in my wallet, it is my property. If I buy something with cash it is just a transaction between the seller and me. However, with cashless payments, a bank stands between me and the seller. Ultimately, due to the system, I can lose control over my money. Be it due to a power/internet outage or a government order to block or freeze my bank account. Whoever has control over the allocation and use of money has absolute power. Anyone who believes that the gradual abolition of cash by governments and banks is for the benefit of the population should think again. The governments and banks are only interested in gaining complete control over the private wealth of the population. The final stage will then be a new form of modern slavery.
  13. Corruption everywhere you look. Even with safety-relevant systems, officials sometimes turn a blind eye for extra money. What is the reason why the bus inspections can only be carried out from January to June. That's incomprehensible to me.
  14. 100kg poorly packaged. The sniffer dogs must have been wagging their tails in excitement miles before the plane landed.
  15. Corruption and scammers everywhere you look. Unfortunately, it is common practice in Thailand that you can use “money under the table payments” to buy some shortcuts or relief in the official legal system.

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