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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. He has Thai family and may have lived here for a long time. Might have a work permit and pay taxes here. Has perhaps been annoyed by some injustices, xenophobia or obvious corruption for a long time. Maybe he has nothing left to lose and doesn't care if he gets kicked out of the country or not. He has expressed his opinions peacefully and has not committed any crime legally. I think he knew in advance that his action might have consequences. The way to live problem-free in Thailand is to blend in, have a low profile, pay your bills and be compliant. Appropriate cowardice is rewarded in Thailand as long as you have money. Many foreigners here have also had a toad or two to eat. For some, the anger then breaks out openly, others eat it up and get stomach ulcers.
  2. A money printing machine for few, certain people with the right connections.
  3. A planning error? Not enough transport capacity provided for the entourage? Planning is the mental anticipation of future action. This ability is lacking here in one place or another.
  4. First the military putsch. Repeals the current constitution, which actually stipulated the death penalty for coup plotters. Then the putschists write a new constitution that retrospectively provides impunity for the putschists. The new constitution applies retrospectively. For Payuts 8 years as a PM but suddenly not? The CC now decides between the well-being of an individual man and the constitution that should apply to all people equal. It is sad to see how the rulers of Thailand have treated their constitutions in the past and currently.
  5. Unfortunately, the problems already begin with the correct determination of the tourism figures. It's all so incredibly superficial, unspecific and independent of the target groups. So far top 1-4: around 600,000 Malaysian visitors (mostly pure day tourists) around 430,000 Indian visitors (certainly not all millionaires) around 300,000 Laotian visitors (many of them looking for a job in Thailand) around 200,000 Singapore visitors (more typical short-term tourists). Also, for example, expats with a Thai family, pensioners, medical tourists, business travelers, etc. are not recorded properly. Whoever crosses the Thai border is mercilessly counted as a tourist. So at the end of the year you come up with great numbers that ultimately say nothing and are also not suitable for planning and measuring success. In the end remains only a glass ball of data scrap.
  6. The problem Thailand's tourism suffers from is the incompetence of the country's leaders and the heads of the various institutions. The lack of realistic goals, sensible planning, clearly defined measures, concerted coordination and communication is catastrophic. For the exogenous factors like the Russian war, China's Zero C19 policy, fuel costs, etc Thailand can't do anything. But for all endogenous factors yes. And these are handled super badly.
  7. Guess there is a difference between a red notice and an arrest warrant. An arrest warrant has probably never been issued.
  8. Went to MBK Bangkok recently. There are many of handbags and T-Shirt shops full of counterfeit branded products.
  9. It should also be worth checking all the corruption cases he has worked on in the past. He must have gotten the 658 million for treating one or the other case "benevolently".
  10. What is this nonsense again? If the parliament has to be dissolved here and now, for whatever reason (vote of no confidence, no majority for the PM? etc.), then can there never be new elections in Thailand because the parliament was dissolved?
  11. That Prayut was the country's leader for full 8 years is clear to almost every normal Thai. If the CC decides otherwise, I believe there will be protests that can quickly become large. The last major survey with over 300,000 respondents showed that over 93% want, that Prayut disappear from the PM office now.
  12. Intentional, most serious theft of taxpayers' money with constant repetition and abuse of a position of trust in the office. It's best to lock him up immediately. No bail. 658 million are an acute danger of absconding. Verdict: Comparable to multiple bank robberies. Prison Maximum penalty for multiple and premeditated theft. Confiscation of all stolen funds. But as I know Thailand, such official criminals are treated with kid gloves.
  13. No one knows exactly how the tourists' expenses are calculated here. For example, if a total of 500,000+ day or weekend tourists have come since Malaysia opened its border, the statistical average of tourist spending as a whole will be lower. The bare division: expenses/tourists= average expenses per tourist, is simply far too undifferentiated and not suitable for making well-founded decisions.
  14. Same in Bangkok's MBK. Mostly copied fashion items such as handbags, shoes, clothes, sunglasses, etc
  15. Thailand’s household debt is expected to be around 90% of the gross domestic product (GDP) or 14.97 trillion Baht, the highest in 16-year of record and world’s 11th highest, by the end of 2022. That is the result of a totally failed goverment policy. Where wealth is growing for the few who are at the top of the income pyramid and where the masses always get little, while at the same time private and state debt are rapidly increasing.
  16. His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has graciously given a Royal Command for the appointment of General Prayut Chan-ocha as the 29th Prime Minister of Thailand, as countersigned by the President of the National Legislative Assembly Pornpetch Wichitcholachai. General Prayut received the Royal Command in a ceremony held on 25 August 2014 at the Army Headquarters in Bangkok. Prayut has had his 8 years as a PM. Simple as it is.
  17. If six deputy prime ministers are not ready to act as the prime minister, any other minister can take over the acting role including Gen Prayut.... Wissanu seems to dig very deep into his bag of tricks and really scrape the bottom of the barrel as how he and his cronies can still circumvent the constitution. The attitude towards constitutional law that emerges is frightening. The well-being of the country and its population is completely irrelevant, the only important thing is how he and his clique can maintain access to power and taxpayers' money. No matter what dirty tricks must to be used.
  18. Mr. Watchman, 77 years old, is now the caretaker PM. I don't expect any progress for the country.
  19. Good question. There were times when someone, whom we are not allowed to name here, would have put an end to this government's spasm long time ago.
  20. Months? Ridiculous. It took 2-3 months to write the entire new 2017 constitution with its hundreds of paragraphs. And now the CC also needs months to interpret a single paragraph? This is public deception.
  21. In a poll, over 93% of respondents (sample over 300,000!) want Prayut to go after 8 years as the country's leader. The constitution clearly limits the term of office of the national leader to 8 years. 51 scholars and professors from 15 leading law universities confirm that Prayut's term ends on August 24. The constitutional court finally accepted the petition 2 days before the end of the term of office, although a petition on the same question had already been submitted 2 weeks earlier. Now Prayut will remain seated and officially wait for the decision of the constitutional court, which, as already indicated, can take months, although the case is relatively simple, was predictable for a long time and has already been answered by the 51 legal scholars. It is clear who is trampling on the will of the people, the rule of law and the democratic process. Disgusting.
  22. The democratic processes don't seem to be working properly anymore because some institutions that should be independent are no longer fully independent and are no doing their actual job of ensuring the democratic processes.
  23. This kindergarten-like tendency to dictate adults how they have to live their life is annoying. Younger tourists in particular come to Thailand for the beach and party. If it pays for discotheque-, nightclub- and bar owners to stay open longer and there is a demand for it, why shouldn't they be legally allowed to stay open longer? The justification that when the opening time is extended from 2am to 4am there is suddenly an explosion of more drunken tourists driving around, is far-fetched. I claim the exact opposite will happening. If the police can no longer collect bribes from bar owners for illegally extending opening hours, the police officers have to carry out more traffic checks, in order to get some pocket money again.
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